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If anyone wants to know what is wrong with America they should watch this speech


Obama Gaslights Non-Stop In Endorsement Video For Biden

This guy nails it. All the reasons we got Trump including not having any health care during this pandemic.
The clip is 34 minutes long. Please give a synopsis.

We got Trump because people like my brother and you voted for that human shitpost.
Sold the cow for magic beans... but no goose laying gold eggs. I will be interested in how Trump does in Trumbull and Mahoning counties in the Rust Belt of Ohio. He won those counties that Obama won. Based on flags and what not, I'm expecting ruby red Ohio to vote for Trump again, no doubt. But the industrial rust belt that didn't reopen? Those areas I'm not certain. If Trump loses those back to Biden, Ohio is in play.

As far Trump, otherwise, it is incredible how some people are shilling for a guy who apparently just had another Covid-19 reawakening. Not the growth in cases, but that Trump acknowledged it was a problem. His last awakening lasted, what... a week? And we hear about Biden this, Biden that. Biden is an adult, and by default should be elected in 2020. Everything else is gravy.

Obama Gaslights Non-Stop In Endorsement Video For Biden

This guy nails it. All the reasons we got Trump including not having any health care during this pandemic.

I could only stand a minute or two of it, and the only impression I got was that Jimmy Damore is an asshole. Can you please let me know when you are going to link to that guys videos in the future, so he can't count my clicks as someone giving a shit about what he has to say. Of course, I guess it is my fault for clicking on a link in an otherwise content free post.

Let's start again. Perhaps you can explain to us in your own words, and using direct quotes, how Obama is gaslighting in his endorsement.

Obama Gaslights Non-Stop In Endorsement Video For Biden

This guy nails it. All the reasons we got Trump including not having any health care during this pandemic.

I could only stand a minute or two of it, and the only impression I got was that Jimmy Damore is an asshole. Can you please let me know when you are going to link to that guys videos in the future, so he can't count my clicks as someone giving a shit about what he has to say. Of course, I guess it is my fault for clicking on a link in an otherwise content free post.

Let's start again. Perhaps you can explain to us in your own words, and using direct quotes, how Obama is gaslighting in his endorsement.
Anyone gaslights Trump whenever they say anything true about that human shitpost.

Obama Gaslights Non-Stop In Endorsement Video For Biden

This guy nails it. All the reasons we got Trump including not having any health care during this pandemic.

I could only stand a minute or two of it, and the only impression I got was that Jimmy Damore is an asshole. Can you please let me know when you are going to link to that guys videos in the future, so he can't count my clicks as someone giving a shit about what he has to say. Of course, I guess it is my fault for clicking on a link in an otherwise content free post.

Let's start again. Perhaps you can explain to us in your own words, and using direct quotes, how Obama is gaslighting in his endorsement.

The main points are these:

1. Obama did substantially nothing to help average Americans. His signature Obama care was a carefully crafted piece work only to put more money in his donars fat medical establishment. It was his administration (which Biden was a part of) which has left so many Americans completely unprepared for the pandemic we are in today. For the average American, Obama care is so bad, it may not survive. Every other western nation (even nations poorer than us) have national health care. It is really just a matter of priorities for whom our political leaders favor.....average Americans or medical special interests.

2. Most all the stuff the media hammers Trump doing, Obama did worse. Such as in the case of the border crossings it was Obama who built the cages they put illegals in that Trump was blamed over.

3. And of course the main thing that Obama proved was his complete loyalty to the bankster class. Conveniently forgetting about regular mortgage holders.

4. That this kind of stuff is exactly what got Trump elected the first time. Americans are not stupid. And tying Obama to Biden will help Trump get elected again. Deep down, most Americans know the raw deal they ended up with from Obama.

Both parties are the enemy of the average American at this point. And the only difference between electing the blue side or the red side is that whoever does win POTUS, the congress will do its best to thwart the opposing party. Nothing works anymore. Of course we said that even before Trump was elected and Trump has not fixed anything either. But I still continue to believe it was the correct decision though, because there was (and still is) no other hope. We can not just keep electing the same problems we continue to have.
You are correct, this is an example of what is wrong with America.

It is why we got a completely incompetent authoritarian as president when we needed a competent president the most. The problem is public choice theory, the theory developed to tie economic theory to politics with the aim of accomplishing economic goals through political means. Using the government not just to police the economy to suppress bad behavior but to change the economy to accomplish some economic goals.

