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  1. S

    Local Weather

    it's a lovely 90 right now, but the humidity is making it feel like it's 97. It didn't feel that hot to me when I walked Sunny around out back, so I guess I'm used to it. Next week, we are supposed to be in the upper 80s all week, which is normal for July here. I'm cool with that. :cool:
  2. S

    Which movie did you watch today and how would you rate it?

    In the world in which we live in, I can only stand to watch comedies, so last night we watched "Austin Powers, International Man of Mystery". We've probably seen it at least 4 or 5 times over the years, but we needed some comic relief and that did it. Mike Myers is hilarious as both Dr. Evil and...
  3. S

    Deism, an intellectually serious position in previous centuries, now must reject scientific explanations

    Most medical doctors in the US are Christians, so Janice is correct, although there are a lot of medical doctors who are idiots imo, having had to deal with them over my long career as a nurse. I was telling my husband this morning that I always remember the few nice ones. My favorite was Dr...
  4. S

    Local Weather

    It's finally cooled down a bit, if you consider 84 degrees F to be cool. The normal high for today is about 87, but the humidity is making it feel about 89. It's cloudy with a breeze, quite tolerable for me. We will be back to 90 by tomorrow. Oh well. July in Georgia, what can I say?
  5. S

    What Are You Eating Today?

    I had a huge veggie burger with an enormous side of sweet potato fries at one of our local restaurants for lunch today. Luckily, one of my parrots loves the fries so she finished them for me. I'm beginning to really hate meat, not because I think it's unhealthy. In fact, I need some for my...
  6. S

    Trump threatens to deport pro Palestinian protesters!

    I haven't met any lately, but the ones, I had mentioned were older adults who were Democrats.
  7. S

    The Race For 2024

    The party has been fractured for a long time. Dems don't support their own when something happens that they don't agree with or when somebody isn't perfect. Regardless of Biden's faults, or possible mental decline, the Dems shouldn't have started all this panic. The Republicans would never do...
  8. S

    The Race For 2024

    The real problem is that regardless of the evidence, they will never accept that Trump is a malignant narcissist, a pathological liar, a psychopath, who is probably in the early stages of dementia. I've spoken to one who denies all of the evidence I've tried to present to her and she's a rather...
  9. S

    What Are You Eating Today?

    I just realized that almost everything we eat is ethnic food of many varieties. Well, last night I got Mr. Sohy to make us a chicken and broccoli stir fry, not exactly ethnic, but something new. It was pretty good. It had ginger, garlic, honey rice vinegar and I don't remember what else. I guess...
  10. S

    The Race For 2024

    Yeah, that was in my link, but we have someone here who thinks he is an expert on diagnosing dementia, despite not telling us where he received his medical degree and how he received his specialties in psychiatry and/or gerontology. If Biden really does have dementia, than we have two candidates...
  11. S

    The Race For 2024

    https://deanobeidallah.substack.com/p/doctors-are-warning-of-trumps-dementiaits There's a lot more in the article, including a video of what some of these experts are saying about Trump's mental state, but some people seem to think they can diagnose dementia based on one bad night when a...
  12. S

    The Race For 2024

    https://news.cornell.edu/media-relations/tip-sheets/cornell-expert-says-trumps-frequent-phonemic-paraphasia-are-signs-early Joe fucked up in a debate, but Trump has early signs of dementia and this was even reported in The Daily Mail, someone's favorite source of info.
  13. S

    The Race For 2024

    Okay. I found the former Republican who supports Biden and is giving some advice to the Dems. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/29/opinion/democrats-panic-joe-biden.html?unlocked_article_code=1.3k0.puWN.5ess16zoTexJ&smid=url-share There's a bit more in the article, but as I've said before, t...
  14. S

    The Race For 2024

    Then Dems have a long history of eating their own, while the Republicans will support a psychopathic, malignant narcissist who several renowned psychiatrists have said has obvious signs of cognitive impairment, regardless of the potential harm he might do to the country. ( Look it up on your own...
  15. S

    6/27/24 presidential debate

    I think one of the Black pundits on MSNBC called him out on it, but I'm old and I watch and read way too much news, so don't ask me who it was. I agree that there are no jobs that immigrants are taking aways from Black people. It's just ignorant to stereotype any group of people, by claiming...
  16. S

    Gender Roles

    It's about the brain Emily, not the other body parts. If you were really interested, you could do your own DD. I did find one very large study but in order to access it, one had to be a subscriber to that publication. I did find one that was larger than the other one, but since I'm not a...
  17. S

    Louisiana mandates 10 Commandments In Schools

    That worked for me and we were forced to read the Bible, even the most disgusting parts of the OT. When my father was in a bad mood, he would say, "Girls, go get your Bibles", Then he would read us one of the horrible stories in the OT while we sat fearfully around the dining room table. One of...
  18. S

    The Race For 2024

    A friend just sent us this quote: Loved it. Dems are their worst enemy. So Biden had a bad night. He just needs to admit that he's old and sometimes he screws up his words, but he doesn't want to be a dictator, he's not a pathological liar and he won't destroy democracy. Too bad they didn't...
  19. S

    Is a Hidden God the Same as No God?

    Isn't the concept of god mentioned in the OP, pretty much the same as Deism?
  20. S

    Gender Roles

    I have no intentions of getting involved in this flame throwing discussion, but I read, what I thought was an interesting article that included scientific evidence for transgenderism, social and cultural reasons for nonbinary id, along with the fact that a lot of today's teens seem to be...
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