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Drunk Sarah Palin History: Funny and Sad

By golly and dad gum! That's a woman who I think could be vice president of the good ol' US of A. (hic) :very_drunk:
This video puts the lie to the notion that there is a sinister conspiracy amongst the "lame stream media" to make this woman look bad.

If there was, then her (allegedly) inebriated performance here would be the topic of discussion on every television network, website, and - are there still newspapers? across the country with the headline reading something very much like "Holy Fuck This Woman Was Almost A Heartbeat Away From the Presidency."

Instead, this is getting spotty coverage at best.

Or maybe...just maybe...the sinister conspiracy is real, and they just can't bring themselves to take such an easy shot at such a clearly damaged person.

Congratulations Sarah Barracuda. You've managed to make the "liberal media" feel sorry for you.
There is only sadness in Sarah Palin someone seeking power, and nothing funny.
Her 15 minutes of fame were done.. until McCain recently said something about Jon Stewart and Stewart fired back at McCain, citing Palin as one of the monsters McCain has unleashed on the world. And so Palin became relevant for a few seconds and you gotta know she would try to grasp that for all she can.
I honestly can't tell if she's drunk. The video is heavily edited. (Thank goodness because I can't stomach more than a few minutes of her.) And with the exception of a couple of slurs, her diction was surprisingly good on a few phrases that I would have trouble with even sober. It appears that she did slur her words a few times but I can't tell if that was because of editing or not.
I think that the US really dodged a bullet. McCain and Palin would have been the worst presidential team in history. No doubt in my mind that if McCain had won, we would be in full scale war with 25% of the earth. And I was an early supporter of McCain.
Palin is, at best, an attack dog. That is all she can do, bite. That she is still admired by many befuddles me.
I think that the US really dodged a bullet. McCain and Palin would have been the worst presidential team in history. No doubt in my mind that if McCain had won, we would be in full scale war with 25% of the earth. And I was an early supporter of McCain.
They were never going to win, so it wasn't that big of a dodge. Truth be told, the Democrats should have held off on the Obama nomination, let him learn the system better, and toss out some ham sandwich the nation would have voted for over a Republican candidate.
I don't think not knowing the system better is President Obama's problem, but knowing the system too well.
Obama was too green. I felt that way back in '04, but he was a rising star and they wanted to use him as quickly as possibly to keep him from being the victim of a voting record. But it is good to have experience, allies, clout from being in the Senate a while. But that clout usually comes at a cost, which is why you don't see many Senators winning Presidential races. This is veering well off-topic, however.
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