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China and authoritarian control


Diabetic retinopathy and poor eyesight. Typos ...
Nov 9, 2017
Basic Beliefs
Chinese leadership is paranoid maybe even terrified of anything that does not conform. You could not pay me to travel to China, I'd probably end up in jail.

I have a ck frind who was in China during Tieneman Square. He calls China the most racist country in the world.

The Olympics for China is all [political theater.

As China hosts the world for the Olympics, it is simultaneously stepping up its censorship of and crackdown on the country's LGBTQ community. The most recent incident sparking anger amongst fans is the show "Friends", as major Chinese streaming platforms censored an LGBTQ plot line in the popular TV series. CNN's David Culver reports.
Source: CNN

Whatever problems we have here in the USA there ar things we do stad for. There is free speech and the right to self determination. Outsdie of a minirity of liberal democracies that is not norm.

While we tear at ourselves we need to keep in mimd that in mmd. We can easily loose it, as demonstrated by Trump's grab for authoritarian control.
Definitely very racist. We have had relatives concerned about us going into parts of China that aren't Han Chinese. We also have a relative who doesn't want others to know my wife married a non-Chinese.
Definitely very racist. We have had relatives concerned about us going into parts of China that aren't Han Chinese. We also have a relative who doesn't want others to know my wife married a non-Chinese.
One of my friends is ethnically Chinese, born in China, and raised in New York. Her parents were more upset that she married a half-Korean, half-Chinese man than they were with her sister who married a white guy. They weren't too happy with the white guy either, but ... come on.
Definitely very racist. We have had relatives concerned about us going into parts of China that aren't Han Chinese. We also have a relative who doesn't want others to know my wife married a non-Chinese.
One of my friends is ethnically Chinese, born in China, and raised in New York. Her parents were more upset that she married a half-Korean, half-Chinese man than they were with her sister who married a white guy. They weren't too happy with the white guy either, but ... come on.
Yeah, it's pretty nuts. At least we didn't have trouble with her parents.
I guess its racism but the larger problem is tribalism, of which racism is a subset. When I was growing up there were four parochial schools in the small community, one each for the slavs, the poles, the irish and the germans. And then there was the public school and one other parish for the WASPs. They all practiced the same religion but were at each other's throats about their ethnic superiority. This is China.
I just want China to leave my video games alone. I love overly sexualized female video game characters & China seems hell-bent on removing boobs and revealing outfits from games. :mad:
I guess its racism but the larger problem is tribalism, of which racism is a subset. When I was growing up there were four parochial schools in the small community, one each for the slavs, the poles, the irish and the germans. And then there was the public school and one other parish for the WASPs. They all practiced the same religion but were at each other's throats about their ethnic superiority. This is China.

This. It's not like the other groups in China aren't Chinese. It was specifically about Han Chinese. (And the only "people"-problem we had on that trip was from a Han Chinese--not all hotels are set up to meet the registration requirements of renting to foreigners and the hotel we were booked into turned out to not take foreigners. Her nephew's fault, not the hotel's.)

This is also why the problem will never be solved. There will always somehow be tribes because people like to feel superior.
I just want China to leave my video games alone. I love overly sexualized female video game characters & China seems hell-bent on removing boobs and revealing outfits from games. :mad:
I'm ambivalent towards it. Nothing makes me dislike a game quite so fast as egregious fan service.

Even Bayonetta, wherein her egregiousness was a plot element and a seizing of her own self-actualization, was too much for me.

There can be such a thing as "too loud".
I just want China to leave my video games alone. I love overly sexualized female video game characters & China seems hell-bent on removing boobs and revealing outfits from games. :mad:
I'm ambivalent towards it. Nothing makes me dislike a game quite so fast as egregious fan service.

Even Bayonetta, wherein her egregiousness was a plot element and a seizing of her own self-actualization, was too much for me.

There can be such a thing as "too loud".

Oh I get that. There are a lot of female characters that I love that aren't over the top sexualized (still are but not as much). It's in games where it's by design that I have an issue with.

Edit and to be clear it's not that China is officially demanding changes that affect video games released in the states it's just that there is a LOT OF MONEY to be made in the Chinese market and any gaming company looking to release a product internationally take China into consideration. So it's not directly their fault.
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