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Joe Biden does not care about the first amendment


Veteran Member
Jul 1, 2005
Basic Beliefs
that people in the US are living in the matrx

And Biden is doing it right out in the open for all to see. Seeking to extradite Assange (who is not even a US citizen) for telling the truth and prosecuting this journalist for being a journalist.

And then there are some who wonder why our US population is so dumbed down as to possibly be voting for the wrong POTUS candidate? Wondering why these same people are susceptible to conspiracy theories that appear credible.

When you prosecute journalists for telling the truth you do not have a legitimate media who can be trusted or believed. And without a truthful media you have a population that is ill informed to vote. You do not have democracy any more.

And Biden is doing it right out in the open for all to see. Seeking to extradite Assange (who is not even a US citizen) for telling the truth and prosecuting this journalist for being a journalist.

And then there are some who wonder why our US population is so dumbed down as to possibly be voting for the wrong POTUS candidate? Wondering why these same people are susceptible to conspiracy theories that appear credible.

When you prosecute journalists for telling the truth you do not have a legitimate media who can be trusted or believed. And without a truthful media you have a population that is ill informed to vote. You do not have democracy any more.

Hi RVonse. Sorry for the slight derail. But are you admitting that you might have voted for the wrong candidate last election due to believing in a conspiracy? I know that you are covering yourself a little when you say that the "conspiracy theories appear credible". However, there is some progress here!
Where was this outrage when the Trump administration instituted this policy?

The Trump Administration is the administration that started the process for charges and extradition. It is fascinating to see a Trump voter complaining about the Biden administration continuing a Trump policy.
Where was this outrage when the Trump administration instituted this policy?

The Trump Administration is the administration that started the process for charges and extradition. It is fascinating to see a Trump voter complaining about the Biden administration continuing a Trump policy.

I was hoping this would not be a Trump vs Biden thread. Honestly, I think Trump should have pardoned Assange although since he is an Australian citizens I'm not sure that would be legal or not anyway.

Whether we are left or right ideology, we should be able to agree the level of journalism in our country sucks and that citizens are ill informed today. And this level of government corruption does not help the situation at all. It should never be a criminal act to tell the truth.

I'm not willing yet to even admit Trump was a mistake (Harry). But what I will say for sure is that our media needs to be fixed or we are all in big trouble. It should be a rewarding experience for a journalist to seek out and inform the public of the truth.
Where was this outrage when the Trump administration instituted this policy?

The Trump Administration is the administration that started the process for charges and extradition. It is fascinating to see a Trump voter complaining about the Biden administration continuing a Trump policy.

I was hoping this would not be a Trump vs Biden thread. Honestly, I think Trump should have pardoned Assange although since he is an Australian citizens I'm not sure that would be legal or not anyway.

Whether we are left or right ideology, we should be able to agree the level of journalism in our country sucks and that citizens are ill informed today. And this level of government corruption does not help the situation at all. It should never be a criminal act to tell the truth.

I'm not willing yet to even admit Trump was a mistake (Harry). But what I will say for sure is that our media needs to be fixed or we are all in big trouble. It should be a rewarding experience for a journalist to seek out and inform the public of the truth.

So, it's your view that there could be substantial voter fraud out there, but that it hasn't been uncovered yet? Fair enough. Let's assume that the liberal and moderate journalists aren't doing their job. Why would the conservative journalists not being their job? All those reporters at Fox and Newsmax can't be bothered? Or is it your view that they are secretly liberal/moderate?
Assange was charged with conspiracy to commit espionage, not for his journalistic activities.
Where was this outrage when the Trump administration instituted this policy?

The Trump Administration is the administration that started the process for charges and extradition. It is fascinating to see a Trump voter complaining about the Biden administration continuing a Trump policy.

I was hoping this would not be a Trump vs Biden thread. Honestly, I think Trump should have pardoned Assange although since he is an Australian citizens I'm not sure that would be legal or not anyway.

Whether we are left or right ideology, we should be able to agree the level of journalism in our country sucks and that citizens are ill informed today. And this level of government corruption does not help the situation at all. It should never be a criminal act to tell the truth.

I'm not willing yet to even admit Trump was a mistake (Harry). But what I will say for sure is that our media needs to be fixed or we are all in big trouble. It should be a rewarding experience for a journalist to seek out and inform the public of the truth.

I don't see how you can avoid a Trump vs. Biden thread when you are attacking Biden for not caring about the first amendment, and talk about voting for the wrong POTUS candidate in the OP. Until I saw Harry's post, I thought you meant Biden was the wrong POTUS candidate, now I am not sure. So maybe think about how you started this thread before throwing a fit when people bring up the fact that this is a continuation of what Trump was doing.

Regardless of the above, I actually agree with you regarding what is happening with Assange. I don't think the US has any business prosecuting him.

As far as the level of journalism in our country, I don't think it has ever been that great. It has always been used for selling a narrative, it has just been a matter of who controls that narrative. There was a hope for a while there that the internet would change that, and who knows, it still might. Corporations and vested interests still wield and enormous amount of media influence. I think the internet certainly helps the skeptic to find the truth more easily than in the past, but for the uncritical masses it becomes an echo chamber, and makes things worse.
I was hoping this would not be a Trump vs Biden thread.

