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  1. H

    The Race For 2024

    I'm a strong moderate, but I like AOC also. Bernie is too old. While both AOC and Bernie are to my left; AOC is just more appealable to me. I think that eventually she'll get more popular votes. She needs more years of experience IMO. However, if Biden drops out, the nominee will be Harris...
  2. H

    16 Nobel Prize Winning Economists Warn Trump Will Ruin Economy

    And why do you think that Russia is allowing migrants to move to Russia to work? So that they can Shanghai them: https://www.newsweek.com/russia-rounds-thousands-migrants-send-ukraine-war-reports-1857614
  3. H

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Sometimes I honestly don't know if you've completely deluded yourself or are just bull shitting. I mean no disrespect towards the Ukrainians who are outnumbered 7 to 1; if no western arms had been sent to Ukraine; Ukraine would have fallen to the imperialists. Ukraine needs arms to defend...
  4. H

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    How would sanctions "destroy" a nation? Do you have any examples? To me, it's real simple equation: we should trade with countries that are friendly or neutral to us. If a country invades another country; they should be cut off. Pure and simple. I'm a 100% for using trade and economic...
  5. H

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

  6. H

    16 Nobel Prize Winning Economists Warn Trump Will Ruin Economy

    Okay. Please tell me what the republican party is doing about the problem? (As an aside, what the hell has the republican congress done in the last two years?)
  7. H

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Sorry amigo, but your statement lacks credibility. There are many many posts in this very thread where you claimed that Russia doesn't intend to invade all Ukraine. That your side is just in a "military action". Why should the west believe you? The Baltics sure don't. Poland sure doesn't.
  8. H

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Yes, this is the problem in dealing with imperialists. They always want more. Ukraine should be very weary of a peace treaty with Russia. No matter what Ukraine would offer to Russia now; Russia will want more in the future when their army recovers. If a peace deal can be reached, it would...
  9. H

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Totally correct. All the talk about Russia's fear of Nato and the Nazis is just nonsense meant to confuse the foolish. Russia is a typical imperialist. Russia wants more land, more elbow room, water for Crimea; farm land and loot.
  10. H

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    First off, what is your aversion to the letter Z? It’s very weird. The US and allies werent comfortable with the Istanbul talks because they would require the west to implement a no fly zone over Ukraine if the Russians were to invade Ukraine again. We don’t want war with Russia.
  11. H

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Righttooo! We all thought that Ukraine would beat the shit out of your country! Quite surprising that you’ve lasted this long against a military so much larger than the Russian military.
  12. H

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    You are false. Russia attacking Ukraine has been very bad for the US. It's doubled our rate of inflation. It will probably lead to the total republican takeover of the house, senate and presidency this November. What is your evidence that the US wants this war? You are making an assertion...
  13. H

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Yea the Black Sea is international waters. Russia dosn’t own it!
  14. H

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    So your country wants to further secure your borders to prevent a possible future attack. But you don’t believe that Ukraine should do the same? Why?
  15. H

    Julian Assange is finally free

    Yea, Assange is a real piece of shit. Here's a brief summary of the shitty things that he did: 1. He refused to redact the names of Afghan civilians who worked with the Americans; 2. After getting a large leak from Russian hackers, lied and claimed that he received them from Seth Rich (any...
  16. H

    Julian Assange is finally free

    I’d recommend that he stay away from Sweden.
  17. H

    The Race For 2024

    Something like this happens every freaking day at major events. As I think about it, I was a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new large new building for intel a few years ago. The Oregon governor kept talking to people and had to be corralled for the picture. This is a pretty freaking weak...
  18. H

    Merged Gaza just launched an unprovoked attack on Israel

    I'm a strong supporter of Israel. But this has always been a mystery to me. The Torah is about the same amount of words as the Lord of the Rings. Why not give them an exemption until they turn 25 or so; but then they serve. If they need 7 years to read a book of this size and understand it...
  19. H

    The Race For 2024

    This is bullshit. I watched the NBC version that wasn’t cropped. It looked pretty normal to me.
  20. H

    How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

    Why do you think that the west wants this war? That's crazy talk. This war has caused great inflation over the whole world. No one wants it. The only way to stop the war if for Russia to return home and make it so that they don't want to attack ever again. You tell me how that could happen...
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