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Is there anyone besides me that is now laughing at the Democrats?


Veteran Member
Jul 1, 2005
Basic Beliefs
that people in the US are living in the matrx
The more I think about this...the more I think this is a Greek tragedy for the Democratic party. Just look so far.

1. You have leading candidate Bernie and Warren campaigning how billionaires should be taxed heavily and maybe not even allowed to exist. Their message over and over again is how our government is being bought by billionaires. They are both correct of course, but the point is that by their very success this theme has now become the platform of the Democrats.

2. Hopefuls.. Castro, Booker, and Harris played by the rules and now they are gone.

3. But Boomberg (who hasn't even been seen on stage yet) buys his way into the Democratic party using his personal and private money!! He gets their rules changed for him. He represents Trump money but on steroids!

Does anyone besides me see how disingenuous this is of the Democratic party??? Yes, I know they do say that money talks. But when your leading POTUS candidates are zeroing on this very premise, do you really want to be seen in this light?!!

This is so ridiculous that even the casual observer can not help but start laughing at the Democrats!!!
The more I think about this...the more I think this is a Greek tragedy for the Democratic party. Just look so far.
Bill Clinton didn't win a Primary until March 3rd. Wouldn't win the next one until March 7th. He went 1 for 11, then 3 for 14. You may of heard of him.

1. You have leading candidate Bernie and Warren campaigning how billionaires should be taxed heavily and maybe not even allowed to exist. Their message over and over again is how our government is being bought by billionaires. They are both correct of course, but the point is that by their very success this theme has now become the platform of the Democrats.
You misspelled "health care".

2. Hopefuls.. Castro, Booker, and Harris played by the rules and now they are gone.
Harris say the "r-word" which isn't allowed unless talking about Cuba. Her disappearance is regrettable. Booker never caught. Neither did Bennett, who is a very good moderate candidate. Politics is fickle like that. Castro lacked name recognition.

3. But Boomberg (who hasn't even been seen on stage yet) buys his way into the Democratic party using his personal and private money!! He gets their rules changed for him. He represents Trump money but on steroids!
Yeah, this is one thing to be seen.

Does anyone besides me see how disingenuous this is of the Democratic party???
Well, the Socialist Democrat is running for the Democrat nomination too.
Yes, I know they do say that money talks. But when your leading POTUS candidates are zeroing on this very premise, do you really want to be seen in this light?!!

This is so ridiculous that even the casual observer can not help but start laughing at the Democrats!!!
Well, what is laughable is your economic defense for Trump's policies. The Democrat Primary is still taking shape. Klobuchar is racing upwards. Buttigieg and Sanders are battling out for first while Biden's campaign has been deflated. Warren is sliding downwards.

The biggest unknown is Bloomberg. I don't think Bloomberg has the ability to overtake two other moderates. And if Buttigieg / Klobuchar merge the candidacy, Bloomberg is fighting them for votes... which oddly enough, helps Sanders. So does Bloomberg drop out if Sanders becomes second place. I'm not a fan of Bloomberg's candidacy. I don't like the idea of a Republican running for the Democrat label because he can't primary Trump.
Personally, I think it is a better sign to laugh at a political party than to weep over its devolution.
Personally, I think it is a better sign to laugh at a political party than to weep over its devolution.
This is a good observation. The GOP is now the party of a non-conservative philanderer, with a rabid nonsensical base that is in control of the party instead of vice versa.
The more I think about this...the more I think this is a Greek tragedy for the Democratic party. Just look so far.

1. You have leading candidate Bernie and Warren campaigning how billionaires should be taxed heavily and maybe not even allowed to exist. Their message over and over again is how our government is being bought by billionaires. They are both correct of course, but the point is that by their very success this theme has now become the platform of the Democrats.

2. Hopefuls.. Castro, Booker, and Harris played by the rules and now they are gone.

3. But Boomberg (who hasn't even been seen on stage yet) buys his way into the Democratic party using his personal and private money!! He gets their rules changed for him. He represents Trump money but on steroids!

Does anyone besides me see how disingenuous this is of the Democratic party??? Yes, I know they do say that money talks. But when your leading POTUS candidates are zeroing on this very premise, do you really want to be seen in this light?!!

This is so ridiculous that even the casual observer can not help but start laughing at the Democrats!!!

Totally agree. The democratic party is the absolute worst major political party in the US. With the exception of all the other major parties.
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