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Bill Maher: Trump is good enough for God, in Republican eyes


Veteran Member
Jan 8, 2001
Basic Beliefs

Good that he clarified that whole Cyrus thing, for those of us who are Biblically illiterate and apathetic.
Jebus Christ!!! :eek:

Google Searched "Is Trump Cyrus". Below is the top 4 links. Without clicking any of the links, Cyrus was mistaken as the messiah, not the messiah. The Hebrews were enslaved in Babylon at the time of being released by the Persians. The parallels seem... clearly non-existent.

From the first link:
"They argue that just as Cyrus, scarcely a devotee of YHWH the God of Israel, served as God’s agent by authorizing Jewish exiles in Babylon to return to the Promised Land and to rebuild the temple to YHWH, so the narcissistic and morally flawed Trump can advance the causes of the evangelical community—and by extension, the country."

Obfuscation at its best.

[h=3]Is Trump Our Cyrus? The Old Testament Case for Yes and No ...[/h]

Oct 29, 2018 - Benjamin Netanyahu wasn't the first to compare Donald Trump to the ancient Persian leader, Cyrus. But he's probably been the most prominent ...

[h=3]Opinion | Why Trump Reigns as King Cyrus - The New York Times[/h]

Dec 31, 2018 - The month before the 2018 midterms, a thousand theaters screened “The TrumpProphecy,” a film that tells the story of Mark Taylor, a former ...

[h=3]Zechariah's Prophecy: Trump, Cyrus, Blood Moons and the Third Temple[/h]


Dec 24, 2018 - Next month, a super blood moon will pass over the U.S. capital on a Jewish holiday in a manner that one pastor argues connects to a prophecy in Zechariah, creating a link between Donald Trump and Persian King Cyrus building the Jewish Temple. ... This upcoming blood moon will bring ...

[h=3]Chaos Candidate: Is Trump a Modern-Day King Cyrus? | CBN.com[/h]


U.S. evangelical Christians are divided about what to do with Donald Trump. The views range from abandoning Trump to standing with him, believing he has a ...

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