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Islamic nazi kills two other nazis

saw a link elsewhere on /pol/

also, they were associated with it, making it funnier

The guys on /pol/ who followed and communicated with this group online well before this happened said (this is a collection from various posters):

So basically a prominent member of Iron March and AtomWaffen converts to Islam. There was a huge shit flinging forum war over whether or not Muslims should be banned from Iron March and they eventually banned our boy Devon here. It caused a lot of internal drama about whether Muslims should be allowed in the movement and if Devon should be allowed to stay in AtomWaffen. Their leader allows him to stay because he's his best friend and roommate. Then some time later for reasons yet unknown Devon loses his shit and shoots two of his roommates who were fellow members of AtomWaffen.
Taking bets on the media narrative once they find out about his internet nazism.

>Allowing retards who believes in Islam or any other religion into your clique.
Instant red flag that you're dealing with someone who doesn't have their head screwed on right and fails in having the intellectual capacity to reason correctly. ESPECIALLY when they hop from ideologies.

> when they hop from ideologies.
This was exactly the case. The kid change ideologies all the time. He was from the south so he started out just a normal racist, then he turned NatSoc, then he was looking to convert to Orthodox Christianity, then he was idk like an ultra pragmatic capitalist, then he finally settled on Islam. He couldn't figure out what he wanted to be. He kept searching for a father figure. It was fucking sad.

I like a lot of people knew him from Tinychat and Skype. He was like 15 years old when he showed up trying to talk about politics with adults. He always seemed attracted to the stronger personalities. He would mimic the beliefs of anyone with clout in the chat. He would change ideologies every month it seemed. He settled on Islam because it was supposedly anti degeneracy. I have blocked him on Skype a few times because he was too stubborn to drop the Islam meme. I only messaged him a few times in the last couple months. I don't know anything about the dead people. I always stayed away from Ironmarch and Atomwaffen. They both seemed like a haven for lost kids with delusions of actually starting a revolution and genociding people. Its fucking sad this kid threw his life away.

sounds like a sideways version of Dylann Roof perhaps. If he hadn't been introduced to Islam (through another white nationalist - go figure) he would have been at risk of killing a latino, black, jew or so on.
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