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  1. J

    Are there really infinite transcendental numbers?

    My response to the bullshit argument which you neither believe nor support:
  2. J

    Gender Roles

    What our culture is is "not monolithic". You are no more the arbiter of it than I am, and I am no less an arbiter of it than you are. When there are conflicts of culture, generally these conflicts come down to resolving who is violating compatibility unilaterally and telling them to stop that...
  3. J

    Ripping Open the Mysteries of gods

    Apologies, as much of your post fails to parse for me. Perhaps you may wish to attempt to rewrite it, unless this was your intent, or make a few attempts at metaphor/analogy/example per idea? I would rather say, whatever the system is "of" the human is a construction of that, and that the...
  4. J

    Are there really infinite transcendental numbers?

    Well, more it's not really a "set of all sets" from my understanding but a "set where all the basic operations of math are supported". By the inclusion of a "measured number" or whatever, which I assume may indicate something like The FSC assuming that's an infinitely extending number, it's not...
  5. J

    Gender Roles

    "If you'd like to share with" is no less a demand, however polite. Regardless, I did share the scientific argument. Woman is not a linguistic construct so much as a sociological one. Linguistic constricts would, to me, extend only to that which is handled in IL, and arbitrary categories are...
  6. J

    Just an interesting problem.

    It's a square and is making contact with two sides that come to a corner with the circle. The center of such a circle that is tangent to two adjacent sides of a square will always be on the diagonal that bisects that angle. The only time this is not going to be true is if the circle only...
  7. J

    Gender Roles

    Yes, this implies at least part of you does like soap flavored jelly beans, because like is not the inverse of hate. I could say "I hated when I was raped because I had no control and was under the influence, but I also liked it just a little bit because someone was paying attention to me...
  8. J

    Gender Roles

    And this is where we differ: I do not pretend my "like" and my "hate" are binary ends of the same scale. You seem to be particularly incapable of parsing that things YOU consider binary are not actually binary ends of the same scale. Your understanding is so simplistic on this point that it's...
  9. J

    Odd (or uncommon) food combinations you enjoy?

    Ffff yeah, oranges with cheese. It's my breakfast most days. Now I wish the break room also stocked cherry tomatoes.
  10. J

    The hush money indictment

    ...public awareness. I have consistently seen this bias across any article from the NYT that comes across my feed, and I am entirely unsurprised. *They will often have some writers get past the editors to hold up a more leftist stance, however this doesn't change the overall trend of leaning...
  11. J

    Gender Roles

    Emily, literally your only interests here seem to be to spit hate, and shit on the floor in discussions like this one. Yes, I feel TRAUMATIZED when I had to threaten someone with violence. The fact that you cannot parse this statement says a LOT about you, namely that you don't hate...
  12. J

    Gender Roles

    This is loud and clear as an accusation, and further, quite ironically, as a result of failing to understand not just subtext but just text in general. You quite loudly attribute beliefs to text where none is present here and then either you simply forgot about it or you lied like my brother...
  13. J

    Odd (or uncommon) food combinations you enjoy?

    Have you never had corn with Cajun seasoning? That plus the rich savoriness of bacon... I'm seriously thinking getting some seasoned corn Slim's and then frying up some bacon to eat with that. Maybe even frying it "dead", crushing it to powder, and powdering the seasoned corn with it.
  14. J

    Gender Roles

    Yes you did. You said that I wrote that I liked assaulting people. You used bold text. Either admit to it and apologize or feel even MORE embarrassed when I dig up the quote again where you did exactly that thing.
  15. J

    Just an interesting problem.

    So I'm just going to talk through this rather than doing the solution: find where x^2=x. So, 1. This gives the upper right vertex of the square. Then, the center of the circle is somewhere on the line y=-x+1 The circle itself is defined by (y-m)^2+(x-n)^2=r where m and n are coordinates on the...
  16. J

    The hush money indictment

    YES! He would be under investigation for his horrific handling of classified documents too. In the US, we actually go after people who commit crimes when they commit crimes, generally. I understand how this would be confusing to someone who lives where the only reason for government...
  17. J

    Icky Dump - Martyr for My DMs to You (a multiparody original song)

    Sounds like you're better off? I also feel like if I could trade genitals and get pregnant, I would save the world a lot of the consequence of my intention to "give birth to strange life by my hands, through an act of linguistic fuckery", on account of my inability to do it the normal way.
  18. J

    The problem of the Senate, Texas style

    It sounds like the christofascist approach to freedom of religion: everyone has the freedom to be a member of the Christian religion.
  19. J

    Odd (or uncommon) food combinations you enjoy?

    That actually sounds delicious. Maybe with Cajun seasoning on the corn...
  20. J

    Trump threatens to deport pro Palestinian protesters!

    We aren't really talking about visa holders, we are talking about citizens. Trump was talking about citizens Barbos. He was talking about making people stateless in response for political speech.
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