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How photosynthesis evolved


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Photosynthesis has evolved at least twice on our planet, and I like to call those instances retinal photosynthesis and chlorophyll photosynthesis.

Retinal photosynthesis evolved among halobacteria, some Archaea that live in very salty conditions. It pumps hydrogen ions out of the cell membrane, thus doing a part of its cell's chemiosmotic energy metabolism. It now has very limited distribution, though it may have been more common some 3 - 2 billion years ago: the "purple Earth hypothesis".

But the best-known kind is chlorophyll photosynthesis, well-known for being done by chloroplasts. These organelles are descended from long-ago cyanobacteria, so it is there that we must turn for its origins. It has this form: electron transfer along a chain of:

Water splitting -> Photosystem II -> Photosystem I -> biosynthesis

where the two photosystems have antenna complexes with chlorophyll and various other photosynthetic pigments, like carotenoids. But some other bacteria can do photosynthesis, though they use only one of the two photosystems.
  • Purple nonsulfur bacteria -- Ps II -- Hydrobacteria > Proteobacteria > Alpha-proteobacteria > Rhodospirillaceae
  • Purple sulfur bacteria -- Ps II -- Hydrobacteria > Proteobacteria > Gamma-proteobacteria > Chromatiales
  • Green sulfur bacteria -- Ps I -- Hydrobacteria > Chlorobi > Chlorobiaceae
  • Green nonsulfur bacteria -- Ps II -- Terrabacteria > Chloroflexi > Chloroflexus aurantiacus
  • Heliobacteria -- Ps I -- Terrabacteria > (Gram-positive) > Firmicutes > Clostridia > Heliobacteriaceae
Cyanobacteria themselves are in Terrabacteria.

I've found this paper from 2000: se360001724p - Xiong2000.pdf attempting to untangle the evolution of photosynthesis by finding the family tree of the proteins involved in it. They find three main groups:

(cyanobacteria-chloroplasts, heliobacteria), (green sulfur bacteria, green nonsulfur bacteria), (purple nonsulfur bacteria)

with no clear hint as to how they are related. With the superphyla and photosystems, this is

(Ter I-II, Ter I), (Hyd I, Ter II), (Hyd II)

So either photosynthesis was lost numerous times or else it was spread by lateral gene transfer. Working from the latter hypothesis, we can try to guess which were donors and which were recipients. According to the paper, heliobacteria and purple bacteria have big clusters of photosynthesis-related genes, something convenient for being a donor. But neither Chlorobium nor Chloroflexus have big clusters, though they have small clusters of closely-related photosynthesis-related genes. So those two organisms were likely recipients. This leaves us with:

(Cyanobactera: Ter I-II, Heliobacteria: Ter I), (Purple Bacteria: Hyd II)

Carbon Fixation in Phototrophs -- both cyanobacteria and purple bacteria use the Calvin cycle, and other photosynthetic bacteria use other CO2-fixing pathways.

Tracking molecular evolution of photosynthesis by characterization of a major photosynthesis gene cluster from Heliobacillus mobilis (a heliobacterium), The cyanobacterial genome core and the origin of photosynthesis

The second paper's authors propose that the first chlorophyll photosynthesizer was some ancestor of cyanobacteria, a "procyanobacterium". It used only photosystem I and it did not release oxygen.

Some procyanobacteria then donated photosynthesis genes to an ancestral heliobacterium and to some proteobacterium. The latter organism modified the photosystem to II and it preferred to use the Calvin cycle for carbon fixation. Thus becoming a purple bacterium.

Later, some purple bacterium donated its Photosystem-II and its Calvin-cycle genes to some procyanobacterium, making it more like present-day cyanobacteria. The final step was to add water splitting and feed its electrons into PS II.
Let me follow the order.

1)- The primeval photosynthesis coming from ancient cyanobacteria

Water splitting -> Photosystem II -> Photosystem I -> biosynthesis

2)- New photosynthesis by other bacteria

Water splitting -> Photosystem I -> biosynthesis or

Water splitting -> Photosystem II -> biosynthesis

No matter chronology in years or environmental surroundings, but I'm looking at "steps" only between ancient bacteria and current bacteria.

Are points 1 and 2 in correct order?
I'm guessing all the talk about purple has nothing to do with the fact that some plants photosynthesize but have purple leaves.

I looked up one article but didn't quite understand it. I at least comprehend that leaves are green because the green light is not being absorbed. So I'm guessing that the purple leaved synthesizers are simply reflecting purple light but photosynthesizing with the same chemistry.

Photosynthesis in Leaves that aren't Green.
I'm guessing all the talk about purple has nothing to do with the fact that some plants photosynthesize but have purple leaves. ...

Photosynthesis in Leaves that aren't Green.
Those articles are about land plants with enough extra pigments in their leaves to give their leaves different colors. But since they are land plants, they have the same photosynthetic apparatus as other land plants.
Let me follow the order.

1)- The primeval photosynthesis coming from ancient cyanobacteria

Water splitting -> Photosystem II -> Photosystem I -> biosynthesis

2)- New photosynthesis by other bacteria

Water splitting -> Photosystem I -> biosynthesis or

Water splitting -> Photosystem II -> biosynthesis
Except that those other bacteria don't release oxygen. Instead, they get electrons for biosynthesis from other sources, like hydrogen sulfide, sulfur, and organic compounds.

 Purple bacteria,  Purple sulfur bacteria,  Green sulfur bacteria,  Chloroflexus aurantiacus,  Heliobacteria
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