Here's an idea. Argue in good faith then. Because at the moment an accusation can be made that you are "Whorin' like Hannity". I certainly wouldn't articulate such slander, but some might say...
Trump supporters do not care about the first amendment considering they attempted a coup to overthrow democracy on January 6th and those who did not take part nevertheless supported it.
Where was this outrage when the Trump administration instituted this policy?

The Trump Administration is the administration that started the process for charges and extradition. It is fascinating to see a Trump voter complaining about the Biden administration continuing a Trump policy.

I was hoping this would not be a Trump vs Biden thread. Honestly, I think Trump should have pardoned Assange although since he is an Australian citizens I'm not sure that would be legal or not anyway.

Whether we are left or right ideology, we should be able to agree the level of journalism in our country sucks and that citizens are ill informed today. And this level of government corruption does not help the situation at all. It should never be a criminal act to tell the truth.

I'm not willing yet to even admit Trump was a mistake (Harry). But what I will say for sure is that our media needs to be fixed or we are all in big trouble. It should be a rewarding experience for a journalist to seek out and inform the public of the truth.
In this sitution, Biden is continuing Trump's policy initiative. Trump was your man and you are not willing to admit he was a mistake. Consistent application of your reasoning means that that Trump did not believe in the 1st amendment - something you never posted. Hmmm.
Assange was charged with conspiracy to commit espionage, not for his journalistic activities.

Does that statute apply to non citizens in the abstract? Yeah, I am being lazy...

Dope it out. What would happen if only citizens could be charged with crimes?

Well, there are citizens charged for crimes overseas, which is rare and often needs laws made for it - like sex tourists who provably go overseas to specfically molest children

Then there are non citizens who do an action while on US soil.

And there are non citizens who do an action while not on US soil.
I’d say since espionage was a crime against America, it would be entirely appropriate to charge anyone who does it. There are lots of crimes by non citizens committed outside America who get charged in America. Osama Bin Laden, e.g.
Espionage is absolutely illegal and yes the Feds will hunt you down.

I was happy about the concept at first. But it quickly became clear that this wasn't journalism or anything. It was an attack on the USA. I expected a similar information dump on Russia, France, China, or whatever. But it never came. Then the same thing happened to the DNC, but not the GOP.
I drew the conclusion that this was Russian meddling and Assange earned a prison cell.

ETA ~although I was fine with him trapped in that embassy. Other than he still had internet access.
But what I will say for sure is that our media needs to be fixed or we are all in big trouble.

You want to do that by government regulation or let the invisible hand of the free market do it?

It should be a rewarding experience for a journalist to seek out and inform the public of the truth.

It should be but real journalism costs time, effort, and money. Bullshit generates clicks for free and that is quite the media conglomerates are buying out local media and consolidating themselves into aggregator machines that don't generate any meaningful or informative content. They are giving the public what the majority of the public wants. Entertainment and dazzle. So, it needs to be fixed. Will the market fix itself?
Oh, and Assange is no journalist. He is working for one side and had a deliberate agenda that was not truth and transparency. Notice he published no dirt on his allies.

And Biden is doing it right out in the open for all to see. Seeking to extradite Assange (who is not even a US citizen) for telling the truth and prosecuting this journalist for being a journalist.

Whether he's a US citizen or not has absolutely nothing to do with whether he should be extradited. Extradition is based on where the crime was committed, not where the person lives.

And he's not about getting the truth out there--what he chose to leak was deliberately designed to harm the US rather than simply shed light in dark corners. For example, manuals which are only of interest to those trying to kill US troops. The equivalent would be doing an expose on you with pictures of your house keys and all your credit card numbers in it.
Dope it out. What would happen if only citizens could be charged with crimes?

Well, there are citizens charged for crimes overseas, which is rare and often needs laws made for it - like sex tourists who provably go overseas to specfically molest children

Then there are non citizens who do an action while on US soil.

And there are non citizens who do an action while not on US soil.

Nitpick: The laws are not for actions committed outside the US. It's not paying for sex with someone underage, but travel with the intent of paying for sex with someone underage--an act committed on US soil. It's akin to conspiracy-to-commit laws.

In the old days where the person was and where the crime was committed were always one in the same. These days it's quite possible to commit a crime far from where you actually are.
Espionage is absolutely illegal and yes the Feds will hunt you down.

I was happy about the concept at first. But it quickly became clear that this wasn't journalism or anything. It was an attack on the USA. I expected a similar information dump on Russia, France, China, or whatever. But it never came. Then the same thing happened to the DNC, but not the GOP.
I drew the conclusion that this was Russian meddling and Assange earned a prison cell.

ETA ~although I was fine with him trapped in that embassy. Other than he still had internet access.

Yup, while it's possible he started out with good intentions it's clear he became a de-facto Russian agent if he wasn't one from the start.
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