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  1. S

    Tear those pages from your bible!

    It is evident that many Hebrews resisted and fought against the religious lies and tyranny of the machinations of the Jewish form of religion to the death. Even this Jeremiah text is a fabricated and deliberately biased piece of Jewish invented propaganda. 'Yahweh', contrary to Jeremiah, has...
  2. S

    Gay Mormons? Why?

    Gay Catholics, Gay Baptists, Gay Adventists ...et al. Most are simply poor confused victims that suffer from the misfortune of having been born into the families of an insane religious cult. Hard to sever the ties and entanglements with a religion that one (LBGT or not) has been indoctrinated...
  3. S

    Tear those pages from your bible!

    My view, in a nutshell, is that the ancient Hebrews like most other primitive peoples, actually held widely diverse religious legends, myths, beliefs and practices (and there is much evidence of this fact to be found within the surviving texts) It was the so called 'Deuteronomic (Judaizing)...
  4. S

    What's the age of the Dead Sea Scrolls?

    Ancient Hebrew epigraphy (writing) emerged in the 10th century BCE, proceeding directly from Canaanite 'Hill tribe' employment the ancient Phoenician alphabet, which was an evolution of the Proto-Sinaitic script. (developed circa 1850 BCE) The earliest identified Hebrew inscriptions, written...
  5. S

    There are No Conscientious Explanations to Disprove the Proof for God and Jesus Being God

    I agree your 'facts' are very minimal. Just because a literary composition of unprovenanced origins with extraordinary claims exists, is no evidence at all that the characters or situations described are other than highly imaginative religious fiction/ cult propaganda. 'Paul' by his own...
  6. S

    Three Days and Three Nights?

    So you are aware of problems with the popular apologetic 'explanation'. There are a set of basic Biblical ethical injunctions regarding the measuring of anything and everything that men would undertake to measure. To perform an action 'on the tenth day of the first month' requires that it...
  7. S

    Pastor on Hollywood Leading Men: “These Guys Are a Bunch of Sodomite Faggots”

    Yep, “These Guys Are a Bunch of Sodomite Faggots” ...just like all so called Pastors and Priests are immoral child molesting perverts.
  8. S

    Three Days and Three Nights?

    As a week has only seven days, there are only seven possible sequences of weekdays from the first day of the first month. Of the seven, only one fits to the sequence and timing of the Bibles alleged events. 'midnight' of the fourteenth day of the first month (Ex 12:29 & 12:2) can only be at a...
  9. S

    What's the age of the Dead Sea Scrolls?

    There is such a thing as 'context'. The context of my statement only related to the existence of the literary and archaeological evidences for the beliefs, practices and Torah texts of the Hebrew religion before the development of the Septuagint translation. I would be interested if anyone...
  10. S

    What's the age of the Dead Sea Scrolls?

    You will only find what you are willing to find. Again. You are certainly at liberty to raise objections and denials, but in return we would be remiss not to request to be informed of your outstanding personal scholastic qualifications, professional credentials, and field experience as a...
  11. S

    What's the age of the Dead Sea Scrolls?

    No. There is plenty of archaeological evidence for the existence of the ancient and pre-Hellenic Hebrew text of the Torah. And no, I don't use the Bible to prove the Bible. As an Atheist, I don't believe the Bible. But that does not extend to believing that the Hebrews and Hebrew religion...
  12. S

    What's the age of the Dead Sea Scrolls?

    Seriously? You think that "Greek" was the original language that the text of -Genesis 1:1- was first composed in? errr ...I expect that's gonna be a hard sale to most scholars.
  13. S

    What's the age of the Dead Sea Scrolls?

    Evidently unfamiliar with the actual Hebrew language texts. Would you prefer to further study the Hebrew language and various Scriptural usages of this term elohim on your own, ...or have someone else (elohim) to teach you?
  14. S

    Was Matthew really Jewish?

    With the wide variety of beliefs and sects in the region of ancient Judea, and no identifiably 'christian' religion yet established, what among 'Judaism' would qualify as being "most Jewish" ? 'Jews' have always constituted a diverse population, (as they still do) one comprised of a wide...
  15. S

    Why Southern Baptists are losing milennials

    Also 'Better' for both believing men and women to remain single. Like Jeesuz and Paul. The examples and teachings Christians are claiming to be striving to emulate. 'WWJD?' 'WWPD?' No question at all about it, remain single, childless, and thus free of family concerns and most obligations, so...
  16. S

    The Lowly Fruit Fly Befuddles the Evolutionists

    By the same 'logic' that a cell is too complex to be natual, mankind can not have invented or created the watch as it is obviously much too complex and dependent upon too many intricate interacting parts to not have came into existence at once fully formed and functioning.
  17. S

    The Lowly Fruit Fly Befuddles the Evolutionists

    Funny rhutchin, Now care to cite any science document, formal presentation on Evolutionary Theory, or Evolutionary Scientist, or any non-theist person on these Forums that has ever anywhere stated cells "just popped into existence"? That 'popping into existence' of cells (and of living...
  18. S

    The Lowly Fruit Fly Befuddles the Evolutionists

    Is not any positive evidence for the fallacious religious premise; '...therefor God(s)'. The level of complexity arising out of billions of years of evolution and mutations is not any positive evidence for the idiotic and fallacious religious premise; '...therefore God...' ( aka the zombie...
  19. S

    Why Southern Baptists are losing milennials

    Like those Pharisees of old, they would condemn Jesus himself for not obeying Gen 1:28 and dancing to their myopic tune. Neither Jesus nor Paul married, and both advocated celibacy and remaining single as being the 'good' choice over marriage. In any event, these Evangelical neo-Pharisees are...
  20. S

    Why Southern Baptists are losing milennials

    Sounds like a Texas "No cake for your kind" christer. :cheeky:
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