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  1. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    Given that all non-trans men or women do not necessarily meet the definitions that Gen55 would have us all ascribe to as the only definitions for those words, I hardly see how your question is relevant.
  2. KeepTalking

    January 6 Hearings Live

    Exactly. Until the Justice Department decides to actually enforce the law, they mean nothing.
  3. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    I very clearly did provide a definition, complete with a link to resource from which the definition was obtained. Have you tried a dictionary? I obviously recommend Merriam-Websters: Merriam-Websters : woman 3: distinctively feminine nature I am happy to provide that definition for you...
  4. KeepTalking

    Rittenhouse/Kenosha Shooting Split

    This response is quite reprehensible. You can do better Metaphor.
  5. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    Whether you think it is a good definition or not is irrelevant. Merriam-Websters is a reference which people all over the world use to provide definitions for words in the English language, you are not. If they did not provide good definitions they would not have remained in business for as long...
  6. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    Take that up with Merriam-Webster. Whether it makes sense to you, or not, it is an accepted definition of 'man', showing your assertion that "There is simply no way to define man or woman other than "adult human male" or "adult human female."" is incorrect.
  7. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    No. My contention is that the definition I linked to from Merriam-Websters shows that Gen55 was incorrect in insisting that the word 'man' has a singular definition. I do not presume to tell others how they should identify with that word.
  8. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    By my reading of the post to which you are responding, you were not being equated with the victims in those anecdotes. If anything, it seems to read as quite the opposite.
  9. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    That is also incorrect. It could also be the case that 'identity' needs to be defined.
  10. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    That may all be correct, but you also said "They use the word 'gender' to define 'gender identity'" in response to the question "What's circular about that?". It is factually incorrect to say that using the word 'gender' to define 'gender identity' is a circular reference.
  11. KeepTalking

    Rittenhouse/Kenosha Shooting Split

    Not quite, the other two were both shot before Grosskreutz pulled his gun.
  12. KeepTalking

    Rittenhouse/Kenosha Shooting Split

    Are you somehow under the impression that the AP only runs one article on any given event in the news?
  13. KeepTalking

    Rittenhouse/Kenosha Shooting Split

    That's the problem with people today, they fucking misrepresent anything when it suits their idiotic agenda. Case in point, this AP article that says exactly what Trausti says they would not say: Shooting victim says he was pointing his gun at Rittenhouse
  14. KeepTalking

    Is it now forbidden to be wrong?

    Yes, if you were not allowed to say "gay conversion therapy" that would be censorship.
  15. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    If someone who you are inclined to call a man has asked you not to call them a man, and you intentionally call them a man regardless, that is exceedingly rude, and is not "perfectly fine" from the perspective of the person to whom you are being exceedingly rude. It is often considered rude to...
  16. KeepTalking

    Is it now forbidden to be wrong?

    So, apparently now it is censorship not if you are prevented from saying something, but if you aren't paid for saying something. Is there someplace I can go to keep up with what definition the right wing is using for words these days?
  17. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    I don't believe I made any such statement. Neither did I claim that it is 'perfectly fine', or not, for any one to be referenced by any specific noun. I very clearly stated that such usages would need to be examined on their own merits, and this would include taking into account the context in...
  18. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    Simple reference to a definition does not in any way imply that usage of that definition is 'perfectly fine' in any given context. Those usages would need to be examined on their own merits.
  19. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    I will try, let's see how open those ears of yours are. You said "There is simply no way to define man or woman other than "adult human male" or "adult human female."" That is simply incorrect. Merriam Websters, provides one such definition for man: Merriam Websters - man d(1): one possessing...
  20. KeepTalking

    Can We Discuss Sex & Gender / Transgender People?

    The word gender was not being defined, the phrase "gender identity" was being defined. It makes sense to reference "gender" when defining a phrase that includes that word, just as it makes sense to reference the word "sex" when defining "sexual orientation", which occurred in the first half of...
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