Unfortunately for the vast majority of Americans the goals that the proponents of public choice worked toward was neoliberalism, itself an economic theory that proposes that the economy would run better if we ignored about 190 years of economists' research to understand the economy and to go back to the economic theories of the so-called classical liberals of 1830s England.

The classical liberals believed that they could create a better economy by applying the theories of the classical economists, Adam Smith, Jean-Baptiste Say, Thomas Robert Malthus, John Stuart Mill, but primarily they relied on the work of David Ricardo. The goals that the classical liberals developed from these economists will sound familiar to you and will help you to validate the truth of what I am saying, they are;

  • laissez faire capitalism that the government should interfere as little as possible in the economy relying instead on the self-regulating free market
  • free trade including the free flow of financial capital,
  • a truly free labor factor market
  • a strict gold standard for money
  • abolishment of open welfare, providing money to the poor, and instead the return of the poor house and the debtors' prisons to provide incentives to work.
The obvious question is why the proponents of public choice and neoliberal would choose to pick the 190 year old theories that failed in England in just a few years in what was an overwhelming simple, agrarian economy to apply to to our complex, diverse, modern industrial economy?

You can see the answer to this question everywhere you look in our economy after forty years of neoliberalism, the new glided age, the direction of the rewards from gains due to productivity increases and technical innovation to capital, not labor, to profits, not to wages, to supply, not to increased demand, all producing the highest income inequality in our nation's history and an underperforming economy, with increased social strife due to not only the income inequality but also to the political means employed to bend the government to accomplish these dubious goals.

And yes, fully one half of the democratic party are neoliberals, including Joe Biden, the Clintons and while Obama was personally a liberal, he relied on the advice of neoliberals to govern, a governing tendency sweetened by the huge amount of campaign cash given by Wall Street to Obama, an amount that will be far less than the contributions from Wall Street that Biden has received for 2020.

But the corruption of the democrats pales in comparison to that of the Republicans Party, for whom neoliberalism is the sole focus of the party and of its biggest donors. The biggest problem that the Republicans face with their complete dedication to neoliberalism is that while it provides them with a huge amount of campaign donations from the grateful already rich, they fall way short of providing electoral majorities. This is because neoliberalism works to increase the incomes of the already rich by suppressing the incomes of everyone else.

To overcome this problem the Republicans moved to the right to become the American conservative party, where because conservatives depend on lies to be conservatives, because the defining characteristic of conservatives, their dedication to the status quo and their fear of change in the social order requires lies to live in an economy and a society as dynamic and changing as ours. The Republicans cobbled together a coalition of conservatives and single issue voters by exploiting their fears using well-established proproganda techniques, aided by the establishment of a considerable network of media freed from the equal time to opposing views requirement by Reagan.

The Republicans turned to anti-democracy provisions to maintain to make their minority support count in electorical victories.

This is what is wrong with America today.
You are correct, this is an example of what is wrong with America.

It is why we got a completely incompetent authoritarian as president when we needed a competent president the most. The problem is public choice theory, the theory developed to tie economic theory to politics with the aim of accomplishing economic goals through political means. Using the government not just to police the economy to suppress bad behavior but to change the economy to accomplish some economic goals.

Unfortunately for the vast majority of Americans the goals that the proponents of public choice worked toward was neoliberalism, itself an economic theory that proposes that the economy would run better if we ignored about 190 years of economists' research to understand the economy and to go back to the economic theories of the so-called classical liberals of 1830s England.

The classical liberals believed that they could create a better economy by applying the theories of the classical economists, Adam Smith, Jean-Baptiste Say, Thomas Robert Malthus, John Stuart Mill, but primarily they relied on the work of David Ricardo. The goals that the classical liberals developed from these economists will sound familiar to you and will help you to validate the truth of what I am saying, they are;

  • laissez faire capitalism that the government should interfere as little as possible in the economy relying instead on the self-regulating free market
  • free trade including the free flow of financial capital,
  • a truly free labor factor market
  • a strict gold standard for money
  • abolishment of open welfare, providing money to the poor, and instead the return of the poor house and the debtors' prisons to provide incentives to work.
The obvious question is why the proponents of public choice and neoliberal would choose to pick the 190 year old theories that failed in England in just a few years in what was an overwhelming simple, agrarian economy to apply to to our complex, diverse, modern industrial economy?

You can see the answer to this question everywhere you look in our economy after forty years of neoliberalism, the new glided age, the direction of the rewards from gains due to productivity increases and technical innovation to capital, not labor, to profits, not to wages, to supply, not to increased demand, all producing the highest income inequality in our nation's history and an underperforming economy, with increased social strife due to not only the income inequality but also to the political means employed to bend the government to accomplish these dubious goals.

