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  1. KeepTalking

    Black Jogger Gunned Down In The Street

    Wow, you watched Little Nicky enough times to quote it? That movie is a real dog, you are much more brave than I. Or, did MST3K riff it, and I missed it?
  2. KeepTalking

    Woke is white arrogance

    Yes. The pattern is one of arbitrarily assigning the label woke to someone, and then declaring they are arrogant as a result.
  3. KeepTalking

    Woke is white arrogance

    Ah yes, you are correct, my apologies for having mixed up the two. I feel compelled to point out that he was not punished for being on the autism spectrum, but rather for the things he did as an employee. It doesn't matter if it was only words written in an internal memo, that memo is read by...
  4. KeepTalking

    Woke is white arrogance

    That wasn't even what got him fired. Read the original link posted by RVonse, a Rueters article that is tellingly titled "A former Google engineer fired after he asserted in a memo that biological causes were behind tech industry gender inequality". Note the very precise use of the word "after"...
  5. KeepTalking

    Woke is white arrogance

    Agreed. They can be separated, certainly, but the troll goes out of his way to try to make sure that they are not. So what? Trolls do all of those things, as do people who are not trolls. You have told us absolutely nothing of value with this discussion of Asperger's traits.
  6. KeepTalking

    Woke is white arrogance

    You tell me, you are the one insisting that the quote is relevant. As a white male heterosexual, I am not aware of anyone I cannot criticize. Whether or not others will agree with my criticism is another matter entirely.
  7. KeepTalking

    Woke is white arrogance

    Really? Why don't we examine that list then: Problems making or maintaining friendships - No one likes a troll, seems like at least as much of a trait possessed by trolls as those who refrain from trolling. Isolation or minimal interaction in social situations - Due to the previous issue, trolls...
  8. KeepTalking

    Woke is white arrogance

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day. I'm not sure how that quote relates to this thread, though.
  9. KeepTalking

    Woke is white arrogance

    "I'm not saying it's aliens. But, it's aliens." Your above post is very bizarre to me. So please explain what you mean about Aspergers relation to trolling above, specifically how people who refrain from trolling are displaying Aspergers traits. As well as how you came to the conclusion that...
  10. KeepTalking

    Woke is white arrogance

    I suppose. There is the fact that you still haven't told us what makes it bad, if the things that make it stupid are not what makes it bad. But as you have also said that there are woke movies that you like, I think we can take you at your word that there are other bad things about the movie...
  11. KeepTalking

    Woke is white arrogance

    Isn't that what you are doing when you start a thread titled "Woke is white arrogance", and proceed to simplistically label everyone in that thread who disagrees with you as woke? Nice persecution complex you have there. Failure to agree does not indicate a lack of effort to understand. I...
  12. KeepTalking

    Woke is white arrogance

    That's nice, I assume you can substantiate it. So, explain to me exactly how "making it woke, and thereby stupid" is not an absolute statement regarding what makes the stupid thing stupid. I'll wait, but I won't hold my breath.
  13. KeepTalking

    Woke is white arrogance

    Don't worry, DrZ has a problem with feminism as well. Feel free to discuss it with him, just maybe in another thread where it isn't a derail.
  14. KeepTalking

    Woke is white arrogance

    That's a damn good question, but I would not hold my breath waiting for an answer. We have yet to get a consistent definition of woke itself from DrZ, after all.
  15. KeepTalking

    Woke is white arrogance

    Well, it's a good thing this board saves our posts, and provides a handy quote function for times like these: There is your absolute statement that the film is stupid because it is woke. You said it, own up to it.
  16. KeepTalking

    What, exactly, is CRT?

    What point would that be? That employees of the EEOC are cynically propping up CRT in order to keep their jobs? That's an absurd point that isn't really worth addressing without evidence that it in any way comports with reality.
  17. KeepTalking

    Woke is white arrogance

    And I think you have a preposterously single (simple?) minded view of woke. Your statement before made woke the reason for disliking the film, now we find that you dislike it for other reasons, and like some other woke films, but you still refuse to retract the statement. Why? Now, getting back...
  18. KeepTalking

    Woke is white arrogance

    In that case, would you like to retract the following statement: "Lee made an awful American remake of, making it woke" Or, maybe it was the film being awful that made it woke. I find that difficult to accept, as there are a ton of awful movies out there that are definitely not woke by anyone's...
  19. KeepTalking

    Woke is white arrogance

    So making an American version of a foreign film is woke? You sure about that? Seems like it might be cultural appropriation to me, which doesn't seem very woke if I try to view things from an anti-woke perspective. Not that I go in for the whole "cultural appropriation" thing, I'm just trying...
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