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  1. J

    Deism, an intellectually serious position in previous centuries, now must reject scientific explanations

    Incompleteness is not itself a limit of validity, only a limit of being able to positively declare "such is all". Systems have structure. If they didn't we could lt build a system with a particular structure such that it exhibited a consistent behavior, and computer science wouldn't be a thing...
  2. J

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    Let me ask a question: let's assume you have a conveyer belt. This belt has a "left side" and a "right side". Perhaps if you have played Factorio, this will be more apparent, but this is not necessary. Let's say there is a wall, a physical insulator between the sides. Things push onto the belt...
  3. J

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    This isn't a "social" reality. The point is that regardless of where you draw the line, "those are over there"; "these are over here". Relativity is as real a property of nature as locality.
  4. J

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    The relatively local group that is at a location. Are you forgetting that locality is still a thing? The border being arbitrarily declared makes it no less a real thing at a real place defined by a real declaration. This border is defined, specifically, by a particular will. Again back to...
  5. J

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    I wouldn't say the "answers to" is a sensible concept. I don't answer to my past, even if the things of the past made me as I am. We are incapable of being absolutely inviolate in our agency? So what? We are capable of maintaining agency to a fairly high degree, far more so than the rock, to...
  6. J

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    Agency in a result is computation towards that result. All computers are agents because all interactive participation is agency, and computation is interactive participation. I literally create agents all day every day to exercise a specific shape of agency towards some outcome. I am an agent...
  7. J

    Gender Roles

    It was clear and apparent that the original arguments were not rooted in reality. Case study NEVER is towards such arguments. Such case study bases are facially invalid.
  8. J

    Anything you could desire and simulations

    Because I spent my whole life trying to understand what emotions are, studying not just LLMs but all sorts of different formats of artificial neural networks. Spent months even after I graduated doing an experiment to extract a sentiment analysis, a primitive incomplete vector representation...
  9. J

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    That's like saying computation doesn't happen... There is a conversation, an exchange of phenomena that can reasonably only come from some manner of complex particle types existing on the distant system, a grand and subtle exchanging of information causing change of states. You are not in the...
  10. J

    Gender Roles

    No, I said "rooted in reality". That's what we're discussing here, when something is rooted in reality, rather than some make believe image of it. It's actually a remarkably high bar. Arguments on simple case study are not "rooted in reality", they are unmoored from the reality of prevalence...
  11. J

    Gender Roles

    I think, rather, that "eye" -- like "woman" or "male" -- is a proximal concept (and also a cluster concept). Is the electric eye of phone an "eye"? Seeing as it was assembled, which parts of the assembly must be just-so before it becomes an "eye"? Were I to begin assembling cells together, what...
  12. J

    Gender Roles

    My point is that those fears weren't rooted in reality, they were rooted in a false perception of reality: there were as many or more cases of white men raping black women! Case study doesn't produce trend and I find it ridiculous to believe that any apparent trend was a function of race so much...
  13. J

    Gender Roles

    ...usage: "they" will be understood by whoever I say it to, in the way that I say it, outside the desire to be willfully obtuse as to the intent*. The exception here seems to be that I won't be able to be understood in as quantity-ambiguous a way as I might like, in that people will assume a...
  14. J

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    -_- I think I've made a coherent claim as to what is going on here: that algorithms are "wills" and "wills" are algorithms. This is clear and coherent, coherent because it is consistent with the way that "it is my will to do (algorithm pursuant to a goal state of the algorithm)" is stated. See...
  15. J

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    I think my point on the subject is this: if you encounter a book on computational science (especially on the subject of switched logic), you should embrace that as the next step in understanding the behavior of switch based systems, and neurons are switches. I think that far too often people...
  16. J

    Gender Roles

    And I can't stress enough that the go-to solution for this back in the day wasn't to change language or doctrine to reflect reality... It was to bury the counter-examples.
  17. J

    Julian Assange is finally free

    I suspect this is a root cause of the symptoms we saw: that she didn't want to have to be progressive in any way. Her whole campaign was made of plastic and Styrofoam, a shitty cobbled-together skin mask not even made of actual skin. The email server leaks were just red meat to those who...
  18. J

    Julian Assange is finally free

    I think that sec For my own part, I voted for her, but I held my nose while I did it because of her sheer fucking entitlement through the whole process, plus her shitty treatment of the Sanders campaign, like you said. Her utter inability to respect her opponent in a real election (and the...
  19. J

    According to Robert Sapolsky, human free will does not exist

    I AM "internal necessity". So I shape and form who I am, and so on. What part of this "you are 'internal necessity'" do you not get? We are asserting our definition of "free will" as "I choose who I shall be and what I do rather than something outside me". That exists, DBT. You really don't...
  20. J

    Gender Roles

    It's at least quaternary (two binary bits): sperm, eggs, both, neither.
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