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  • Users: repoman
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  1. repoman

    Mercury's precession is because of GR, but if no GR what would planet Vulcan's orbit roughly be?

    I have known about why planet Vulcan was hypothesized in the 1840s for a while now, and a lot of the story behind the pointless searches for it and finally how General Relativity "killed" it. It is one of the best stories in all of astronomy...
  2. repoman

    Religious wackos taking down other religious wackos

    I find these videos and essays the best and funniest. All that is needed is for an atheist to do a meta commentary. This is from an antigay preacher:
  3. repoman

    Women-only ‘full nudity’ spa’s ‘no male genitals’ rule ignites transgender debate in Toronto

    http://news.nationalpost.com/toronto/women-only-full-nudity-spas-no-male-genitals-rule-ignites-transgender-debate Well, this is the end of the line as far as the fears of a slippery slope being real or baseless when people went crazy over transgenders in restrooms. My opinion about that was...
  4. repoman

    Would Ross Perot have been a good President?

    I am not just asking if he would have been good for all policies, but if he would have been a competent and effective adminstrator. Also, if he would have "been his own man" regarding what direction he wanted the country to go in and not looked at financial gains post presidency. Also, was he...
  5. repoman

    Did the NYT already have Comey memo (or similar) info the day before Comey say he reacted because of Trump's tweet?

    I find it interesting. Was the May 11 report in the NYT info that could only have come from Comey or someone he talk to? Did the amount of detail make it seem likely it was from the same memo? I am not saying that Trump is not worthy of impeachment. I hope Mueller can crack open his taxes and...
  6. repoman

    Mass shooter who had screaming loud red flags on social media - should there have been intervention?

    There are a lot of details to how this youtuber who worked at a grocery store went down a grievance killer rabbit hole. Not sure which to focus on, here is an ok link about it. I would think that his youtube channel will be gone soon...
  7. repoman

    Offices and other workplaces using overly bright LED bulbs

    For this transition to the new LED technology at my workplace there are a few locations that have replaced the old fluorescent and incandescent bulbs with LEDs that are about 2-3 times at least brighter. Jarringly bright. This was supposed to be an energy savings and these bulbs are probably...
  8. repoman

    Funding of extremist (purist?) mosques by Saudis

    http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/saudi-arabia-gulf-states-fund-islamic-extremism-germany-salafism-wahhabism-qatar-kuwait-islamists-a7473551.htm What can be done about this? One of the articles says that the Syrians are unhappy with how intense the mosques are in Germany...
  9. repoman

    Libertarian website reason.com hammering Repubs on teen sexting bill.

    While there have been some odd excesses from the loony left that have gotten a lot of traction, I shouldn't take my eyes off of the loony right. http://reason.com/blog/2017/05/31/house-overwhelmingly-supports-bill-subje best comment is this So, what should the counseling be for minors who...
  10. repoman

    Portland man kills two men protecting muslim women he was harassing on the MAX train

    http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2017/05/police_responding_to_ne_portla.html He seemed to be a racist nazi who also may have been an Ashkenazi Jew (?!?) This is him at a Trump rally getting kicked out by folks flying a yellow Gadsden flag. At the 40 second mark he says he is...
  11. repoman

    Man in wheelchair is handi-capable of sweet, sweet racism

    A text based link as well http://thegrio.com/2017/05/24/man-in-wheelchair-goes-on-racist-rant-in-airport/ This guy is totally crazed, somewhere in back of his head in the lizard brain he thinks he poses a dominant physical threat.
  12. repoman

    Dark money is funded conservative students on campus

    This is pretty slick, but sunlight might put the kibosh on it. This is basically astroturfing at the college level. At the end they talk about a second part, but I can't find it.
  13. repoman

    Islamic nazi kills two other nazis

    who's to blame?!? http://www.dailystormer.com/two-white-nationalists-dead-in-insane-moslem-terror-plot/ oh, but he looks like Hitler's dream as well..
  14. repoman

    Why is ammonium chloride added to some licorice?

    Holy hell, it tastes ok about 10 seconds then a stale urine flavor seeps out of it.
  15. repoman

    Politically charged "funny" images containment thread

    To help keep the "images that make you laugh" thread funny for more people, I think that this thread is needed. Tswizzle, you are on notice comrade ;) and on the other side...
  16. repoman

    Jacobin on The Handmaid's Tale vs market forces on women and childbearing

    This is a great article and not too long. https://www.jacobinmag.com/2017/05/handmaids-tale-margaret-atwood-trump-abortion-theocracy
  17. repoman

    Discussion about a mental health app, Talklife

    This youtuber is pretty awesome on his muckraking. There are going to be a lot of legal issues for this app. Holy shit! Go talk to a friend, family member or get professionally licensed help if you have mental or social problems. Or go to the lounge here or other websites. The privacy...
  18. repoman

    Is google putting its thumb on the scale?

    https://www.google.com/#q=american+inventors Interesting results. very different results for this, which is similar: https://www.google.com/#q=united+states+inventors
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