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Are we headed to dictatorship?

Don2 (Don1 Revised)

Apr 1, 2004
Basic Beliefs
non-practicing agnostic
One of the first things to lose neutrality or meet dysfunction in a budding dictatorship is the highest court. We've got a problem there for months and now the new guy in charge will install an extremist puppet in the court with blessings of his majority Senate.

Another thing that happens in budding dictatorships is opponents get jailed. Is Hillary going to flee the country and get political asylum somewhere in Europe in a rich coastal town?

Mass incarceration? Well, that's just going to be for illegal immigrants, right? You can be a sympathizer, but don't doing anything illegal. Don't hide a poor illegal Mexican family in your attic. Don't pay undocumented workers unless you're a billionaire.

Ghettos. 24 million Americans will lose their healthcare.

There will be "guns, lots of guns." Localities with ordinances protecting immigrants will lose local funding. Illegals and Muslims will be declared the enemy. Sympathizers will also be the enemy.

It's all a dangerous mix...

But is fear justified? Are we really going in that direction?
We are moving in that direction. Remember that the Supreme Court can legitimize dictatorial powers through a loose interpretation of suspending Habeas Corpus.

The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.


"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

This could also allow a return to slavery.

So lock'em up and make 'em work.
I'm not going to borrow trouble and assume anything.

But... that's what he said, so I'm not going to let it sneak up on me.

Already the Court has lost so much. By the GOP actions that showed, "this is not an impartial court, it's a partisan one. Only GOP nominees will be selected," they lose their legitimacy. Why respect a court that is not a "real" court?
Are we headed to dictatorship? -- No.
One of the first things to lose neutrality or meet dysfunction in a budding dictatorship is the highest court. We've got a problem there for months and now the new guy in charge will install an extremist puppet in the court with blessings of his majority Senate.

Another thing that happens in budding dictatorships is opponents get jailed. Is Hillary going to flee the country and get political asylum somewhere in Europe in a rich coastal town?

Mass incarceration? Well, that's just going to be for illegal immigrants, right? You can be a sympathizer, but don't doing anything illegal. Don't hide a poor illegal Mexican family in your attic. Don't pay undocumented workers unless you're a billionaire.

Ghettos. 24 million Americans will lose their healthcare.

There will be "guns, lots of guns." Localities with ordinances protecting immigrants will lose local funding. Illegals and Muslims will be declared the enemy. Sympathizers will also be the enemy.

It's all a dangerous mix...

But is fear justified? Are we really going in that direction?

Now now, hysterics wont serve you. If we do lean towards fascism then we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, but losing your shit when there may not necessarily be cause for alarm just yet isn't going to do anyone any good.
One of the first things to lose neutrality or meet dysfunction in a budding dictatorship is the highest court. We've got a problem there for months and now the new guy in charge will install an extremist puppet in the court with blessings of his majority Senate.

Another thing that happens in budding dictatorships is opponents get jailed. Is Hillary going to flee the country and get political asylum somewhere in Europe in a rich coastal town?

Mass incarceration? Well, that's just going to be for illegal immigrants, right? You can be a sympathizer, but don't doing anything illegal. Don't hide a poor illegal Mexican family in your attic. Don't pay undocumented workers unless you're a billionaire.

Ghettos. 24 million Americans will lose their healthcare.

There will be "guns, lots of guns." Localities with ordinances protecting immigrants will lose local funding. Illegals and Muslims will be declared the enemy. Sympathizers will also be the enemy.

It's all a dangerous mix...

But is fear justified? Are we really going in that direction?

Now now, hysterics wont serve you. If we do lean towards fascism then we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, but losing your shit when there may not necessarily be cause for alarm just yet isn't going to do anyone any good.

We are past the final signpost, the bridge is in sight. Perhaps we will apply the brakes, but once we begin crossing the bridge it will likely be too late.
If history is a guide, humans end up with dictatorship all the time.

Nothing special about the US.
The irony is that Trump's wall will be used not to keep Mexicans out, but to keep Americans in. He is building the new iron curtain.
I don't think that is too unlikely. Who is going to stop that from doubling down on voter suppression?
Is there a reason everyone's so fucking nuts over Trump's win?

He can do a lot of damage to our country that will take generations to sort out.


The frightened people angry at losing their privileged status in the US voted into office what they wanted. A 1950s president that will try to take them back to a white, male dominated, Christian America.

One or two SCOTUS judges appointed by the GOP will set this country culturally back and keep making those decisions for the next 30 years.

This is a major disaster.
One or two SCOTUS judges appointed by the GOP will set this country culturally back and keep making those decisions for the next 30 years.

You need to think hyuuuuuuger. We're talking about teh Donald. He can if he so chooses nominate 3 new justices all at once so there will be 11 SC justices. We only have One Party now so what kind of checks and balances will there be?
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