And yes, fully one half of the democratic party are neoliberals, including Joe Biden, the Clintons and while Obama was personally a liberal, he relied on the advice of neoliberals to govern, a governing tendency sweetened by the huge amount of campaign cash given by Wall Street to Obama, an amount that will be far less than the contributions from Wall Street that Biden has received for 2020.

But the corruption of the democrats pales in comparison to that of the Republicans Party, for whom neoliberalism is the sole focus of the party and of its biggest donors. The biggest problem that the Republicans face with their complete dedication to neoliberalism is that while it provides them with a huge amount of campaign donations from the grateful already rich, they fall way short of providing electoral majorities. This is because neoliberalism works to increase the incomes of the already rich by suppressing the incomes of everyone else.

To overcome this problem the Republicans moved to the right to become the American conservative party, where because conservatives depend on lies to be conservatives, because the defining characteristic of conservatives, their dedication to the status quo and their fear of change in the social order requires lies to live in an economy and a society as dynamic and changing as ours. The Republicans cobbled together a coalition of conservatives and single issue voters by exploiting their fears using well-established proproganda techniques, aided by the establishment of a considerable network of media freed from the equal time to opposing views requirement by Reagan.

The Republicans turned to anti-democracy provisions to maintain to make their minority support count in electorical victories.

This is what is wrong with America today.

What is your solution to a government (both parties) that is no longer is responsive to the needs of the majority of its constituents?

Obama Gaslights Non-Stop In Endorsement Video For Biden

This guy nails it. All the reasons we got Trump including not having any health care during this pandemic.

I could only stand a minute or two of it, and the only impression I got was that Jimmy Damore is an asshole. Can you please let me know when you are going to link to that guys videos in the future, so he can't count my clicks as someone giving a shit about what he has to say. Of course, I guess it is my fault for clicking on a link in an otherwise content free post.

Let's start again. Perhaps you can explain to us in your own words, and using direct quotes, how Obama is gaslighting in his endorsement.

The main points are these:

1. Obama did substantially nothing to help average Americans. His signature Obama care was a carefully crafted piece work only to put more money in his donars fat medical establishment. It was his administration (which Biden was a part of) which has left so many Americans completely unprepared for the pandemic we are in today. For the average American, Obama care is so bad, it may not survive. Every other western nation (even nations poorer than us) have national health care. It is really just a matter of priorities for whom our political leaders favor.....average Americans or medical special interests.
This is delusional. More Americans had health care coverage after ACA. There is no evidence that for the average American, that ACA is "bad". For a Trump supporter to whine about the lack of national health care is the height of hypocrisy or stupidity since nothing was stopping President Trump from instituting national health care in his first two years.

The lack of readiness for a pandemic lays directly at the feet of the Trump administration which eliminated the pandemic planning group.
2. Most all the stuff the media hammers Trump doing, Obama did worse. Such as in the case of the border crossings it was Obama who built the cages they put illegals in that Trump was blamed over.
More delusional bullshit.
3. And of course the main thing that Obama proved was his complete loyalty to the bankster class. Conveniently forgetting about regular mortgage holders.
More hypocrisy from a Trump supporter - Trump is part of the bankster class.
4. That this kind of stuff is exactly what got Trump elected the first time. Americans are not stupid. And tying Obama to Biden will help Trump get elected again. Deep down, most Americans know the raw deal they ended up with from Obama.
Your OP indicates that some of them are incredibly stupid if they believe your bs and think they didn't get a rawer deal from Trump.
Both parties are the enemy of the average American at this point. And the only difference between electing the blue side or the red side is that whoever does win POTUS, the congress will do its best to thwart the opposing party. Nothing works anymore. Of course we said that even before Trump was elected and Trump has not fixed anything either. But I still continue to believe it was the correct decision though, because there was (and still is) no other hope. We can not just keep electing the same problems we continue to have.
And yet you think electing Trump was the correct decision. The President who is still unprepared to deal with this pandemic or any other difficult issue.
What is your solution to a government (both parties) that is no longer is responsive to the needs of the majority of its constituents?
Probably watch YouTube videos that are entirely void of reality and historical context and an semblance of how things work.

After all, you were quite gloatful for the industry picking up under Trump, saying Trump did it! But he hasn't. And now you are sowing seeds to help Trump get re-elected. What am I to make of that?
What is your solution to a government (both parties) that is no longer is responsive to the needs of the majority of its constituents?
Probably watch YouTube videos that are entirely void of reality and historical context and an semblance of how things work.

