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Are we running out of reasons to vote Democrat?

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
With the recent Net "Neutrality" proposal coming out, a potential merger of Comcast and Time Warner that should have made the Regulators laugh, and now AT&T looking to buy Directv, on top of the already well settled national surveillance program, CIA fiddling in the Middle East, among other things...

...are liberals running out of reasons to look the other way on Election Day? I posted likewise prior to '12. And as things still stand the only thing we seem to be able to depend on the Democrats for is trying to help the economy from imploding and nominating justices to the Supreme Court that don't make up things like the "Unitary Executive".

While Obama has had a ton of obstruction interfering his actions in protecting consumers, the latest Net "Neutrality" proposal seems to be just another straw placed on the already buckling back of the camel.
A perpetual reason to vote Dem: the kind of society we're headed for if the ultra right prevails. We're close enough to Scalialand to know how catastrophically awful it will be for the great majority.
The best reason to vote Dem these days is that there is simply no real alternative. Sure you can vote third party as a protest, but that is not much different than simply staying home. Either one can only help the Republicants.
As "F"ed up as we democrats are unfortunately the alternative is going over to the "Dark Side!"

I am so glad that I switched parties in the 80's. Mr Higgins you are so right about these big fish eating the little fish in our world today. I mean come on people ATT buying DirectTV, WTF? It seems like ATT is positioning herself to battle the big evil dip shits at Time Warner and Comcast. Now there is truly an evil corporation IMO. If you do not pay up you get squat! And squat today is a snail speed in the pipeline. I know that my ATT DSL sucks so I recently hopped onboard their new "fiber optics" since all DSL's will be grandfathered. Most people do not even know this little fact. Yet as crappy as ATT is Comcast or Xfinity is even more crappy and could care less what the client needs; they suck way more.

Listening and watching all the 24/7hate media constant bombardment of vile lying hate I am glad that I am a proud card carrying Democrat. Even as the Democratic party is way more screwed up, unorganized and never on message like the GOP hate machine we still in our little ways make an ever so little difference in the world. The only problem is that in the corporate world's hegemony Democrat or republican it does not matter. Our next POTUS will be that Bitch Hillary and corporate America loves the Clintons.

Are we running out of reasons to vote Democrat? Yep all the time. But the alternative going over to the dark side, republican, is even a more disgusting choice. There are two kinds of republicans in the world. Those who are and those who think that they are. The later being people in the realm of Teabaggers and Wingnuts!

Oh well. where is Teddy Roosevelt when you need him today?


Sure you can vote third party as a protest

It wouldn't be "as a protest" any longer if enough people voted for them.

So true. the addage that a third party vote is a wasted vote is something you only have yourselves to blame for. Why is there no visible push for reforming from the first past the post system?
Third party votes are the only ones that make sense, because your vote won't sway the election. If a Democrat in Texas had voted Green, Texas would still have gone for Romney. If a Republican in California had voted Constitution, California would still have gone for Obama.
I'd say because people are stuck in the mindset that it couldn't work, so they don't try. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
This is why is it so important to change our voting system. If we had a voting system like the one proposed in this potential Oregon initiative, we would be able to hold the dems accountable. It is too bad those stupid dipshit progressives that have a voice like Cenk Uygur or Lawrence Lessig won't even lift a finger to bring awareness to it. They can't even bother making a tweet about it because “nothing can be done until we get money out of politics.”

Hey assholes! If you want reform, then maybe it would be a good idea to give voters the ability to vote for candidates that offer reform and not be punished for it.
Sure you can vote third party as a protest

It wouldn't be "as a protest" any longer if enough people voted for them.

So true. the addage that a third party vote is a wasted vote is something you only have yourselves to blame for. Why is there no visible push for reforming from the first past the post system?

Don't get me wrong, I voted third party (Jill Stein) in the last presidential election, but I also knew that Illinois was going for Obama no matter what. This year is all about State/Local races though. I guess it is possible that I might opt for one or two third party candidates for some of the lesser State offices, but with Mark Kirk as the Senate incumbent up for re-election, I am going to have to cast a vote against him that I know will count. On the local level, Dems are the only viable option, as the third party candidates are all tea-publican lunatics.
I'd say because people are stuck in the mindset that it couldn't work, so they don't try. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Do you remember 2000? When enough protest votes cost Gore New Hampshire and Florida? Remember how well the W Admin did in leading the county?
The Democrats are bad. Not nearly as bad as the Republicans, though.
I'd say because people are stuck in the mindset that it couldn't work, so they don't try. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Do you remember 2000? When enough protest votes cost Gore New Hampshire and Florida? Remember how well the W Admin did in leading the county?

