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  1. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    No. It is irrelevant to the topic I was discussing with Gen55 that seemed to hinge on certain words having singular definitions. Something I thought should be obvious, but is apparently still an issue for Gen55. That could be due somewhat to irrelevant distractions, so I prefer to keep those to...
  2. KeepTalking

    Spotsylvania VA School Board Want To Burn Books

    Burning books is bad, no matter who does it, and especially when my dad burned the Hustler "books" he found under my bed.
  3. KeepTalking

    Spotsylvania VA School Board Want To Burn Books

    I suppose he also wanted to take the books into his private study with a "Do not disturb" sign for a few hours, you know, so he could, umm, identify just how bad that gay pornography is. Yeah, that's the ticket.
  4. KeepTalking

    Rittenhouse/Kenosha Shooting Split

    I brought it up to the entire thread, for some reason you took exception. I don't think his crying should matter either way.
  5. KeepTalking

    Rittenhouse/Kenosha Shooting Split

    If his crying on the stand isn't an indication of his guilt or innocence, why are we talking about it?
  6. KeepTalking

    Rittenhouse/Kenosha Shooting Split

    What does that have to do with what I posted?
  7. KeepTalking

    Rittenhouse/Kenosha Shooting Split

    Personally I don't think crying in the drivers seat when you were exceeding the speed limit should get one out of a traffic ticket, nor do I think that crying on the witness stand should get one out of murder.
  8. KeepTalking

    Rittenhouse/Kenosha Shooting Split

    I don't really think that holding people accountable for their actions is scapegoating. I do also believe that whoever supplied the weapon to Rittenhouse should be facing charges.
  9. KeepTalking

    Rittenhouse/Kenosha Shooting Split

    I was thinking along similar lines. If Rittenhouse is not held accountable in some way, I think we are going to see a number of these yahoos wading into protests with their strap on AR 15s so they can hunt "antifas". Given that it appears to me that the judge is acting as a part of the defense...
  10. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    My wife used the single occupancy Men's room at a place we were at on Sunday. There was a line for the Women's room, and the Men's was unoccupied. It seemed rather silly that they were gender specific to begin with, given that they were single occupancy. She actually started a trend, as another...
  11. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    I would ask them when the LSD was supposed to wear off, because somebody is tripping.
  12. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    B (cont.): So welcome to Block D, where we house the trans women with penises, since so many of you have been popping up in the system these days. In reality, prison populations are segregated for all kinds of reasons. There is no reason they could not segregate the trans populations as well.
  13. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    Rape is rape. It is illegal in and of itself, and if a trans person rapes someone they should be prosecuted just like a non-trans person.
  14. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    Thanks for the detailed response. Does a trans ideologists need to possess all of these attributes? If so, I don't think I have met one, and I am pretty sure there are none posting in this forum.
  15. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    I am not. I am showing that there is more than one accepted definition for the word in question. In both cases where I did so, there was more than one definition for me to choose, but I only needed one to prove the point. In both cases, however, I chose a definition that it seems could be used...
  16. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    That was not the question Gen55 asked, and not the question I was answering. It is not more explicit, it is an entirely different question.
  17. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    I will let you catch up on the thread to the place where I did exactly that.
  18. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    I have heard from others here as well that it is the trans ideology that is the problem, but I am nut sure what is meant by "trans ideology". Can you elaborate upon what you mean by it, and whether you think anyone here is engaging in, or pushing that ideology?
  19. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    As previously noted, a definition does not have to fit all possible uses of that word. Definitions can be specific, general, and everything in between. That is why words have multiple definitions, something you apparently have a problem grasping.
  20. KeepTalking

    Is it now forbidden to be wrong?

    What were we talking about? I think I need a cold shower...
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