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Biden's Town Hall Meeting

Cheerful Charlie

Nov 10, 2005
Houston, Texas
Basic Beliefs
Strong Atheist
Since Trump refused to do virtual debates, Biden did a solo Town Meeting on ABC with George Stephanopolus. Biden did well. Obviously not senile, sleepy or incapable. Biden was sharp, well spoken and quick on his feet. He did not sound like he was parroting memorized talking points. He most certainly did not come across as a boastful bragging, lout like Trump does.

Of interest. On the Supreme Court situation, Biden said he would rather let the current process go on, but hinted that if need be, packing to court is not off the table. And that further rules and laws are needed to end such dirty tricks. Though Biden has been against packing courts because once you start that game you never know where that is going to go, this is a situation that may need action. Biden was carefully vague but also unpredictable.

On legal actions that need follow up. While Biden states he is against holding grudges, as they simply undercut getting things done in his past experience, that does not mean everybody that has done actionable legal wrong doing is off the hook. Biden says he will appoint very highly experienced and talented experts in the DoJ to follow up on that. He Biden will not micro-manage that process though, he will not politicize the activities of the DoJ by doings so. he will let expert prosecutors do that job, if needed.

All in all, a good Town hall. A sizable portion of his questioners we Republicans, so it was not a bunch of soft ball questions by any means.
Didn't watch either of them. I tend to get the highlights of events like this later on.

Some people apparently switched back and forth between the two. One person commented it was like seeing two different planets. Another commented that this was bad for Trump because he can't interrupt someone on another channel.
I didn't watch either but reports this morning are that Biden got about twice the viewers than Bonespurs got.

Insert Ha Ha meme.
I didn't watch either but reports this morning are that Biden got about twice the viewers than Bonespurs got.

Insert Ha Ha meme.

However, Trump's limited response may be due to the fact that his ratings paled in comparison to Biden's. According to Newsweek, NBC News' YouTube channel attracted 153,660 viewers for Trump's town hall while ABC News' YouTube Channel drew 507,445 viewers by the time Biden's town hall ended. Multiple reports also indicate that last night's viewership signals a win for Biden.
You know, I would have expected train wreck viewing... but on the other hand, Trump supporters might have a legitimate neurosis that prevents them from turning the channel to NBC or MSNBC. So that could have affected Trump's ratings.
I didn't watch it either, but from what I saw all morning from the punditry, Biden looked sharp and Trump looked like an unhinged idiot He couldn't even say anything negative about QAnon. He claimed he knew nothing about it. Once again, he wouldn't denounce white supremacy etc.
He couldn't even say anything negative about QAnon. He claimed he knew nothing about it. Once again, he wouldn't denounce white supremacy etc.

I mean he can't call out his own base.


Those around Trump have followed suit. Eric Trump, the president’s son, recently posted a giant “Q” on Instagram as well as the hashtag version of the community’s slogan: “Where we go one, we go all.” White House deputy communications director Dan Scavino sparked glee on Facebook when he posted a photo with Q symbology in it back in March. Over on Parler, the niche Twitter alternative and MAGA hub, Rep. Devin Nunes of California, one of Trump’s most strident congressional defenders, directed people to The Dirty Truth, a video producer who has promoted QAnon-related conspiracies in the past.

From a right wing site:

Biden’s town hall was “moderated” (presented and managed is more accurate) by noted Democrat George Stepanoplolis who, when he wasn’t “wet kissing Biden”, failed to pose even a single question to Joe about the allegation/emails surrounding the Ukraine prosecutor firing and the question of possible family grifting - for those who don’t know what grifting is, look it up. The questioning during Biden’s town hall was a bit different than the prosecutorial-like questioning of Trump.

As an aside, won’t even one “news reporter/journalist” ask Joe Biden to explain what the United State’s compelling interest was behind his threatening to withhold $1 billion in aid to the Ukraine government unless the prosecutor investigating possible corruption/Barisma was fired?

As for Trump’s “town hall” - a completely different story unfolded. Instead of debating Biden last night, Trump found himself in a debate with an overtly hostile, hard Left “moderator” - Samantha Guthrie - who just happens to be married to Michael Feldman. For those who don’t know, Feldman was an Al Gore operative/advisor who served as Gore’s traveling Chief Of Staff.

America. What a country!!

I've got to ask; do these things matter? Who hasn't made their mind up in America as to how or if they vote in November?
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