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  1. J

    120 Reasons to Reject Christianity

    Tell that to Xenu.
  2. J

    120 Reasons to Reject Christianity

    To which the best response is: "Free will decisions require correct information. If your God is withholding information, he is preventing free will decisions, not facilitating them."
  3. J

    IRELAND: Christian Activists Warn Kids Will Be Exposed To "Sounds Of Sodomy"

    Is it true that when you play the sounds of sodomy backwards it sounds like Christian rock and roll?
  4. J

    Would homo erectus find us attractive?

    Just having all your teeth would have been a big plus in the attractiveness stakes even 100 years ago.
  5. J

    The Mythological Omni-God Official Requirements Checklist

    OK, I know this is a wild and crazy idea from way out in left field, but how about a god who shows up? Appears, and shakes hands, and chats, and holds audiences, and wanders around and appears on TV and publicly corrects people who get his ideas wrong? In multiple places at multiple times...
  6. J

    Are all agnostics automatically atheists?

    The only reason I can see to be agnostic is because you think that stories about gods have some privileged status over stories about other hypothetical beings. But the only reason I can see to think that is if you believe gods exist. Otherwise it's just another name, or set of names, in a book...
  7. J

    Stuff Jesus Didn't Get Around to Saying

    "Now, the really important thing to remember, when you're being crucified like this, is not to..."
  8. J

    Stuff Jesus Didn't Get Around to Saying

    "You'd better watch carefully how I do all these miracles, because when I'm gone you'll have to do them yourselves."
  9. J

    Police: Ex-gay Kentucky pastor rapes boy, threatens to kill him with powers if he talks

    That would be Saint Polly Ann of Cappadocia, I expect. The patron saint of rubble and paedophilia.
  10. J

    "They all worship the same God"

    "Quick, Jesus, to the Godcave!"
  11. J

    Atheists: Questions 2, 3 and 4.

    In that particular edition. Or rather, that particular printing of that particular edition. How would it work with e-books?
  12. J

    God's Not Dead

    It's particularly amusing that the claim God doesn't exist comes from a guy who used to be Hercules.
  13. J

    God's Not Dead

  14. J

    was jesus married at age of 33 ?

    Given the social structure of the time and place, many people of 33 would have buried a spouse or two, not to mention several children. Perhaps the Big J had already got his family life over and done with by then.
  15. J

    The Conclusive Reason?

    Me, for one. I haven't drowned anybody. Well, hardly anybody.
  16. J

    There are No Conscientious Explanations to Disprove the Proof for God and Jesus Being God

    Or rolled, in a hoop... http://blog.al.com/strange-alabama/2012/04/hoop_snakes_are_no_hula_hoops.html
  17. J

    Sudden enlightenment in Christianity, Buddhism and Communism

    So does one stop eating after attaining this enlightenment? Having realised that you have no separate existence and are merely an intangible part of an ineffable whole, presumably such mundane and self-centred activities as eating and drinking should no longer form part of your agenda, and you...
  18. J

    There are No Conscientious Explanations to Disprove the Proof for God and Jesus Being God

    Would you be happier with the formulation: X doesn't exist at location Y at time T, but X exists at location Y at time T+N, where N is an arbitrarily short period of time? And if not, why not?
  19. J

    There are No Conscientious Explanations to Disprove the Proof for God and Jesus Being God

    What proportion of things that are 'finite' have you observed? What proportion of the ones you have observed did you take the trouble to establish the causes of? How big is your sample size compared to -- oooh, say, a sphere with a radius of 46 billion light years, existing over 14 billion...
  20. J

    There are No Conscientious Explanations to Disprove the Proof for God and Jesus Being God

    OK, how? If you know enough about the process to be sure that it happened, you must have some idea of how it took place. So let's have the details. What did it look like when your uncreated, infinite creator made time with himself? No, hang on, that's not what I meant... - - - Updated - - -...
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