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  1. S

    Selective Mutism is just advanced Alexithymia

    I learned my new word for the day. The standard response if I read you right. Evolution is mutation plus natural selection. There is no intelligence or emotion to it. There is no purpose to evolution, it is a process like the formation of a star. It just is. Why are there birth defects...
  2. S

    A dumb question

    I first heard this about a North Africa underground lake that was found and is beg pupped over long distances. All the pumpedd water that ends up in the oceans is increasing sea levels. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/rampant-groundwater-pumping-has-changed-the-tilt-of-earths-axis/...
  3. S

    “Revolution in Thought: A new look at determinism and free will"

    By the way, if you keep using that emoji eventually your face will permanently look like it.... I have nothing else to say.
  4. S

    “The Unravelling of Space-Time”

    .A coin toss is the same principle. A wave function can be derived to model the toss. The way I remember it put is as you go from quantum to Newtonian scale the density of states is such that it appears continuous. Like a piece of copper. What we seen as a Newtonian scale block of metal is...
  5. S

    General Semantics

    I said to Peacegirl her philosophy to me was one of many that have come and gone, some persisting. General Semantics comes to mind. I read Science And Sanity in the 70s. https://www.holybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/Science-and-Sanity.pdf https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Korzybski...
  6. S

    “Revolution in Thought: A new look at determinism and free will"

    Not a put down per se. A dispassionate comparison to illustrate a point at. You posted many posts copying and pasting your author. When questioned you copy and paste more. No debate and no questions about it you and your your author are absolutely right. You: My author is revolutionary and...
  7. S

    “Revolution in Thought: A new look at determinism and free will"

    You did not get that I was comparing your quoting your author/guru with Christians quoting the bible?
  8. S

    “Revolution in Thought: A new look at determinism and free will"

    Just like a Christian theist, when questioned and put on the spot find a quite from the bible.
  9. S


    Eckankar is running TV ads which brought it to mind. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=eckankar+tv+ads#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:9830b9e6,vid:Yg92rT6qgv8,st:0 Call 1 800 love god. The bank account must be running low.
  10. S

    “The Unravelling of Space-Time”

    That is the problem with QM measurements. Put a thermometer into a glass of water. You do not resume the water you measure the temperature of thermometer, water, and glass. There are very small low mass thermal sensors to minimize the disturbance created by the sensor. Analogy to quantum...
  11. S

    “Revolution in Thought: A new look at determinism and free will"

    You are a philosophical zealot preaching a dead author. It makes you feel good. I would not say can't happen, I say based on current observation and human history your philosophy is unlikely to work. Give the leaders of Hamas, Hezbollah, Israel, Iran, and Saudi Arabia a call and make your...
  12. S

    “The Unravelling of Space-Time”

    Schrodinger came up with his cat problem to illustrate the ridiculous ways QM can be interpreted.. Or the old 'if a tree falls in the woods and there is no one there to heat it does it make a sound?'. I heard that as a kid. Experimentally in a a particle experiment the instrumentation is the...
  13. S

    The Doomed Generation

    It appears I hit a nerve with Politesse. Yes there was hatred towards communists. After all it was an expressed goal of Russian and Chinese communism to overthrow by force if needed replacing with communism. It is not like the threat was imaginary, any more than the invasion of Ukraine and...
  14. S


    Eckcankar Past lives, soul travel. https://www.eckankar.org/
  15. S

    The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus vs. ?

    Learner is arguing from a few lines in an ancient text of unknown authorship. Supported by 2000 years of repeating the same belief in a few ancient lines of unknown authorship. A common theist argument, a lot of people believe it so there must be something to it. Of course we can not prove to...
  16. S

    “Revolution in Thought: A new look at determinism and free will"

    The zealot's high, posting gets those feel good brain chemicals going. Like the theists, if they just explain Jesus to us and if we listen we will believe. Its like reciting the Catholic Rosary, Hail Mary full of grace...Hail Mary...Hail Mary.
  17. S

    Checkmate evolutionists

    A joke I herd as a kid from an uncle. A kid is born with a silver screw in his belly button. No one can figure out what it is there for. As he gets older he keeps fiddling with it. Finally he gets it unscrews and when he jumped up for joy his ass fell off.
  18. S

    The Christ Myth Theory

    Mary: Joseph I swear it was not another man, god did it. Joseph: I believe you honey, really I do. Uhhh I'm going out to get some milk, don't wait up for me. Yet another possible twist. Jesus as a bastard son turned into a miraculous birth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mamzer
  19. S

    Earth Core Slowing Down

    https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/core/ Not very far beneath us.
  20. S

    “Revolution in Thought: A new look at determinism and free will"

    Point being two large scale systems that eliminated capitalism failed and eventually embraced capitalism. Russia's version of communism was Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist. China Maoism. Both used Marxist terminology. As Max preached global conversion to communism by force if needed. As I said...
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