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  1. J

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    But he did sign the order for the raid that resulted in her death. Your claim that killing civilians without due process bothers you a lot would be a lot more credible if you weren't so nonchalant about it. Do you support Trump in this instance?
  2. J

    The Race For 2024

    There were idiots on his side who thought he gave instructions. There are also idiots against him who think he gave instructions. Idiots gonna idiot. Produce quotes if you want to convince me otherwise. I'm glad you are comfortable with war crimes, we're in for a lot more of them in the future.
  3. J

    Racism And Kamala Harris

    Who are the libberpublicans who complained? Give names.
  4. J

    Harris Trump debate

    So everything is a giant conspiracy? Are the Illuminati involved? Or is it Reptilians?
  5. J

    Harris Trump debate

    You know he is a horrible man, and you're hoping he has changed so that you can think of the endorsement in a good light. Dick Cheney is interested in war, bombs, killing, destruction, and defense industry profits. That's who he is. Saying he changed as he aged makes sense for someone going...
  6. J

    Harris Trump debate

    Who is this libberpublican you are referring to?
  7. J

    Harris Trump debate

    And you try to accuse me of not answering questions.
  8. J

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    If a US Solider was close enough to shoot her in a manner that could have had her been rescued, he was close enough to say "holy shit I just shot a 9 year old girl." And while that is bad enough, she was a US Citizen that Trump had ordered killed. A US Citizen. Doesn't the lack of due process...
  9. J

    Harris Trump debate

    Dick Cheney's decision to endorse Harris instead of Trump shows Cheney thinks Harris would drop more bombs than Trump would. It's as simple as that. If Dick Cheney endorsed someone I supported, it would make me lose support for that person. If I were running and Dick Cheney endorsed me, I...
  10. J

    Racism And Kamala Harris

    It is a self-evident analytic truth, but I will defend it anyway. It is also my brown lived experience, which your own philosophy says you aren't allowed to argue against. The Democratic Party is the party that says minorities cannot get ahead unless there are special government programs put...
  11. J

    Racism And Kamala Harris

    So you admit you are speaking gibberish. Congratulations. Under the premise "all words are made up", what warrants inclusion in a dictionary? Why is your word not there?
  12. J

    Harris Trump debate

    What's a "libberpublican"? I looked in my dictionary and didn't find it.
  13. J

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    The only person on this forum willing to address this. Still, from the wikipedia article: This wasn't a stray bullet, and she could have been saved.
  14. J

    Racism And Kamala Harris

    Now we're using made up words?
  15. J

    Racism And Kamala Harris

    Yes, and I also can support the assertion that the Pope is Catholic and the Sky is Blue.
  16. J

    Harris Trump debate

    I did watch it. Here's a summary. If you missed the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, this was pretty much the tone of it: Trump: She’s a communist. She’s literally a Marxist. Harris: Actually Goldman Sachs loves me. Trump: I saw her eat a cat. It was on the TV...
  17. J

    The Race For 2024

    I thought it was an accidental admission of the truth. I should have known better. He didn't incite the riot in the Capital. He told people to peacefully go home. He did not tell them to enter the Capital. He did not tell them to invade the Capital. He did not tell them to steal the...
  18. J

    Racism And Kamala Harris

    Let me rewrite my post then to make it easier to understand. The Democratic Party is generally the more racist party. Kamala Harris is a member of the Democratic Party. Therefore assuming racism in general is justified until shown otherwise.
  19. J

    Racism And Kamala Harris

    I need to support the claim that she's a Democrat? She's their nominee for Loki's sake!
  20. J

    The Lincoln Project’s Ads

    Instead White Supremacism was in such short supply that the Lincoln Project had to manufacture some out of Democratic Party operatives. Good choice for a source.
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