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Books on geologic/climate history of the world?


Jun 23, 2010
Not having a lot of luck these days finding books written on topics I want to read about, but thought I'd throw this out there anyway. I'm interested in finding a geologic/climate history of the world, hopefully with reference to patterns of life too.

Seems like when one wants to read about something like this all that's to be found are textbooks on either geology or climate, but not both, and without mention of biology.

Anyone know of anything like that?
Oxygen: the molecule that made the world. By Nick Lane
Talks about measures of o2 and co2 in geologic history along with how we know, and what the climate implications are. Also deals with oxygen and it's implication on evolution.
I am trying to clear up a question about the history of the Earth's orbit around the Sun. Because the distance from the Sun dictates the energy balance.

Of course the size of the orbit may have had a slight change after the moon was formed after a collision(?) with another large object, but that seems to have happened very early on. Was there another significant change to the orbit after that? Did the earth move at the same time that the LHB happened? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Late_Heavy_Bombardment

I don't see how it would have changed much after that. I don't know by what mechanism or by how much the earth's orbit would expand under the current planetary arrangement in the ~3.8 billion years since the LHB. I probably is just a mild rounding error compared to the increasing intensity of the sun.
I would bet that looking at stuff connected to this guy would show some good books.

Oxygen: the molecule that made the world. By Nick Lane
Talks about measures of o2 and co2 in geologic history along with how we know, and what the climate implications are. Also deals with oxygen and it's implication on evolution.

Thanks for the tip, have got it on my to read list.

I gotta wonder if this is a topic I'll have to find a number of books on, rather than one with the exact form I'm looking for.
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