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Criminal Presidents are "a Protected Minority "


Veteran Member
Jul 1, 2005
Basic Beliefs
that people in the US are living in the matrx
There are 4 huge problems with this:

1. The fact our President's are war criminals.
2. The fact they are not brought to trial.
3. The fact the most powerful people in the world are a protected minority.
...and most importantly....
4. Google is not a free and unbiased platform. Our 1st amendment rights are being violated.

4. Google is not a free and unbiased platform. Our 1st amendment rights are being violated.
Exactly what part of the Constitution (original, amendment, SCOTUS case decision) says that a private business has anything to do with the 1ast Amendment?

The Bill of Rights is a list of things the Government cannot do to, or take away from, its citizens.
Google and youtube are defacto monopolies. If they were just uncensored platforms that would be ok. But they arent.
Google and youtube are defacto monopolies. If they were just uncensored platforms that would be ok. But they arent.
Irrelevant to the issue that they are private businesses and not covered by the 1st amendment.
Google and youtube are defacto monopolies. If they were just uncensored platforms that would be ok. But they arent.

Every system of corporations is a de facto monopoly decided by dollars, not people.

You obviously don't hate capitalists which is why you like Twitler who shits on the little guy.

Therefore, you are just being partisan. It's a shame you gave in to a capitalist propagandizing everything in his fights for his way over corporations. Next stop: fascism as corporations who obey mingle with The Chosen One. You chose the wrong side.
There are 4 huge problems with this:

1. The fact our President's are war criminals.
2. The fact they are not brought to trial.
3. The fact the most powerful people in the world are a protected minority.
...and most importantly....
4. Google is not a free and unbiased platform. Our 1st amendment rights are being violated.

What a very Russian thing to post.

Funny, that you were singing praises of Trump because of industry jobs and hours increasing, but that singing faded and now you are posting despondent content that Putin is selling. IE, The West is no better.

It is incredible how easy it is for some people to get manipulated into becoming the voice of Fascism and anti-Democracy.
There are 4 huge problems with this:

1. The fact our President's are war criminals.
2. The fact they are not brought to trial.
3. The fact the most powerful people in the world are a protected minority.
...and most importantly....
4. Google is not a free and unbiased platform. Our 1st amendment rights are being violated.

What a very Russian thing to post.

Funny, that you were singing praises of Trump because of industry jobs and hours increasing, but that singing faded and now you are posting despondent content that Putin is selling. IE, The West is no better.

It is incredible how easy it is for some people to get manipulated into becoming the voice of Fascism and anti-Democracy.

Oh please. How convenient. We can't criticize "the West" because then Russians want us to. Jesus. I swear, there are entire generations completely brainwashed by the Red Scare. Get a grip, the US is a bad actor on the world stage. Instead of pretending that this is only Russian propaganda, perhaps put some effort into actually holding American leaders accountable. Then you might have the moral high ground.
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There are 4 huge problems with this:

1. The fact our President's are war criminals.
2. The fact they are not brought to trial.
3. The fact the most powerful people in the world are a protected minority.
...and most importantly....
4. Google is not a free and unbiased platform. Our 1st amendment rights are being violated.

What a very Russian thing to post.

Funny, that you were singing praises of Trump because of industry jobs and hours increasing, but that singing faded and now you are posting despondent content that Putin is selling. IE, The West is no better.

It is incredible how easy it is for some people to get manipulated into becoming the voice of Fascism and anti-Democracy.

Oh please. How convenient. We can't criticize "the West" because then Russians want us to.
It isn't convenient at all. It speaks to a dark narrative that is working. The narrative Putin is pushing is Democracy failed and that is the narrative Rvonse is pushing. He seems easily swayed with Internet rubbish, from 9/11 to Trump to Putin. It also isn't conspiracy, we know that Russia has and is influencing Western elections with bullshit social media postings which are manipulating Westerners way too bloody easily. One bloody Tweet from South America set the US off on a "confrontation" by a Covington High School student and an Native American. That isn't conspiracy, that is fact.

Jesus. I swear, there are entire generations completely brainwashed by the Red Scare.
This isn't the Red Scare, this is acknowledging a push for fascist authoritarian leadership in the west. It has been growing and mainly found its roots on the Internet. Putin wants a weak west to be able to have a more influential role in global politics.

