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GOP Exhibiting Battered Wife Syndrome?

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist

article said:
"The best thing North Korea could do right now would be to give us a full accounting of what happened and who was responsible for it," Bolton said to CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union."

Bolton was also asked if he takes North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at his word that he didn't know of Warmbier's suspected torture.
"The President takes him (Kim) at his word," Bolton told Tapper.

Pushed again, Bolton replied, "My opinion doesn't matter."
This is just one of a long line of responses by those in the Trump Cabinet that continue to hide from some of the statement Trump makes and the significance of them. I posted a piece about Trump taking a crap on the front lawn of the White House and the GOP working hard to not acknowledge it.

This latest statement seems almost worse than taking a dump on the front lawn. An American was tortured (on purpose) and murdered (by accident) by North Korean state officials. To suggest that the top power of North Korea had no knowledge of it is beyond a quantum of possibility. To then provide shelter for Kim Jung Un, is beyond the pale. And now chickenhawk Bolton, of all people, is hiding behind verbal trickery not to comment on the unprecedented statement by Trump?!

The excuses, the denials, the derailing to avoid discussing it...

Certainly seems like spousal abuse to me.
Trump went beyond stupidity and lack of empathy in what he said about Otto. He's just plain evil.
Does everyone know how Mr. Warmbier got into trouble in this "great leader's" kingdom? Supposedly, he tried to steal one of their propaganda posters. Period.
The fact that the G.O.P. is okay with Trump at this late date should forever damn them. It tells me that Trump will never be impeached. There is just no circumstance whatever that will result in a 2/3 vote in the Senate to kick him out. This whole sorry administration will stand as a demonstration of a scoundrel gaining control of the executive branch -- and the country lacking the safeguards to prevent or undo it.

article said:
"The best thing North Korea could do right now would be to give us a full accounting of what happened and who was responsible for it," Bolton said to CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union."

Bolton was also asked if he takes North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at his word that he didn't know of Warmbier's suspected torture.
"The President takes him (Kim) at his word," Bolton told Tapper.

Pushed again, Bolton replied, "My opinion doesn't matter."
This is just one of a long line of responses by those in the Trump Cabinet that continue to hide from some of the statement Trump makes and the significance of them. I posted a piece about Trump taking a crap on the front lawn of the White House and the GOP working hard to not acknowledge it.

This latest statement seems almost worse than taking a dump on the front lawn. An American was tortured (on purpose) and murdered (by accident) by North Korean state officials. To suggest that the top power of North Korea had no knowledge of it is beyond a quantum of possibility. To then provide shelter for Kim Jung Un, is beyond the pale. And now chickenhawk Bolton, of all people, is hiding behind verbal trickery not to comment on the unprecedented statement by Trump?!

The excuses, the denials, the derailing to avoid discussing it...

Certainly seems like spousal abuse to me.

It is an apt analogy.

I mean, can you imagine if Obama had said this?
Trump went beyond stupidity and lack of empathy in what he said about Otto. He's just plain evil.
Does everyone know how Mr. Warmbier got into trouble in this "great leader's" kingdom? Supposedly, he tried to steal one of their propaganda posters. Period.
The fact that the G.O.P. is okay with Trump at this late date should forever damn them. It tells me that Trump will never be impeached. There is just no circumstance whatever that will result in a 2/3 vote in the Senate to kick him out. This whole sorry administration will stand as a demonstration of a scoundrel gaining control of the executive branch -- and the country lacking the safeguards to prevent or undo it.

The safeguard was electing a Democratic House and is getting rid of him next year.
... And now chickenhawk Bolton, of all people, is hiding behind verbal trickery not to comment on the unprecedented statement by Trump?! ...

Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday was grilling Bolton on that too. He played the clip of Trump and when Bolton tried to sidestep the issue he reads him the quote about taking Kim at his word, and asks him "Why did he say that?" (This part was so weird I had to write it down to make sure I heard him correctly.) -
Wallace: But this is not the first time the President has taken the word of an autocrat over outside evidence ...

Bolton: He's not taken the word. He said I'm gonna take -- When he says I'm gonna take him at his word it doesn't mean that he accepts it is reality (waving his hand in the air). It means he accepts that's what Kim Jung Un said.

Wallace: So when he says he's gonna take him at his word it doesn't mean he believes Kim Jung Un?

Bolton: Well, that's what he said.

So when Trump says he's gonna take someone at their word it doesn't mean he's gonna take him at his word it means he only said he's gonna take him at his word. This administration has surrendered all credibility on the world stage. And now Trump decides to cancel all joint military excersizes with South Korea which were designed to repel a North Korean attack. I guess there's no dissappointing uncle Vlad.
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