After all, you were quite gloatful for the industry picking up under Trump, saying Trump did it! But he hasn't. And now you are sowing seeds to help Trump get re-elected. What am I to make of that?

I'm certainly not big enough to cause or not cause Trump to get re-elected and that you can take to the bank.

My intent here in this forum is mainly to satisfy my curiosity more than anything else. To that end I wonder greatly how otherwise very intelligent people can even consider voting for Biden even if Trump is the disaster many claim he is. I am a very curious person simply attempting to understand what drives other political opinion.
And yet you think electing Trump was the correct decision. The President who is still unprepared to deal with this pandemic or any other difficult issue.
No one could have predicted the pandemic with certainty. And the only readiness that is seriously lacking is the same readiness that was seriously lacking in our healthcare before Trump even took office. The fact that many Americans can not afford healthcare. And it was both parties that wanted and continue to want that to be the case in the US. We are the only western nation without national healthcare.

Trump has not been able to do many of things he ran on including taking down Obama Care and replacing with better. I do consider Trump to be a failure but not for reasons you would think. Mostly because of inability to hire staff who were political in agreement with him. But regardless of knowing how he has failed, I still consider his election to be the best decision the US could have made at the time. Because at least Trump represented a complete change from what we knew to be complete failure of government policy of the past. Because there is no way you can get anything except failure if you keep electing failure, which is what both red and blue represent today.
And yet you think electing Trump was the correct decision. The President who is still unprepared to deal with this pandemic or any other difficult issue.
No one could have predicted the pandemic with certainty. And the only readiness that is seriously lacking is the same readiness that was seriously lacking in our healthcare before Trump even took office. The fact that many Americans can not afford healthcare. And it was both parties that wanted and continue to want that to be the case in the US. We are the only western nation without national healthcare.

Trump has not been able to do many of things he ran on including taking down Obama Care and replacing with better. I do consider Trump to be a failure but not for reasons you would think. Mostly because of inability to hire staff who were political in agreement with him. But regardless of knowing how he has failed, I still consider his election to be the best decision the US could have made at the time. Because at least Trump represented a complete change from what we knew to be complete failure of government policy of the past. Because there is no way you can get anything except failure if you keep electing failure, which is what both red and blue represent today.
Trump represents the epitome of government policy failure. His administration has worked tirelessly to undue any gains of the ACA and has not made any progress towards helping all Americans get access to affordable health care.

He dismantled the pandemic planning workgroup - a group that had experience dealing with pandemics. He has consistently ignored his science and health advisors on this issue.

Trump is part of the "bankster" class that you denigrate.

Voting for a failure because it is a change in failure is idiotic.
The main points are these:

1. Obama did substantially nothing to help average Americans. His signature Obama care was a carefully crafted piece work only to put more money in his donars fat medical establishment. It was his administration (which Biden was a part of) which has left so many Americans completely unprepared for the pandemic we are in today. For the average American, Obama care is so bad, it may not survive. Every other western nation (even nations poorer than us) have national health care. It is really just a matter of priorities for whom our political leaders favor.....average Americans or medical special interests.

Nothing? Before the ACA I was uninsurable and lost my insurance when my employer collapsed. I have only had 1099 employment since then, employer-provided insurance wasn't an option.

2. Most all the stuff the media hammers Trump doing, Obama did worse. Such as in the case of the border crossings it was Obama who built the cages they put illegals in that Trump was blamed over.

Obama had no choice but to detain some--it would not be legal to simply turn a 17 year old loose. They can only be released to a parent or guardian. He only did it when there wasn't an option, His Flatulence is doing it with a deliberately punitive intent.

3. And of course the main thing that Obama proved was his complete loyalty to the bankster class. Conveniently forgetting about regular mortgage holders.

The people that got screwed were the ones who overextended themselves. The harm to the average person was mostly because several years of economic growth were exposed as a phantom and the economy reset to what it had been before, but very unevenly. There is nothing Obama could have done to change this.

4. That this kind of stuff is exactly what got Trump elected the first time. Americans are not stupid. And tying Obama to Biden will help Trump get elected again. Deep down, most Americans know the raw deal they ended up with from Obama.

His Flatulence got elected by speaking well and playing to the racist backlash.

Both parties are the enemy of the average American at this point. And the only difference between electing the blue side or the red side is that whoever does win POTUS, the congress will do its best to thwart the opposing party. Nothing works anymore. Of course we said that even before Trump was elected and Trump has not fixed anything either. But I still continue to believe it was the correct decision though, because there was (and still is) no other hope. We can not just keep electing the same problems we continue to have.

