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Any opinions on the Maza Crowder storm on Youtube?

So he's upset that Youtube won't kick Crowder off because he hurt the snowflake's feelings? Just fuck off.
I couldn't give less of a shit about some whiny twitter battle. I don't even care what their positions are. If Ghandi and Hitler got into a twitter war, I'd still be like "OK, the both of you just need to STFU".
Crowder pretty much strikes me as the same as the Young Turks, but with the opposite ideological bent. Mostly harmless but so polarized and biased as to be a head shaker quite often.

At Vox Media, we have embraced partnering with other organizations to bring our work to as broad an audience as possible. We believe in the advantages of a free and open web that allows people to find their voices online. We share this belief with YouTube, and have spent years creating incredible work on the platform and growing loyal, engaged audiences across the YouTube community.

But the platform and the system now appears to be broken in some ways that we can’t tolerate. By refusing to take a stand on hate speech, they allow the worst of their communities to hide behind cries of “free speech” and “fake news” all while increasingly targeting people with the most offensive and odious harassment. They encourage their fans to follow suit and we now see our reporters and creators consistently targeted by the worst abuse online, with no remedy or ability to protect themselves.

YouTube knows this is a problem – it’s developed anti-harassment policies to hold its creators accountable and remove them from the platform when they are in violation. Yet YouTube is not enforcing the policies and are not removing known and identified users who employ hate speech tactics. By tacitly looking the other way, it encourages this behavior and contributes to a society more divided and more radicalized.

YouTube must do better and must enforce their own policies and remove creators who promote hate.
We have interpreted the 1st Amendment with wide latitude that allows almost any speech in a public forum including TV, ,
movies, and music.

Owners of a social media platforms can set terms of use limiting speech and expression. And then the what ifs begin. What about this or that. A Christian preacher saying gays are not acceptable?

In the distant past on the forum there were a number of people that went at each other and the moderation was very tight. Suspension and banning was not uncommon.

I can't remember the name of the forum, the symbol was a rat as I recall. Almost no moderation and what moderation there was ended up as a user review.

However it is done there will be things that should be moderated on a platform, and things that do get moderated but should not.

The platform becomes a moral judge.

Somebody should start a platform that caters to the garbage. If Congress tries to control speech that violates no law it will end up in the SCOTUS. Congress would have to pass laws justifying limits on speech and we know how that would go.

Consider that Trump could be banned for his chronic lies and falsehood's and certain shows on FOX would be banned.
The sad thing is you can bash Christians all you want on youtube and youtube won't get involved to censor it. But, say something about a gay man or a Muslim and the youtube Gestapo is ready and waiting to come and get ya!
The sad thing is you can bash Christians all you want on youtube and youtube won't get involved to censor it. But, say something about a gay man or a Muslim and the youtube Gestapo is ready and waiting to come and get ya!

You’re pretty one note, aren’t you?
The sad thing is you can bash Christians all you want on youtube and youtube won't get involved to censor it. But, say something about a gay man or a Muslim and the youtube Gestapo is ready and waiting to come and get ya!
There might be just a bit of confirmation bias, there, Sparky. Some of my relatives will go on and on about taking gays to a field and shooting them. Because God, or biology, or scripture, or just the fact that guys playing butt-darts makes them fwow up their cookies.
If you ask them politely to shut the fuck up, they complain that 'shut the fuck up' is anti-Xain persecution...

....without a trace of irony.
The sad thing is you can bash Christians all you want on youtube and youtube won't get involved to censor it. But, say something about a gay man or a Muslim and the youtube Gestapo is ready and waiting to come and get ya!
There might be just a bit of confirmation bias, there, Sparky. Some of my relatives will go on and on about taking gays to a field and shooting them. Because God, or biology, or scripture, or just the fact that guys playing butt-darts makes them fwow up their cookies.
If you ask them politely to shut the fuck up, they complain that 'shut the fuck up' is anti-Xain persecution...

....without a trace of irony.

Those relatives of yours are sick. I would never call for violence against a gay person. I love gay people. I just hate the sin they perform.

Steven Crowder got demonetized because he called Maza a "queer Mexican" despite the fact that Maza referred to himself as this multiple times. Seems a bit weird to say, "Don't call me what I call myself!" My point is that if you go to a Christian youtube channel and post, "Christians are scum and should be eradicated," youtube won't bat an eyelid, despite the fact that it's calling for genocide. But call a queer Mexican a queer Mexican and youtube draws the line on that "hateful" act.
It is really odd that also no one has mentioned two specific jabs by Crowder that are low blows and the even by playing the game of "wink wink, I only am repeating his words" he could be restricted by Youtube.

This clip is from fairly liberal SecularTalk , so the lefties here should be able to watch it and not give links to Crowder himself. This is also a way for me to say, watch the full mashup.

At 2:30 "Bet you can't eat just one (chips), like dicks" is pretty crazy stuff. Do that at your work and unless there are some very extenuating circumstances you are gone.

Oh Crowder's head bobbing a few seconds later I think is saying that Maza likes giving blowjobs, but I am not fully sure - only 90% sure. The 10% is that it was taken out of context for effect. The shirt is different.

Also, "two gay guys eating a banana, we get the symbolism there."
It is really odd that also no one has mentioned two specific jabs by Crowder that are low blows and the even by playing the game of "wink wink, I only am repeating his words" he could be restricted by Youtube.

This clip is from fairly liberal SecularTalk , so the lefties here should be able to watch it and not give links to Crowder himself. This is also a way for me to say, watch the full mashup.

At 2:30 "Bet you can't eat just one (chips), like dicks" is pretty crazy stuff. Do that at your work and unless there are some very extenuating circumstances you are gone.
Oh Crowder's head bobbing a few seconds later I think is saying that Maza likes giving blowjobs, but I am not fully sure - only 90% sure. The 10% is that it was taken out of context for effect. The shirt is different.

Is it wrong to say what gay people like? If Crowder said to a straight man, "You like putting it in the vagina!," is the straight man going to get offended or something? Of course not! It's what they do!

Do you know who was extremely vulgar (way more than Crowder) and never got banned? George Carlin.
So, I watched Sam Seder talk about this and the argument he had was that a lot of teen boys watch Crowder for the male bonding and male role model aspects of the show. Also that there is male bonding over putting down gays and so on. The free floating need to have male bonding can be exploited with poor outlets.

Kind of true, I mean even Jimmy Higgins likes to watch American Football where men are using their bodies as wrecking balls and battering rams and suffer immense damage while fans are whooping and hollering. This shit is inherent to our monkey heritage. Can't easily overwrite it.
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