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Berlinski On Evolution


Diabetic retinopathy and poor eyesight. Typos ...
Nov 9, 2017
Basic Beliefs
'...David Berlinski. David Berlinski (born 1942) is an American author and academic who opposes the scientific consensus on the theory of evolution. He is a senior fellow of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture....'

I just watched this guy on FOX. Hard to find the right words, goofy comes to mind.

He seems to say he is atheist, then not so much. Says he doesn't believe or reject god, but not so much. As a member of the Discovery Institute he is not challenging Christianity.

He used Darwinism as a pejorative instead of evolution. Compares evolution to communism, another pro Creationism ploy.

Clearly a dishonest guy. A case of hiding behind tenure.

He rejects TOE on grounds it is not science and claims physicists reject it across the board. There is demonstrable model of abiogenesis so all that goes into the theory of evolution is bogus.



Says he doesn't believe or reject god, but not so much.
Doesn't everyone publishing through the DI have to sign a Statement of Faith?

IIRC, it pretty clearly states that they take the position that Genesis is the literal truth, thus totally, like, the story on God existing, making Earth in six days, putting Man in the Garden, all that.
Says he doesn't believe or reject god, but not so much.
Doesn't everyone publishing through the DI have to sign a Statement of Faith?

IIRC, it pretty clearly states that they take the position that Genesis is the literal truth, thus totally, like, the story on God existing, making Earth in six days, putting Man in the Garden, all that.
You may be thinking of Answers in Genesis. I believe the Discovery Institute are big pushers of Intelligent Design, which doesn't necessarily imply a god (wink wink). They were the ones that got taken down in the Dover trial.
The Theory of Evolution is as understood as the Theory of Relativity by most people.

But most people think they understand the Theory of Evolution.

It is something that should be taught in first grade and taught with vigor.

But the US is a fundamentalist ignorant nation. On par with nations like Iran and Saudi Arabia and Israel in terms of the prevailing minds of the populace.
You may be thinking of Answers in Genesis.
No, I THOUGHT I remembered that DI caused a stir when they took their statement of faith off of their website about 20 years ago.
But now I can't find any reference to it. At least, not the one I was thinking of...
There are plenty of alternative plausible explanations...let me think, I will make one up.

The DI has always had a slick looking science like web site.

I was fascinated watching the guy on a FOX show. He calls TOE fake science, yet sits on the fence on belief in a deity.
The Theory of Evolution is as understood as the Theory of Relativity by most people.

But most people think they understand the Theory of Evolution.

It is something that should be taught in first grade and taught with vigor.

But the US is a fundamentalist ignorant nation. On par with nations like Iran and Saudi Arabia and Israel in terms of the prevailing minds of the populace.
This is a terribly unfair comparison.

...to Israel. ;)

- - - Updated - - -

Targets sit on fences. Just crowing a bit.

So how do earthers and godders explain thermodynamic optimization and molecular self assembly?
They don't even try. Don't need to for the sheep to buy their B$.
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