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  1. S

    Electoral-Vote dot com Peanut Gallery

    You forgot (6) she looks and acts a bit like Ivanka Trump. Or rather how Ivanka would act if she took time off from her multi-million dollar grifts to keep Daddy's scrotum well-lubricated. The cheap harlot Alina Habba went on FoxNews to tell us she finds it "odd that we have a President who...
  2. S

    Are there really infinite transcendental numbers?

    My memory was jogged. Here's the post you recall: IOW, Wiles did NOT rely on any exotic axiom. But Grothendieck assumes his "universal sets" so anyone who links to Grothendieck's work implicitly gets universal sets whether their proof needs them or not.
  3. S

    The hush money indictment

    Maybe Rachel Maddow said that. Maybe she didn't. But FoxNews?? Really? The "news" service notorious for misquoting, doctoring images, outright lying? Do you think we're going to click a FoxNews link to enjoy their lying? That barbos thinks FoxNews is a "news" source tells us much more...
  4. S

    The News in a Note

    I try to keep my proposals moderate lest detractors call me a Marxist and demand I turn in my Cabal of Centrists card. Anyway the imminent threat of fascist take-over still looms despite a New York jury's verdict and right now we must focus on that rather than tout progressive dreams. My clown...
  5. S

    The Race For 2024

    The dangers are very real. I'm re-attaching my recent post in hopes someone will bold-face it. What would happen if Mitt Romney, the Bush brothers, John Kasich and a few other top conservatives would step out of the woodwork? Step out and say voting for Biden had become mandatory? Romney has...
  6. S

    The Race For 2024

    There will certainly be a very wide variety of voter suppression: Purging rolls. One trick they've used in the past is common-name flagging: Several of the commonest surnames (e.g. Brown, Jackson) are mostly black. GOP sotware probably has exemptions for 'Smith' Delays. In the recent past...
  7. S

    We are overloading the planet: Now What?

    Mostly copied from www.verywellmind.com/how-to-recognize-a-malignant-narcissist-4164528 Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Belief that one is unique or special and should only associate with other people of the same status Constant need for attention, affirmation, and praise...
  8. S

    How many gods have humans invented and what purpose do they serve?

    There is more than one way to categorize religions (or "gods") and your approach is very different from mine. I started by identifying what I thought of as the two OLDEST types of religion: animism and ancestor worship (which developed into the early Neolithic religions). Beyond that I didn't...
  9. S

    Is Populism a threat to Democracy?

    The rural/urban divide is a major reason for U.S. political dysfunction. Even in bright-Red states like Nebraska and Indiana, the largest cities -- Omaha and Indianapolis -- vote Blue. Am I wrong that in a country like Germany nobody lives too far from a cosmopolitan center?
  10. S

    The Race For 2024

    Is there a rule that we should only respond to posts we disagree with? If we agree with a poster, must we wait until a third party diagrees, then disagree with him? Was " No" a typo for "Yes"? :cool: (You deleted the part of my quote that made it clear I was agreeing with you.)
  11. S

    Moved Live Trump Trial Updates

    Sure, most of us would love to see him spend a month in solitary. BUT that will inflame his base. The best hope for democracy is that many Trumplickers will feel apathetic enough to stay home on Election Day. But if they feel their mascot has been abused, they'll go pull his lever on Election...
  12. S

    Is Populism a threat to Democracy?

    It sounds almost like conspiracy theory to suggest that the GOP actively tries to keep the under-class uneducated and with poor cognitive skills. BUT, how else can one explain the persistent refusal of many GOP Congresscritters to provide adequate funding for Head Start? Head Start is a...
  13. S

    The Race For 2024

    These sites have changed the rules since 2020. Then it was just the electoral-vote counts predicted soon after the November election. They want to pay off winning tickets ASAP. (In the olden days, this was almost always soon after Election Day.) Betfair has expanded its rule, adding for...
  14. S

    How many gods have humans invented and what purpose do they serve?

    I think there are several disjoint types of religion or god. Has someone categorized them? The earliest (animist?) religions weren't antithetical to science: they were primitive attempts at science. Demons were invented to explain otherwise-inexplicable dangers. Friendly spirits were...
  15. S

    Moved Live Trump Trial Updates

    Does Trump even want to be acquitted? If convicted, he will NOT be sentenced to prison and any fine will be small compared to the hundreds of millions in judgements he's already liable for. This leaves only community service as a possible punishment, and Trump would try to turn such "service"...
  16. S

    Is Populism a threat to Democracy?

    Most of your complaints seem to apply to GOP policies, and NOT Democratic policies. (Let alone "the gummint" boogey-man.) Taxation policies are a big reason for rising inequality. Have you noticed a Red vs Blue divide on tax policies? Again: It is specifically the GOP which adopts policies...
  17. S

    Is Populism a threat to Democracy?

    Obviously I take the side of Loren Pechtel in this debate. But first, I wonder if "populism" has even been defined. "Populism" should not be viewed as a single political ideology; it's more of an approach to politics. Wow! I'm rather critical of U.S. governance myself, blaming the...
  18. S

    The Race For 2024

    You feel a compulsion to ANSWER.EVERY.SINGLE.SENTENCE even if only with an insult. Should I feel flattered? To mimic your compulsion, I'll answer this by pointing out there are TWO errors in this ONE sentence. No. What you DID rant about was the fact that prices have not come down. You...
  19. S

    The Race For 2024

    Am I? :confused: :confused2: In fact I would bet on a DIS-honest election, but the prediction markets have no tickets for sale on that outcome.
  20. S

    The Race For 2024

    ??? - Fascists control Florida where the document case logically belongs; and that Judge was appointed by the Fascist-in-Chief himself and is deliberately helping the Defendant. I'm glad the NYAG deviated from your advice to prosecute in a venue where Trump MIGHT be convicted.
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