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25th Amendment Section IV, is it time to correct what the Electoral College fucked up?

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
The electoral college was put into place to act as a firewall on the people, of whom the Founding Fathers worried could elect some sort of idiot into the White House. In general, the people have done a decent job electing statesmen. That was until 2016, when a quirk of how the electoral process works in the US, a man with 2 million fewer votes than the opponent, received more electoral votes than his opponent.

The electoral college was drunk when it was time to do something about what the people had failed in properly assessing. So they didn't.

Since that day, Trump has done a lot... to harm our nation and its standing in the global sphere. He is removing American influence outside of the United States, started trade skirmishes which are headed towards trade wars with allies and adversaries. He has royally fucked up with two of our main adversaries (North Korea and Russia). His performance yesterday and the continuing exposure of reports about how the Russians infiltrated not just social media, but the NRA and other right-wing organizations, has really begun serious concerns about at best his mental state, and at worst, how compromised he is with the Russia.

There is an important debriefing to take place in DC, with Trump's interpreter. Who has the clearance to attend or review that debriefing is unknown, but it very well might be the basis of enacting Section IV of the 25th Amendment to remove our President from office and place Pence as the head statesman of the US. Even without that debriefing, have we finally had too much?

It isn't just the potentially treasonous collaboration. It is the endless lying. Trump is tweeting that he got NATO to spend more money and the fake news isn't reporting it. They aren't because he didn't achieve anything. The lies never stop. He is either so sociopathic that he can't see truth or he is the worlds largest liar.

But sadly, even if a majority of his cabinet takes this route, we still need 2/3 votes in both Houses of Congress to remove Trump.
But sadly, even if a majority of his cabinet takes this route, we still need 2/3 votes in both Houses of Congress to remove Trump.

Not if they could convince him to resign.

The dirt insiders have on Trump at this point could change weather patterns on the east coast if they put all in one big pile.

Of course it's incredibly unlikely, but one can take a moment to dream.
There was a time when I was not sure that Pence could be any better than Trump. Pence is hard right. Trump is or at least acts at least as hard right.

But it's clear that Trump is bent upon destabelizing global trade as well as alianating our allies and playing the fool to our actual foes. I don't think Pence would do that.

For the sake of both US and the global economy and US and global security, Trump has to be impeached, 25thed, or resign.

Trump is clearly unfit and is acting to harm both the US and the world.
I'm doubtful about your assessments that Pence won't be any worse than Trump.

Any way, he is just as complicit as is Trump, and should be impeached and removed with him. The problem is how to dispense with Trump AND Pence, as well as all the trappings of their perverted administration. If Pence is raised to president, his early act will be to pardon Trump of any and all charges.

I suspect that the best we can hope for is two more years, at least, of hopeless grid lock in governance, but that is only if the majority of one or both houses of Congress change.

Even if 'progressive' representation gains a majority, I suspect we will continue to be burdened with a set of frothing right-wing ideologues in Congress, particularly in the House. We'll just go back to 'Hu Flung Poo'.

I also wonder if there will be a 'Praetorian Guard' for the US empire and, if so, what form it might take to make it 'acceptable' to a significant portion of the populace.
On the surface I would say Pence is worse than Trump, but if Trump were to leave office the republicans would be in turmoil for at least the next year or two. It would help the democrats in November if he left office prior to that or even if the process for removal started before that. Either way the democrats need both houses of congress in 2019, which is do-able as long as they get their shit together and quit with the fucking in fighting. The Senate is going to be tough, but essential in blocking further appointments.
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