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Here are 10 incredibly fake facts that Trump supporters think are true


Loony Running The Asylum
Staff member
Oct 22, 2002
Frozen in Michigan
Old Fart
Basic Beliefs
Don't be a dick.
Here are 10 incredibly fake facts that Trump supporters think are true

1. Trump is a devoted Christian.

2. The economy is improving because of Trump.

3. ‘Millions voted illegally’ (without a single shred of proof).

4. Immigration is off the rails and illegal immigrants are all violent criminals.

5. Trump should have the power to overturn judicial rulings.

6. Trumpcare is great while Obamacare is awful.

7. Barack Obama was not born in the United States.

8. There’s a war on gun owners.

9. All the investigations into Trump’s ties to Russia are bogus.

10. Trump is honest and trustworthy.
3. ‘Millions voted illegally’ (without a single shred of proof).

This is my personal fave. It contains the essence of the conservative desire to destroy democracy while at the same time lacking even the most basic decayed granules of critical thinking that one needs in order to get through a single day. These people don't even reach the first stage of how. That is, how did all these illegals vote? It's simply accepted based on an assertion. This acceptance is so bereft of the most basic skepticism required to survive that it would be reasonable to expect a trip to the grocery store to result in them reappearing back home naked, having lost all personal possessions to the first person they spoke to.

10. Trump is honest and trustworthy.

This one's a close second because it so clearly showcases the unreality that conservatives have been ushered into. It's difficult to deal with because it's so violative of basic sensory input. It should leave every single person who voted for him so outraged at the betrayal, that they, not us, should have stormed the White House and Mussonlini'd him themselves.
Take the Trump University case. Trump said he'd never settle it, and smeared the judge in the case because of his Mexican heritage. Then he promptly settled it for $25,000,000. For fraud. Let's say that again: for fraud. Yet, this is considered one of his smaller lies. It was a lie so blatant and so cloaked in ugliness, that no reasonable person in Trump's position would expect to ever recover. Actually, a reasonable person would have realized that such a thing should prevent them from running for a city council seat in the first place, let alone the presidency. But it was a mere blip.

Same with his taxes. Just as Trump supporters don't bother with the how of illegals voting, they similarly lack the why ability. As in, why is Trump afraid of releasing his tax returns? Rather than asking why he lied when he said he'd release them, they say that the law doesn't require him to release them, so he shouldn't have to. Its just nasty liberals wanting to bring him down and Hillary/Obama was way worse. It's an immediate, unthinking outward assault on basic curiosity and reality.

And spite. Let's not forget that. Trump is causing liberals pain, and his supporters love that other people might suffer and die due to Trump being Trump.

If Trump supporters could be coalesced into a single, human individual, that person would be a spectacularly violent, angry, flailing imbecile in need of sedation and restraint in a lockdown ward located far out in the countryside.
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