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  1. unapologetic

    The Race For 2024

    It is still the same assho... Er, the same Rump. He is gonna try again. He needs to pay for the last attempt. Spend, say, the next four years in a cell. Not the white house.
  2. unapologetic

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    Er, OK I overstated "no ancillary crime". But there is less than when banned. Even tobacco has smugglers. Because of the high taxes in some states. But I doubt anyone is being killed over it. Which is what I'm saying. Prohibition looses that kind of control. As it currently does with drugs...
  3. unapologetic

    The Race For 2024

    Rumps self-centered lust for power is not a minor issue. It was actually Rump who tried to steal the last election, while accusing the opposition. That is a MAJOR issue fake_electors_plot google fake electors plot
  4. unapologetic

    Caption Contest

    Out of contest (for response time reasons)
  5. unapologetic

    Russian scientists created cure for cancer (all types/kinds of it)

    What is the definition of 'cancer'? As I understand it, 'cell growth out of control'. That simple. Caused by anything. Sometimes chemicals, radiation, sunlight, whatever. Not virus (or maybe sometimes it is, IDK) If they claim to cure all cancers, that is a red flag of BS.
  6. unapologetic

    Police Misconduct Catch All Thread

    If you chase me, I'm gonna run. Especially if I'm innocent. Being chased is more of a threat to me than mere arrest, cus I know I didn't do anything to be arrested for. So yes, even innocents run. A few months ago, a cop came into my apartment without knocking. I live in a small town. There are...
  7. unapologetic

    The Race For 2024

    ROFL. Are you seriously trying to claim you aren't a fan of Faux Noise? OK I'll play along with your denial. Faux Noise Fox News (unfair, unbalanced, spin zone, no news, all opinion all the time) See, you ARE a Faux watcher. 'Democrats are pure evil' This idea was unknown till Faux came...
  8. unapologetic

    Renting one's Clothes

    People have been 'renting' clothes on Ebay for over 15 years. For FREE. The ridiculous returns policy makes it possible. They 'buy' expensive duds, Wear them to the 'event', then they have a month to return them, no questions asked, for a full refund, including postage. The seller gets stuck...
  9. unapologetic

    The Race For 2024

    Oops, Sorry. No offence meant.
  10. unapologetic

    Russian scientists created cure for cancer (all types/kinds of it)

    Russian researchers get all the funding they need /s The Russian space program survives only because we contract out some of our needs to them. I doubt their cancer team is doing any better. ... especially Trump.
  11. unapologetic

    Police Misconduct Catch All Thread

    Am I wrong to assume that most police officers come from rough neighborhoods like the ones they patrol?
  12. unapologetic

    The Race For 2024

    It is driven by Rupert Murdoch and Faux news.
  13. unapologetic

    The Race For 2024

    I think it did, but unfortunately it gave congress the authority to decide who is unfit It was a distraction for Rump supported Governers to send fake electors to the electoral count. The Faux Noise channel, owned and operated by an anti-American Australian, is doing everything it can to...
  14. unapologetic

    Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

    "American Society of Magical Negroes" I saw the trailer on IMDB. Looks good, Looks like fun I want to see it. But not in public. I think it will make me uncomfortable. Which is OK in private. I have a black friend who I have seen a lot of Sci-Fi movies with. And discuss Marvel movies with. But...
  15. unapologetic

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    No one disputes that. With full prohibition we have lost control of the so called 'controlled substances'. Just like we did with alcohol. The economics of 'contraband' has passed control to the greedy and unscrupulous. If drugs were decriminalized, and controlled by the Medical Profession...
  16. unapologetic

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    No one actually HAS a billion dollars. They have a billion dollars worth of businesses and investments. Otherwise it gets taxed away. The tax breaks are for keeping the money circulating. I'm not saying it's actually fair or noble. I'm saying their greed is harnessed.
  17. unapologetic

    Burying and Removing Urban Freeways

    Since posting that I have learned they are called 'curb extensions'. The city bus stops are at corners. The busses used to pull over to the curb. Now they block traffic when they stop. :confused:
  18. unapologetic

    Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

    Dune: I hated the book. Disliked the old movie. Skipped this one.
  19. unapologetic

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    Consumers pay the tax at the pump, the companies get the subsidies. Totally logical. Here in PA our local power plant is steam powered. (it says here) The Susquehanna Steam Electric Station: the electricity is generated by steam. But we are a big coal producing state, So I can't speak for the...
  20. unapologetic

    The Race For 2024

    Receiving that would piss me off, and i'd vote against the candidate. (but i'm voting against Rump anyway.)
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