Get a grip, the US is a bad actor on the world stage.
No shit, but the OP wasn't talking about that. The OP is selling Russian propaganda about the West in general.
Instead of pretending that this is only Russian propaganda, perhaps put some effort into actually holding American leaders accountable. Then you might have the moral high ground.
I don't have a moral high ground. There is no moral high ground. There is truth and recognition of people being manipulated. Right now, Trump is riding a fascist wave which endangers our democracy because 40% of America believes in all of this shit. Over 200k will be dead, in a large part due to Trump's failed reaction to Covid-19... and he might still win in November. And Rvonse wants to talk about America's failures as a global leader?
Oh please. How convenient. We can't criticize "the West" because then Russians want us to.
It isn't convenient at all. It speaks to a dark narrative that is working. The narrative Putin is pushing is Democracy failed and that is the narrative Rvonse is pushing. He seems easily swayed with Internet rubbish, from 9/11 to Trump to Putin. It also isn't conspiracy, we know that Russia has and is influencing Western elections with bullshit social media postings which are manipulating Westerners way too bloody easily. One bloody Tweet from South America set the US off on a "confrontation" by a Covington High School student and an Native American. That isn't conspiracy, that is fact.

Jesus. I swear, there are entire generations completely brainwashed by the Red Scare.
This isn't the Red Scare, this is acknowledging a push for fascist authoritarian leadership in the west. It has been growing and mainly found its roots on the Internet. Putin wants a weak west to be able to have a more influential role in global politics.

Get a grip, the US is a bad actor on the world stage.
No shit, but the OP wasn't talking about that. The OP is selling Russian propaganda about the West in general.
Instead of pretending that this is only Russian propaganda, perhaps put some effort into actually holding American leaders accountable. Then you might have the moral high ground.
I don't have a moral high ground. There is no moral high ground. There is truth and recognition of people being manipulated. Right now, Trump is riding a fascist wave which endangers our democracy because 40% of America believes in all of this shit. Over 200k will be dead, in a large part due to Trump's failed reaction to Covid-19... and he might still win in November. And Rvonse wants to talk about America's failures as a global leader?

“Incredible” and frightening. Enough people will figure it out when it’s too late.
I’m not much for social media but I think it now plays a secondary role to the inroads fascism is making in the US. Social media is achieving its goal; it has put us at each other’s throats. We are there and we have Trump stoking the flames of divisiveness. As Trump goes to Kenosha. As the DNI stops making reports to Congress.

Now is not the time to complain about the shortcomings of this superpower. Now is the time to save it or what the OP decries will be set in stone.
There are 4 huge problems with this:

1. The fact our President's are war criminals.

That case could be made for some, but certainly not the majority of our Presidents. Oh, but you said "our President's", which would seem that you are referring to Trump using a contraction as in "our President is", and you are certainly correct there, plus he engages in a large variety of other criminality, including fraud, housing discrimination, harboring illegal aliens, sexual harassment, sexual assault, illegal campaign financing, obstruction of justice, extortion, and bribery, and that is just a partial list. But yep, he's a war criminal as well.

2. The fact they are not brought to trial.

I agree with you that the current corrupt DoJ led by Trump's hand-picked crony should be willing to bring a sitting President to trial for the host of crimes he has committed both in office, and prior to taking office.

3. The fact the most powerful people in the world are a protected minority.

That extends to more people than just Presidents. With great power comes great responsibility, and entirely too many powerful people choose to ignore the responsibility. Unlike the rest of us, that is a choice that the are empowered to make.

...and most importantly....
4. Google is not a free and unbiased platform. Our 1st amendment rights are being violated.

How is that most important? WTF dude? You just got done bitching about unrestrained Presidential unaccountability and powe, but the thing you think is most important is not to do anything about it, but to constrain a non-governmental entity in the name of free speech. READ. THE. FUCKING. BILL. OF. RIGHTS!

As has already been pointed out several times, but bears repeating. The right to free speech is in regard to THE GOVERNMENT restraining speech. Alphabet is not the government.

You really need to avoid that kind of shit. It is not doing you any favors.
How is that most important? WTF dude? You just got done bitching about unrestrained Presidential unaccountability and powe, but the thing you think is most important is not to do anything about it, but to constrain a non-governmental entity in the name of free speech. READ. THE. FUCKING. BILL. OF. RIGHTS!

As has already been pointed out several times, but bears repeating. The right to free speech is in regard to THE GOVERNMENT restraining speech. Alphabet is not the government.
But Google is totally censored... check out this video on YouTube (owned by Google) as proof!
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