Yeeaaaah. Gore lost those votes, Nader didn't steal them.

If you actually believe what you wrote then consider this -
Imagine the vote totals Gore would have gotten had all those Bush voters voted for him.

You're saying that's not a serious response. That means you consider the Republicans more legitimate than the Greens. You betray your own bias there and without being aware of it concede the legitimacy of Bush being president.
If you want people to vote, then you have to give them something to vote for, not vote against. Playing defense ain't sexy. Saying things like "You need to vote and you need to vote democratic because of judicial nominations" will get you yawns, blank stares, and "who cares" from a population a substantial number of which can't name the three branches of govt.

GOPers vote FOR stuff. They aren't voting against gay marriage, they are voting FOR the protection of the family. They are not voting against abortion, but FOR the lives of the unborn. They aren't voting against separation of church and state but FOR freedom of religious expression.

What is the DP for? Evidently compromise, capitulation, and co-opting the GOP talking points of the 1990s.

People in this country are for
  • Increasing the minimum wage
  • Decreasing our military presence abroad
  • Making healthcare available, accessible, and affordable to more citizens
  • Improving education
  • Fixing our immigration policy

These are things the DP should be educating the populace about and driving the policies for not just during an election year but doing so 24/7/52

But they are not

The question is why aren't they?
I'd say because people are stuck in the mindset that it couldn't work, so they don't try. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Do you remember 2000? When enough protest votes cost Gore New Hampshire and Florida? Remember how well the W Admin did in leading the county?
Yeeaaaah. Gore lost those votes, Nader didn't steal them.
Huh? Many were protest votes. I certainly wasn't enamored by Gore, but understood that a W Presidency was a disaster waiting to happen, and I was saying that before he was elected.

If you actually believe what you wrote then consider this -
Imagine the vote totals Gore would have gotten had all those Bush voters voted for him.
Again... wah?

You're saying that's not a serious response. That means you consider the Republicans more legitimate than the Greens. You betray your own bias there and without being aware of it concede the legitimacy of Bush being president.
Actually, I established what shit can go down in the United States if you don't stop the Republican Party from having near complete control of the Government. Just a small percentage of the protest votes for Nader would have swung the election, and who knows what in Global History, around. 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan, US debt (during a surplus)... potentially drastically changed.

I suppose that is the difference between Democrats and Republicans. The Democrats fuck up on the small shit, the Republican fuck the whole thing up.
My point was that anyone who says that voting for Nader cost Gore the election is saying "Gore is a legitimate candidate, Nader is not."

Anyone who laughs at my talking about the Bush votes going to Gore is saying "Bush is also a legitimate candidate."
My point was that anyone who says that voting for Nader cost Gore the election is saying "Gore is a legitimate candidate, Nader is not."

Anyone who laughs at my talking about the Bush votes going to Gore is saying "Bush is also a legitimate candidate."
A person said that it is a misconception that voting third party "won't work". I brought up a very recent case where voting third party really didn't work.
With the recent Net "Neutrality" proposal coming out, a potential merger of Comcast and Time Warner that should have made the Regulators laugh, and now AT&T looking to buy Directv, on top of the already well settled national surveillance program, CIA fiddling in the Middle East, among other things...

...are liberals running out of reasons to look the other way on Election Day? I posted likewise prior to '12. And as things still stand the only thing we seem to be able to depend on the Democrats for is trying to help the economy from imploding and nominating justices to the Supreme Court that don't make up things like the "Unitary Executive".

While Obama has had a ton of obstruction interfering his actions in protecting consumers, the latest Net "Neutrality" proposal seems to be just another straw placed on the already buckling back of the camel.

Personally, I haven't voted since 2000. I voted for Bush then because he said he wasn't going to get involved in nation-building and that our foreign policy would be to mind our own business. Of course, what he actually did was far closer to what Al Gore was advocating.

I probably should have considered voting for Gary Johnson in 2012 but I wasn't registered.

At least it's good to see that some Democrats are actually willing to consider the possibility. What on earth has Obama done that's even liberal or progressive. Certainly not Obamacare. Only a bunch of lobbyists could have come up with such a convoluted scheme as that. Meanwhile, Guantanamo's still full. We're getting drone strikes and indefinite detentions, and NSA spying and, of course, interventions anywhere and everywhere overseas.

That's without evening mentioning the problems with the economy, the budget, the ongoing collapse of the dollar, and the trillions of dollars that have been funneled into the Wall Street banks.

So again, where is there anything liberal or progressive in Obama's record?

A third party candidate would make a lot of sense if there were a good one, but I don't expect that either.
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