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  1. S

    Don't curse me

    From my experience with people and my time on the forum deeply held beliefs with maybe rare exceptions are not going to be affected by debate and science facts. Christian a[apologetics is about spinning interpretation of scripture to account for inconvenient fact. From what I read about Islam...
  2. S

    Historical Jesus

    What is meant by Jesus as fact? Does that mean there was a singular historical flesh and blood human called Jesus, or does it mean the gospel supernatural son of a god Jesus is a fact? As far as I know the Romans who were very good at record keeping left no mention of a Jesus. Given the...
  3. S

    Deism, an intellectually serious position in previous centuries, now must reject scientific explanations

    The term scientific curiosity is contextual and is a complected social question with no black and white answer. The difference beaten science and both religion and philosophy is science reduces to numbers and demonstrable experiment. For me I'd frame it as a curiosity of how and why things...
  4. S

    Deism, an intellectually serious position in previous centuries, now must reject scientific explanations

    When I go to bed once in a while I listen to a radio show Cost To Coast AM, a mostly UFO, conspiracy theory and pseudo science show. It abounds with guests ad people who call in expressing a belief in a nebulous creator or cosmic spirit of the universe. Animism, the universe alive. The...
  5. S

    Historical Jesus

    She must have been reading my posts....I've been saying that for years. From my 70s philosophy of religion class there were a number of people claiming to be the messiah of the prophesy. Some were bandits. Clams of magic powers and faith heling was not unique, we see it today. Pseudo science...
  6. S

    The Processor Thread

    The 68k and x86 had the same basic instructions. If you learned one processor you leaned them all. Intel won the battle with Motorola for PC processor dominance because they mantled software compatibility. Those using the 6800-09 had to rewrite code from scratch for the 68k.
  7. S

    The Programming Thread

    A section of the frequncy output file. First column is the numer, secnd is the counts fr rand()m abd te trhird column s the deviation form theretical. rand() count,percnt URAND mt19937 761 100902l +0.90200 100011 +0.01100 100582 +0.58200 762 100472l...
  8. S

    The Programming Thread

    ...k1 = 907633385,k2 = 1686629725; static unsigned rand_num = 1; if(init){rand_num = time(NULL),init = 0;} rand_num = rand_num*k2 + k1; int sf = 1 + hi - lo; return (rand_num%m)%sf + lo; }//urand_int() int comp_int_ascend(const void * a, const void * b) {...
  9. S

    Historical Jesus

    Lumpy,always good good to see you. If you do no mind my asking do you have a day job?
  10. S

    Historical Jesus

    1. The supernatural Jesus existed because there are witnesses in the gospels, and the gospels are verbatim journalistic reporting 2. A lot of people believe the gospels are true, therefore they are true. There is an historical Trump. 2000 years from now in another couture and langue with scant...
  11. S

    The Programming Thread

    Don;t have a clue what you are 'hinting' at. I scanned through the Mersenne algorithm and there is plenty of code on the net. No mystery or puzzle. Feel free to post complete working debugged code that others can run.
  12. S

    Deism, an intellectually serious position in previous centuries, now must reject scientific explanations

    Deism was popular in 19th century America. Jefferson was a Deist. He believed in a creator and thought he would be reunited with family in an afterlife. He put together a NT version minus the supernatural. I'd call it a 'thinking man's religion'. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deism
  13. S

    The Programming Thread

    ...//URAND LG 32 bit int sf = 100,os = 0; unsigned m = 0x7fffffff; unsigned k1 = 907633385,k2 = 1686629725; unsigned rand_num = 1; for(i=0;i<n;i++){ rand_num = rand_num*k2 + k1; x = (rand_num%m)%sf + os; // random ints 0-100 } return 0; }
  14. S

    The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus vs. ?

    Christian arguments on the forum have been: 1. The gospels are eyewitness accounts with multiple sightings. 2. A lot of peole for 2000 years beleve it is true, therefore it must be true.
  15. S

    The Programming Thread

    The Mersenne Twister 32 bit is the default C++ library random number generator. there is also a 64 bit Mersenne Twister and a linear congruential generator. I downloaded the Mersenne Twister code. I have been using 10^10 iterations for testing and comparing URAND to C++ Mersenne Twister and C...
  16. S

    Russian scientists created cure for cancer (all types/kinds of it)

    A derail into history and politics for sure. It is hard to resist Barbos's proclamations. Yes Trump is a wanna be Mussolini, but he is not unique in our politics, he's just on the extreme end. Our progressive saint FDR tried to change the size of the Supermen Court so he could pack it with...
  17. S

    The Programming Thread

    URAND appears to be linear congruence. The link has a list of constants that are used. For the code I posed k1 = 907633385,k2 = 1686629725. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_congruential_generator
  18. S

    6/27/24 presidential debate

    Biden has made his share of incorrect and made up facts. As has been widely commented on, Biden apears to have diminished capacity. I can see wyt Netanyahu is getting his way with the USA, Biden is incapable of confronting an aggressive opponent. Trump's lies are one thing, Biden's inability...
  19. S

    Julian Assange is finally free

    Holy government? I doubt few anywhere in the west would say that, maybe in China. The question today given the population size, economics, and many divisions what does anyone rose as a different form of government? Can a government function with complete transparency and public access to all...
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