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  1. R

    Another example of the depravity of MAGA that Trump brings out

    The native Americans were not cuckolded. They were simply slaughtered when they got in the way.
  2. R

    Another example of the depravity of MAGA that Trump brings out

    The liberal loving government bureaucracy told the single women our government will replace men (support etc) as long as they were loyal to the bureaucracy. Then add to that the liberal male idiots who brag about being compassionate never mind being cuckolded paying for everyone else's children...
  3. R

    Another example of the depravity of MAGA that Trump brings out

    A cucked conquered country would be far more honest and accurate. The Democrats don't know how to reproduce anymore so they willingly let others in who will get the job done for them.
  4. R

    Trump Will Likely Win

    I see Kamala winning unless there is some sort of major black swan event or major crash in the markets. People mostly vote with their pocketbooks and job prospects. And since voting has already begun while the markets are still up, I would bet on her. Trump screwed himself heavily with...
  5. R

    The Democrats are becoming the Republicans and the Republicans are becoming the Democrats

    Should have been more clear and wrote: "Ukraine and the US giving away tons of support to Israel who arguably can afford war better than the US right now." Israel debt to GDP is only 57% (a little high but acceptable), the US debt to GDP is 124% (which is horrible). The US should be on street...
  6. R

    The Democrats are becoming the Republicans and the Republicans are becoming the Democrats

    Sadly I don't think either party is a solution right now. But what I do know for sure is the Democrats courting the neocons for their success is a BIG mistake for America.
  7. R

    The Democrats are becoming the Republicans and the Republicans are becoming the Democrats

    Ukraine and giving away tons if support to Israel who arguably can afford war better than the US right now. [tags fixed by moderator]
  8. R

    The Democrats are becoming the Republicans and the Republicans are becoming the Democrats

    He won't. In fact, no one person can or will solve America's decline at this point. The best we might hope for is to not make our problems any worse than they are. To at least get out of the needless endless wars as a first step. To not double the deficit more trillions in the future. And...
  9. R

    The Democrats are becoming the Republicans and the Republicans are becoming the Democrats

    Cheney is voting Democrat now. He has Democrat values for the endless wars the Democrats stand for. So I ask again. I helped Cheney out with his retirement, would it not be the do gooder opportunity for the neocons and Democrats to help me out with my retirement? After all, social security...
  10. R

    The Democrats are becoming the Republicans and the Republicans are becoming the Democrats

    Who is joining up with Axulus et all with the Democrats now. Let me ask you and the Democrats this question. If I have to help Dick Cheney pay for Haliburton to be compassionate helping democracy in Iraq....how come the neocons don't have to help me pay my FICA tax for my social security...
  11. R

    The Democrats are becoming the Republicans and the Republicans are becoming the Democrats

    The The neocons are the group of The neocons have great compassion for others as long as their cause produces easy and convenient profits for themselves at great expense of others who are exploited. It is now the new Democrat cause. Look no further than Mit Romney, the complete screwing...
  12. R

    The Democrats are becoming the Republicans and the Republicans are becoming the Democrats

    The axis was in it for the spoils even if some of the Allies weren't.
  13. R

    The Democrats are becoming the Republicans and the Republicans are becoming the Democrats

    Yes, Trump was about as incompetent and any POTUS could get picking qualified people. Most of his staff did not even agree with his platform. He did at least fire a great number of them but they had already done a lot of damage. He was unprepared to become POTUS IMO because I do not believe...
  14. R

    The Democrats are becoming the Republicans and the Republicans are becoming the Democrats

    The US did not enter WWI nor WWII to take spoils. What are you going on about now? The US and Russia took all the best scientists to develope rocketry and the a bomb. Countries and territories were divided and renamed. The US dollar became the defacto reserve currency. Israel was...
  15. R

    The Democrats are becoming the Republicans and the Republicans are becoming the Democrats

    If it is such a good cause then let all the neocons donate their sons and daughters to do the protecting. And let them pay into a special democracy fund that is separate from my federal tax return. Then I will be for liberal democracy too just as you are.
  16. R

    The Democrats are becoming the Republicans and the Republicans are becoming the Democrats

    For all his other faults, Trump's record at peace is arguably at the same level as Jimmy Carter who won the nobel prize for peace. Far and above better than any other recent POTUS. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-first-president-since-jimmy-carter-not-enter-us-troops-new-conflict-1549037
  17. R

    The Democrats are becoming the Republicans and the Republicans are becoming the Democrats

    That is even all the much better for you neocons. Never ending wars for the military complex! At least WW1 and WW2 were about winning, taking spoils, and resetting nations again. They were wars according to our Constitution decided by our congress. You and the neocons just want the...
  18. R

    The Democrats are becoming the Republicans and the Republicans are becoming the Democrats

    I interpret Schumer attracting the moderate Republicans as being the neocons of the party who want project for the new american century. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_for_the_New_American_Century Neocons like the Cheney's, Bush jr., McCain, Romney, etc. They want the US to remake the...
  19. R

    The Democrats are becoming the Republicans and the Republicans are becoming the Democrats

    LBJ was a Democrat who simply continued and added to the liberal policies (great society) already started by Roosevelt.
  20. R

    The Democrats are becoming the Republicans and the Republicans are becoming the Democrats

    You mean the people who do the dirty hard labor jobs that keep what's left of the country running and producing real value. People like the truckers?
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