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  1. S

    Gender Roles

    It's about the brain Emily, not the other body parts. If you were really interested, you could do your own DD. I did find one very large study but in order to access it, one had to be a subscriber to that publication. I did find one that was larger than the other one, but since I'm not a...
  2. S

    Louisiana mandates 10 Commandments In Schools

    That worked for me and we were forced to read the Bible, even the most disgusting parts of the OT. When my father was in a bad mood, he would say, "Girls, go get your Bibles", Then he would read us one of the horrible stories in the OT while we sat fearfully around the dining room table. One of...
  3. S

    The Race For 2024

    A friend just sent us this quote: Loved it. Dems are their worst enemy. So Biden had a bad night. He just needs to admit that he's old and sometimes he screws up his words, but he doesn't want to be a dictator, he's not a pathological liar and he won't destroy democracy. Too bad they didn't...
  4. S

    Is a Hidden God the Same as No God?

    Isn't the concept of god mentioned in the OP, pretty much the same as Deism?
  5. S

    Gender Roles

    I have no intentions of getting involved in this flame throwing discussion, but I read, what I thought was an interesting article that included scientific evidence for transgenderism, social and cultural reasons for nonbinary id, along with the fact that a lot of today's teens seem to be...
  6. S

    16 Nobel Prize Winning Economists Warn Trump Will Ruin Economy

    I hope Rvonse will read the article I'm going to gift, as it goes into a lot of detail as to why Trump's idiotic tariff plan could easily lead us into a recession. I didn't read the entire thread, but I hope someone mentioned that Trump added far more to the deficit compared to Biden. Plus...
  7. S

    The Race For 2024

    I can't imagine anyone handling the stress, all the travel, meeting with all kinds of people, including other world leaders, dealing with crazy unjustified criticism, and ageism, as well as Biden does. No president is perfect. No president pleases everyone. In fact, nobody is happy with...
  8. S

    Remind me, which party is trying to defund law enforcement?

    I thought it was the Dems who were being accused of defunding the police but now I'm confused. /s Read the entire article if you wish, as I'm sharing it. I appears as if the Recon party can't accomplish anything but try to show what assholes they are by sucking up to Trump and the far right...
  9. S

    Local Weather

    You must live near Santa Monica, where all of the climate change refugees will probably head over the next few years. ;)
  10. S

    Local Weather

    It's only supposed to be 85 for the high tomorrow. Can't wait for that cool weather. :D And on Saturday, the high is only going to be 90, with a cloud coverage, so I'm hoping to be able to go to the Pride celebration at a local park, hosted by a gay member of our little Freethought group. But I...
  11. S

    Local Weather

    We've been between 5 and 10 degrees above average for June here about 40 miles South of ATL. In other words, it's fucking hot. Today it's supposed to be 98 F of course and yesterday was 97. it's dry. We've had very little rain in the past week or two. The air quality is usually good, but when we...
  12. S

    16 Nobel Prize Winning Economists Warn Trump Will Ruin Economy

    I think you're right. The Times does interviews with independents and "double haters" and asks them each about 10 questions. Their answers just show their ignorance in most cases, although the most recent group were thinking about voting for Worm Brain and almost every one of them said they...
  13. S

    Police Misconduct Catch All Thread

    My point was that people seemed to be overly concerned about the shootings while ignoring the other things the police do, based on the content of the posts. The shootings are awful, imo, but I think a large part of the problem is that we have so many guns in this country, which sadly sometimes...
  14. S

    Police Misconduct Catch All Thread

    Here's another example of police misconduct regarding sexually assaulting teens. https://wapo.st/3Vn3lLg Why do so few of you seem concerned about this, when it's done out of pure malice and most of the time the police officer gets away with it, or only receives a shorts sentence. I get that...
  15. S

    Police Misconduct Catch All Thread

    It wan't meant as a dig. Sorry you took it that way. I felt as if the other posters didn't understand exactly what you meant, which is why I said, regardless of what you thought. Sometimes what people write in their posts isn't clearly understood. It appeared that that was the case, and...
  16. S

    Police Misconduct Catch All Thread

    I'm sharing another article, if anyone is interested, that explains how the Post investigated this type of misconduct by the police. These are rather long, detailed articles, but it does make you wonder what kind of people are being hired in law enforcement and why so many aren't even brought to...
  17. S

    Police Misconduct Catch All Thread

    Regardless of what Loren thinks, shouldn't we all be outraged and disgusted that so many police have abused children and women? Shooting innocent people by the police is one terrible problem, but in I think this is even worse, as these police didn't shoot someone out of fear or a...
  18. S

    Police Misconduct Catch All Thread

    I challenge you to read the the entire article I'm about to share from WaPo. It's not about police shooting an unarmed person. It's about a large number of police from many different parts of the country, raping, molesting and sexually abusing in other ways, children and teens. I might add some...
  19. S

    The Race For 2024

    Actually, he probably promised to pay for them, but then didn't give the women the money he promised them. :)
  20. S

    White People Think Black People Are Magical

    Now, y'all are making me think of the sheriff in Mel Brooks, greatest hit, imo, "Blazing Saddles". The Black sheriff saves the town from a bunch of criminals who want to destroy it for their own greedy purposes. The cool, smart Black sheriff played by Cleavon Little makes the racists look like...
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