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Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report


Loony Running The Asylum
Staff member
Oct 22, 2002
Frozen in Michigan
Old Fart
Basic Beliefs
Don't be a dick.

MSNBC anchor Lawrence O’Donnell dropped a bombshell on Tuesday evening.

“The source close to Deutsche Bank says that the Trump tax returns reveal that the president pays little to no income tax in some years,” O’Donnell reported. “And the source says that Deutsche Bank is in possession of loan documents that show Donald Trump has obtained loans with co-signers and that he would not have been able to obtain those loans without co-signers.”

“The source close to Deutsche Bank says that the co-signers of Donald Trump’s Deutsche Bank loans are Russian billionaires close to Vladimir Putin,” O’Donnell revealed.

MSNBC anchor Lawrence O’Donnell dropped a bombshell on Tuesday evening.

“The source close to Deutsche Bank says that the Trump tax returns reveal that the president pays little to no income tax in some years,” O’Donnell reported. “And the source says that Deutsche Bank is in possession of loan documents that show Donald Trump has obtained loans with co-signers and that he would not have been able to obtain those loans without co-signers.”

“The source close to Deutsche Bank says that the co-signers of Donald Trump’s Deutsche Bank loans are Russian billionaires close to Vladimir Putin,” O’Donnell revealed.

I'm not super surprised. Banks don't like to lend to people who don't perform and declare bankruptcy.

MSNBC anchor Lawrence O’Donnell dropped a bombshell on Tuesday evening.

“The source close to Deutsche Bank says that the Trump tax returns reveal that the president pays little to no income tax in some years,” O’Donnell reported. “And the source says that Deutsche Bank is in possession of loan documents that show Donald Trump has obtained loans with co-signers and that he would not have been able to obtain those loans without co-signers.”

“The source close to Deutsche Bank says that the co-signers of Donald Trump’s Deutsche Bank loans are Russian billionaires close to Vladimir Putin,” O’Donnell revealed.

"When you have them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow."

- Old Vietnam war era saying
This is real evidence of ties to Uncle Vlad. Was there blackmail involved? You got to wonder. Meanwhile, the Greed Over People party will continue to look the other way as a traitor continues to masquerade as our president.
I wouldn't have run with the story -- remember how Bush 43's supposed AWOLs from the Air Guard blew up in Dan Rather's face? That was a terrific gift to the GOP and of course they made the most of it. O'Donnell gave the vaguest of characterizations of his source. (Isn't relying on one unvetted source what we've roasted Cheney over, in the mythic tale of the WMDs of Saddam?) This is no bombshell. It's not much more than gossip.
Well, considering Faux News no longer works for him, whatever will he do?

:sadcheer:Poor Faux News. No more calls from the traitor in chief? Let's see if they make amends.
Do they want to, though?

As someone pointed out, interviewing the POTUS used to be something of a milestone for a journalist. Something to put on the brag sheet before negotiating next year's contract. FOX newspeople were passing it around like 'whose turn is it to take the class hamster home for the weekend?'
Well, considering Faux News no longer works for him, whatever will he do?

:sadcheer:Poor Faux News. No more calls from the traitor in chief? Let's see if they make amends.
Do they want to, though?

As someone pointed out, interviewing the POTUS used to be something of a milestone for a journalist. Something to put on the brag sheet before negotiating next year's contract. FOX newspeople were passing it around like 'whose turn is it to take the class hamster home for the weekend?'

Yes but that would mean they would have to become a real news organization with principles and ethics kind of thing.
He should be fired. Unlike the Dan Rather situation, which had a physical document produced and the backing of the secretary that wrote the original, this seems to have included almost nothing but ratings. We have enough propaganda on television, we don't need any more.
Glad someone else brought up Dan Rather. This entire debacle is going to vindicate Trump's actions for months.
This was either a setup by Trump's team or somebody has solid evidence of Trump actually Russian cosigners but does not have it on them.

Or let's say that this leaker actually has the documents. Was this info gathered legally? Trump is both a private citizen and also the president (now not then).

Very poorly thought out. Doesn't MSNBC have a legal team?
This is not a good look. O'Donnell aimed squarely at his own foot and hit a lot of other targets (MSNBC, liberals in general, etc.) and risks winding up in the sort of obscurity that has been visited on his predecessor Olbermann.

Even if it comes out that Trump was up to his neck in Russian thug money (which his son has admitted), his supporters will scream "total exoneration."
Glad someone else brought up Dan Rather. This entire debacle is going to vindicate Trump's actions for months.

If Trump actually has Russia backers for his loan and this was hastily mis-leaked then it will be hard to get this properly released.
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