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God's love is so wonderful


Feb 25, 2001
Birmingham, Alabama
Basic Beliefs
Why it even extends to 12 year old girls:

“Debbie and I really do care for you and we sincerely want God’s best for you,” he wrote, referring to his wife, Debbie Morris, according to the emails. Robert Morris wrote that he’d long ago confessed his sins to Clemishire’s father and believed that he’d “obtained your forgiveness as well as your family’s.”

Why isn't that precious?

Morris ended his reply with a legal warning.

“My attorney advises that if I pay you any money under a threat of exposure, you could be criminally prosecuted and Debbie and I do not want that,” he wrote. “If you need more information, have your attorney contact mine.”

OOOOkay! If you go forward with your accusations you are a criminal. Because it is god's love isn't it? What a turd.

And of course it was all her fault:

I mean girls with icky body parts (that's a medical term for those of you wondering) are always the problem. I mean it's not our fault that we men can't control ourselves around your icky body parts. It's the way god made us. Isn't he wonderful?

Years ago, I recall a pastor at a fundy church in Charleston, SC, got up in the pulpit one day, and simply said, that a witch had cast a spell on him and that he would have to resign. That's exactly how he put it - motherfucker. He then got down from the pulpit and walked out the church to the stunned congregation. I recall the bullshit excuses people made for him to this day - it was all the woman's fault. He was really a good man. At least she wasn't a child.

fuck religion.
I saw that asshole interviewed on the news and he gave some bullshit excuse about not being "saved" at the time and the temptation of the evils of the flesh. But, this is nothing new. In fact sexual abuse of children, by both priests and pastors, as well as other church workers, like youth directors etc. is very common.

https://www.manlystewart.com/articles/how-common-is-clergy-sexual-abuse#:~:text=Clergy Sexual Abuse in California,abuse cases in the country.

In the United States, more than 5,300 priests and other members of the clergy have been accused of sexually abusing children. California is the top state in terms of the number of reported clergy sexual abuse cases in the country.

According to a ProPublica data compilation, a total of 757 credibly accused perpetrators of clergy sexual assault had been named in California as of 2020. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles alone produced files that named 244 priests and other members of the clergy who had been credibly accused of abuse by 656 individuals.

Who Are the Most Common Perpetrators of Clergy Sexual Abuse?

Clergy sexual abuse is most often perpetrated by people who hold positions of authority within a church or religious organization. Perpetrators take advantage of the imbalance of power between themselves and their victims to convince, force, coerce or threaten them into complying with nonconsensual or unlawful sexual activity.

The most common perpetrators of clergy sexual abuse are:

  • Religious leaders
  • Priests
  • Bishops
  • Deacons
  • Ministers
  • Reverends
  • Rabbis
  • Imams
  • Nuns or sisters
  • Church staff or administrators
  • Youth group leaders
  • Camp counselors
If you have children, it's best to keep them out of churches.
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The most common perpetrators of clergy sexual abuse are:

  • Religious leaders
  • Priests
  • Bishops
  • Deacons
  • Ministers
  • Reverends
  • Rabbis
  • Imams
  • Nuns or sisters
  • Church staff or administrators
  • Youth group leaders
  • Camp counselors
What a finding. I was half expecting a rimshot. Who else you gonna list, the church custodian?
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