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  1. S

    Judge Awards Embattled Christian, Conservative Prof $50K – and a Promotion

    I don't see anything particularly coy about what I wrote. What might those 'views and principals' be? Ought to be obvious. As an educational employee of a secular educational institution, the acceptance and endorsment of the naturalistic and scientific view of the universe as a natural...
  2. S

    Judge Awards Embattled Christian, Conservative Prof $50K – and a Promotion

    There is what can be stated as being the legal grounds. ...and an unstated agenda being pursued.
  3. S

    Judge Awards Embattled Christian, Conservative Prof $50K – and a Promotion

    This is interesting in view of all of the conservative Christian Colleges that require signing a 'statement of faith' as a precondition of academic employment. And can fire any employee or Professor that expresses atheist views, or even publicly questions the absolute accuracy and infallibility...
  4. S

    No Forgery Evidence Seen in "Gospel of Jesus's Wife" Papyrus

    The religious philosophy of the evolved church couldn't allow their 'santized' Platonic dualistic Jesus to have ever engaged in the ten toes up ten toes down nasty 'of the flesh' like a normal human being ...or the other popular Hellenistic gods. Catholic answer and solution, dump and suppress...
  5. S

    No Forgery Evidence Seen in "Gospel of Jesus's Wife" Papyrus

    These writings were composed in a Hellenistic venue, one that had a long literary tradition of composing entertaining god/cult hero tales. As I see it, these tales evolved out of the bare work of an unknown 1st century CE Hellenistic writer acquainted with Judaism and its messianic traditions...
  6. S

    No Forgery Evidence Seen in "Gospel of Jesus's Wife" Papyrus

    Jesus stories were the pop cult fiction of the day, many imaginative variations on the Jesus theme were developed before church cult organizations dogmatically ossified a limited number into their various canons.
  7. S

    Why wasn't the Bible updated throughout the last 500 years?

    For the 'Old Testament' I would suggest 'The Jerusalem Bible' as easily available and accepted by most Biblical scholars. Having familiarized oneself with the renderings of those texts, apply that knowledge to ones readings of the New Testament. There are several other 'more to the point'...
  8. S

    The Lord Jesus Christ

    Although the word 'mashiak' 'Messiah' (Anointed) and 'Christ' Christos are commonly identified as being Hebrew and Greek linguisticly equivalent synonyms, and are so accepted because of the long history of such usage by religionists, and by scholars of religion, there is a significant...
  9. S

    Why wasn't the Bible updated throughout the last 500 years?

    Why wasn't the Bible updated throughout the last 500 years? Principally because 'the powers that be', the powerful church denominations and the politicians and judges in their pocket, would not tolerate much change in the 'traditional' texts which they quoted and upon on which their claims to...
  10. S

    The Lord Jesus Christ

    'Lord Jesus Christ' is the substitute name of the substitute god. 'The god of this world', aka 'The Son of Perdition', 'The anti-Messiah'. Religious lies masquerading as being truths, acceptable only to those who have no love of truth, but who take pleasure in elaborate religious lies and in...
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