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  1. R

    Joe Biden does not care about the first amendment

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAXJrcjpEcE And Biden is doing it right out in the open for all to see. Seeking to extradite Assange (who is not even a US citizen) for telling the truth and prosecuting this journalist for being a journalist. And then there are some who wonder why our US...
  2. R

    Antifa/BLM and QAnon/P Boys actually having a great deal in common

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFJdjO0fD4E Listen to a far left journalist who was actually part of the right wing insurrection that took place in Washington. A stunning first hand report of a journalist who was there climbing through the scaffolding in order to get in the building. Knowing...
  3. R

    Why did the Capital Police let the protesters inside the gates?

    I keep hearing over and over again from Democrat friends that if Trump had just conceded gracefully, the riot never would have happened. Perhaps but we do not know that for sure. While we are at it we could also say if the protesters had never been born there would not have been a riot...
  4. R

    Can someone explain to me why this video is offensive?

    The Great Reset explained. This video got over 1 million views before it was shut down on youtube. After an appeal it was brought back up and received 700k views since. As far as I can tell it is just mostly documented footage with some editorial opinions added. I do not see how it is...
  5. R

    "The Communists broke our bones, but the Americans broke our hearts

    https://youtu.be/NFFgN44KPmk "The Communists broke our bones, but the Americans broke our hearts. Because while my people were waving the American flag in our streets, begging for freedom, Americans were waving the communist flag in their steets" The US liberal democrats get the top prize for...
  6. R

    Evidence given by Rudy Giulianti of massive voter fraud in PA, Wi, MI, GA, VA, AZ, and NM states

    Here: https://rsbnetwork.com/2020/11/live-trump-campaign-legal-team-holds-press-conference-in-dc-11-19-20/ Hopefully his speech will not be censored by big tech. This was stunning to me. These are lawsuits that have been initiated by citizens. There is a lot I have learned about voting fraud...
  7. R

    How would you rank corruption?

    With story of corruption going around about Biden's son it occurred to me just how common place corruption has become in our government today. Whether it is legal or not (and it should not be) our politicians are routinely selling their office to the highest bidder. How else do they come to...
  8. R

    A Hero of Modern Times

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckqkvERsKTQ As I listened to the above video (several months old now) it occurred to me just how courageous Roger Stone is. Whether you like Trump or not you can not listen to this guy without being impressed with Stone. He was in the perfect position to cause...
  9. R

    Criminal Presidents are "a Protected Minority "

    There are 4 huge problems with this: 1. The fact our President's are war criminals. 2. The fact they are not brought to trial. 3. The fact the most powerful people in the world are a protected minority. ...and most importantly.... 4. Google is not a free and unbiased platform. Our 1st...
  10. R

    Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

    Correct me if I am wrong but no has ever done what Joe Biden just did: declared he was going to pick a black woman. That immediately disqualified half of the county based on gender alone. By definition, that is SEXIST. Then Biden was pressured into picking a black woman (signed by over 100...
  11. R

    She's going to blow

    https://www.unz.com/freed/its-gonna-blow-be-a-miracle-if-it-dont/ Hoo-boy. She’s ready to explode, go high order. Smoking ruins, dead bodies, seething hatreds, and a country that can’t be put back together. It may not happen, but she looks ready When I read stuff like this it seriously makes...
  12. R

    If anyone wants to know what is wrong with America they should watch this speech

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmhzhCKw60Y Obama Gaslights Non-Stop In Endorsement Video For Biden This guy nails it. All the reasons we got Trump including not having any health care during this pandemic.
  13. R

    Some real mind blowing stuff that puts George Bush to shame

    https://youtu.be/ADDrSvNyqEY IMO there really needs to be an upper age limit as well as the lower age limit for POTUS. And to all of you Trump haters who think there is no other choice but to help elect someone who is brain dead.... https://youtu.be/99DumiDDOVM "If they get mail in...
  14. R

    The Battle Over Your Money

    https://youtu.be/N7m2KGB0rd8 As the days of physical money are nearing an end there is at present a battle emerging between bitcoin and a US based digital currency. According to this guy, the public acceptance of bitcoin will make it impossible for the US government to ever control your money...
  15. R

    Floyd was not killed by the Minneapolis police.

    https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/06/19/george-floyd-was-not-killed-by-police/ It was a drug overdose.
  16. R

    Should the riots really be about racism or police brutality?

    Disclaimer: I have not seen the Floyd video because I do not watch television and it is censored by big brother on the internet. That being said, I have a pretty good idea what did happen. Namely that a bad cop put his leg on a black guys neck and needlessly killed him. But according to this...
  17. R

    Doctor cant see her kids for weeks because her ex thinks she is too big of virus risk

    https://www.yahoo.com/news/doctor-didnt-see-her-kids-085053504.html This is domestic civil law run amok. Why should married kids be treated differently than divorced kids?
  18. R

    Romney's interesting solution to health care - Send their Utah patients to Tijuana, Mexico

    https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2020/2/10/21131921/utah-expensive-prescription-drugs-mexico https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/utah-sends-employees-mexico-lower-prescription-prices-68861516 If this doesn't say "US healthcare is broke", I don't know what else does.
  19. R

    Is there anyone besides me that is now laughing at the Democrats?

    The more I think about this...the more I think this is a Greek tragedy for the Democratic party. Just look so far. 1. You have leading candidate Bernie and Warren campaigning how billionaires should be taxed heavily and maybe not even allowed to exist. Their message over and over again is how...
  20. R

    Bringing back US industry - Why wouldn't this work?

    https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2020/01/18/remarks-on-the-us-china-trade-deal/ Basically PCR suggests the solution is to get rid of the tariffs and tax corporations based on employment. Build everything in the US and corporate tax is low. Build it in China and the tax rate goes way up. A...
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