The Democrats have tried to cooperate until it became apparent there was no point in trying to cooperate with the Republicans.

Obama Gaslights Non-Stop In Endorsement Video For Biden

This guy nails it. All the reasons we got Trump including not having any health care during this pandemic.

I could only stand a minute or two of it, and the only impression I got was that Jimmy Damore is an asshole. Can you please let me know when you are going to link to that guys videos in the future, so he can't count my clicks as someone giving a shit about what he has to say. Of course, I guess it is my fault for clicking on a link in an otherwise content free post.

Let's start again. Perhaps you can explain to us in your own words, and using direct quotes, how Obama is gaslighting in his endorsement.

The main points are these:

1. Obama did substantially nothing to help average Americans. His signature Obama care was a carefully crafted piece work only to put more money in his donars fat medical establishment. It was his administration (which Biden was a part of) which has left so many Americans completely unprepared for the pandemic we are in today. For the average American, Obama care is so bad, it may not survive. Every other western nation (even nations poorer than us) have national health care. It is really just a matter of priorities for whom our political leaders favor.....average Americans or medical special interests.

I wasn't happy with the end result of the ACA, I think Obama could have at least gotten a public option through. Unfortunately, he was still under the impression that Republicans might work with him when the ACA was crafted. He would not have been able to get real UHC through at that time, there was just no political will to do so. On the other hand, the ACA did end up providing access to healthcare to 100 million more Americans than had it before the ACA. Also, Trump has done everything he can to destroy the ACA with no plan to replace it. At least Biden wants to try to fix the ACA, and help more Americans gain access to healthcare, Trump literally does not give a shit. I would prefer actual UHC, but I will take a little better over a whole lot worse.

2. Most all the stuff the media hammers Trump doing, Obama did worse. Such as in the case of the border crossings it was Obama who built the cages they put illegals in that Trump was blamed over.

You are incorrect. Trump's policies have been far worse, and intentionally so. We went from family being detained together under Obama, to families being torn apart intentionally under Trump. Obama may have built detention centers that Trump used, but Trump filled them beyond capacity, and refused to provide enough essentials to meet their basic needs. Obama instituted DACA, and Trump has spent most of his time in office trying to tear that down. He recently seems to have reversed himself after loosing at the SCOTUS, but we will see how long that lasts, because Trump does not give a shit about DACA recipients.

3. And of course the main thing that Obama proved was his complete loyalty to the bankster class. Conveniently forgetting about regular mortgage holders.

Once again, Trump is far worse. His signature achievement thus far in his presidency has been handing a trillion dollar tax cut to the richest Americans. You want to talk about mortgage holders? Trump could be pushing congress right now to help mortgage holders and renters, by freezing payments until after the COVID-19 crisis is over. That would help mortgage holders immensely, but Trump does not give a shit about them.

4. That this kind of stuff is exactly what got Trump elected the first time. Americans are not stupid. And tying Obama to Biden will help Trump get elected again. Deep down, most Americans know the raw deal they ended up with from Obama.

I don't have to look deep down, I know that Obama could have done better, and had much to learn when he became POTUS. By the time he learned those lessons, it was too late, The Republicans had control of Congress, and they blocked absolutely everything he tried to do. How is it that you fail to remember that bullshit when you decide that you are going to pull the lever for the Republicans and Trump again. Trump does not give a shit about you, he only cares about himself.

Both parties are the enemy of the average American at this point. And the only difference between electing the blue side or the red side is that whoever does win POTUS, the congress will do its best to thwart the opposing party. Nothing works anymore. Of course we said that even before Trump was elected and Trump has not fixed anything either. But I still continue to believe it was the correct decision though, because there was (and still is) no other hope. We can not just keep electing the same problems we continue to have.

Yet you want to elect the same clown who has made our country the laughing stock of the world? Remember how I said Obama learned his lesson about working with the Republicans too late? Well, fortunately Biden got to learn that lesson too, and it is not too late for him. Biden with both houses of Congress would be able to get things passed that would better this country. Since you think either side would be just as fucked without Congress behind them, and the Republicans have no chance of taking the House, how about we make a deal. You help get Congress and POTUS get on the same side by voting for all Democrats this election, and we will see if that changes anything for the better. As far as I can see, if Trump gets re-elected we will see change as well, because it will be quite the change when this country burns to the ground, but it won't be pleasant for anyone.
His Flatulence got elected by speaking well and playing to the racist backlash.
Speaking well? There is a lot of media out there that claims he speaks like a 4 year old. It can't be both ways.
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