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Dr. Ben Carson, Stephen Colbert and the Pee Pee of Death


Sep 17, 2003
Right behind you so ... BOO!
Basic Beliefs
non-theist, anarcho-socialist
Ann Coulter and The Donald have both rained their wisdom upon us with regards to the treatment of people with Ebola and how we should treat American citizens who dare go to Africa to lend aid to victims of the deadly virus.

We can poo-poo them because they are , well, Ann Coulter and The Donald

But here is a serious man with serious credentials and a serious hankering to be the second black president

Presenting Stephen Colbert presenting Dr. Ben Carson

The number of new Ebola cases in the U.S. is impossible to count,” Colbert said, “because it is zero. But just because Ebola is catching in America doesn’t mean Ebola can’t catch you! Fox News brain surgeon Dr. Ben Carson, infect us with your fear!”

He then cut to a clip of Carson on Fox News, in which he said, “if there were a container of contaminated urine, and it somehow managed to find its way to someplace…and someone comes up to a lab worker, knows he’s got the urine, asks him, ‘How’d you like to have a million dollars?’ Then there’s a little transaction there.”

“Somebody’s going to say, ‘That’s crazy!’” Carson said. “But it’s not. Such things have been known to happen.”

“Now,” Colbert replied, “You may say that Dr. Ben Carson is just yanking shit out of his ass, but remember — that’s another way Ebola is spread. Dr. Carson is right! We must guard against the worst case scenarios, and I can think of much worser scenarios.”

“Let’s say the terrorists inject the urine into circus lions, and then release them into a Boy Scout Jamboree,” he conjectured. “Or more plausibly, let’s say there’s an opera company on their way to a gig, but their bus breaks down outside of the CDC. They start singing, hit a high C, causing all the vials of urine to shatter. Then a cold front moves in, sucks all the Ebola into the sky — suddenly, it’s raining death pee-pee!”

That's crazy.

The real concern over Ebola is why aren't the experimental drugs being used?

If this was happening anywhere besides Africa would they still be held back?
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