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A Confused Donald Trump Posts Witch Hunt Tweet that Actually Debunks His Witch Hunt Claim


Veteran Member
Jan 31, 2013
New York, Manhattan, Upper West Side
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Hardcore Atheist
The orange Nazi is truly dumb.....

Nobody is going to fall out of their chair by encountering a mindnumbingly boneheaded comment from the Dotard-in-Chief, Donald Trump. To the contrary, any sign of intelligence would be more likely to require a whiff of smelling salts. But every now and then our nation's idiocy dispenser squeezes out something that really underscores our lowest expectations of him.
Monday was such a day as Trump manned his Twitter machine to rant about some perceived slight and/or yowl at his many looming enemies. When he isn't lashing out manically at critics, he's protesting too much about his fake innocence, or insisting that he's a beloved figure about whom all the polls are lying. All of these harangues are disgorged on his Twitter feed, which is all too often an incoherent mess. For instance, just last week he boasted that his approval rating had climbed to fifty-two percent. But that was actually his disapproval rating. He also posted what he said was a "big story"that turned out to be a big lie from a wingnut website. And tucked into his latest tweetstorm was a little gem that truly captured the full measure of his dementia.
Donald J. Trump

According to the Failing New York Times, the FBI started a major effort to flip Putin loyalists in 2014-2016. “It wasn’t about Trump, he wasn’t even close to a candidate yet.” Rigged Witch Hunt!
3:21 PM - Sep 3, 2018

Let's set aside Trump's tiresome and false assertion that the New York Times is failing. Thanks in part to Trump's perpetual circus of psychoses, the Times is enjoying a financial renaissance. The meat of this tweet lies in the preposterous illogic of his quotation. What he is apparently too obtuse to observe is that the existence of an FBI probe so long before he was a candidate, and two years before special counsel Robert Mueller was appointed, is proof that there was no witch hunt.
What's more, Trump is quoting Matthew Rosenberg of the New York Times from an appearance on CNN, a network that he swears he never watches. And Rosenberg himself noticed Trump's tweet and promptly corrected it:
Matthew Rosenberg

It’s nice to quoted by the president, but he’s dropped a crucial part of what I said: By the fall of 2016, the outreach to Deripaska did turn to Russia’s possible aid to the Trump campaign. FBI agents specifically asked Deripaska if Manafort was campaign’s link to the Kremlin. https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1036695682072158214 …

Matthew Rosenberg

The president is also misconstruing larger point: The fact the outreach to oligarchs started before he was a candidate is indicates Ohr & Steele were not part of a “witch hunt” or “deep state” plot. The outreach only turned to Trump after a separate FBI investigation was underway
4:03 PM - Sep 3, 2018

So in this one tweet, Trump managed to debunk his own witch hunt conspiracy theory and to exonerate all of the "Deep State" conspirators that are such a core part of his warped imagination. And, of course, by extension, he validates the credibility of the FBI's work which only snagged him as a consequence of the evidence turned up in their prior, unrelated investigation. It takes a special kind of stupid to do all of that in one little tweet.

Well,he never fails to lower the bar for stupid. The question always is 'how will he top this tomorrow?' :D
The trouble is, people believe this is evidence in his favor. He says something, it doesn't matter how ridiculous it is, they'll swallow it.
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