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latest UFO video from Pentagon


Nov 11, 2005
Mlky Way galaxy
Basic Beliefs

Looks too stationary with respect to camera to me. They either have remarkable tracking or video was edited to make object appear in center of the frame.
Object does not appear aerodynamic: rotation appears rather mechanical and looks like it was superimposed on footage of empty sky. Rotation looks like something turned it on and it started rotation immediately with constant speed then stopped abruptly. Looks like cheap hoax to me.
Agreed, hoax. How can the plane perfectly match it's movement even if it's trying to?

That being said, I'm not at all surprised the Pentagon has a group that's supposed to investigate UFOs. After all, what's an unidentified Russian spy aircraft? A UFO. You'll get a lot of crap but if someone does see spying Russians the report likely comes in as a UFO report.
Interesting to hear at the start that a recent poll suggested most Americans thought there was intelligent life on other planets. Not surprising really, I suppose. If you're American, the idea that there is probably intelligent life outside America is actually a really accurate guess.
Agreed, hoax. How can the plane perfectly match it's movement even if it's trying to?

Agree, but maybe it was an accident, like bird poop on the lens, for example.

Speaking of which, Just a few days ago I stumbled upon some alien shit on History channel I think. It was about Lunar Transient Phenomena. And there was amateur video of something on the moon taken in Japan. It was utterly clear that it was some insect walking on some lens inside that telescope.
Just watched the pilot talking on CNN. He said there was a 2 F-18 chasing it, OK, I would like to see a video from another plane. The rest of his story does not correspond to this video at all. He talked how it was moving away in 2 seconds and he approached to it quite close. This is total BS if Pentagon was fooled by that.
Just watched the pilot talking on CNN. He said there was a 2 F-18 chasing it, OK, I would like to see a video from another plane. The rest of his story does not correspond to this video at all. He talked how it was moving away in 2 seconds and he approached to it quite close. This is total BS if Pentagon was fooled by that.
Even the guy on the Coast2Coast AM today was not impressed and seems to agree that video does not correspond to pilot interview.
This explains it a little better: https://coi.tothestarsacademy.com/nimitz-report and provides a better sequence of events.
I was on board when this happened. I was surprised to see the original video was loaded to the SIPRNET that day.
This video looks much more real than what news TV shows. And it's completely different too.
I mean what kind of shit they show on TV?
This explains it a little better: https://coi.tothestarsacademy.com/nimitz-report and provides a better sequence of events.
I was on board when this happened. I was surprised to see the original video was loaded to the SIPRNET that day.
This video looks much more real than what news TV shows. And it's completely different too.
I mean what kind of shit they show on TV?

The Gimbal video with pilot audio is interesting.
This explains it a little better: https://coi.tothestarsacademy.com/nimitz-report and provides a better sequence of events.
I was on board when this happened. I was surprised to see the original video was loaded to the SIPRNET that day.
This video looks much more real than what news TV shows. And it's completely different too.
I mean what kind of shit they show on TV?

The Gimbal video with pilot audio is interesting.
this is what TV News was showing and it looks fake.
Literally looks like a spinning top superimposed on the video.

Looks like the FLIR was locked on a distant heat source (exhaust from a jet or rocket) while the plane carrying the camera was banking to the left. The disc shape is an artifact of camera optics, infrared flare. Apparent rotation of the disc occurs as the camera moves to stay locked on the object and refraction across the lens shifts.
Apparent rotation of the disc occurs as the camera moves to stay locked on the object and refraction across the lens shifts.
It can't be related to camera tracking, because before that camera is tracking too but there is no object moving.
It can be related to camera operation, but not tracking.
there is no object moving.

The object being filmed by the FLIR camera and the plane carrying the FLIR camera are both moving the entire time so I don't follow your point.

The angle between the filming plane and the filmed object change throughout as the filming plan arcs through a left turn.

Here are a couple of example vids of IR flare rotating as an artifact of FLIR camera operation and optics.



I am fairly convinced that there is no disc shaped object moving in a weird way. Just a distant heat source being filmed by a FLIR camera mountain on a fast moving plane. I may be wrong but the mundane is almost always the correct answer and the sensational is almost always misinterpretation by flawed and biased human perception or deliberate deceit by a hoax initiator.

The true believers that promote this stuff without due diligence and investigation just need to go around singing to the tune of the old Tootsie Roll commercial "Whatever it is I think I see becomes a magical UFO to me". For example: I'm sick of people claiming that sunlit contrails are rocket launches or fireballs from space or anything other than a sunlit contrail when it is easy to find the flight number and track of the plane leaving the trail. I am also sick of the media promoting these stories so uncritically and giving all of these loony toons, attention seekers, and hoax-for-profit promoters such undue credibility. Then there are the foreign troll and conspiracy theory websites that promote this shit for their own purposes of personal profit and/or sowing discord and anti-government sentiment. Sometimes I think the troll farms just like to see how stupid the public are by promoting this crap. I have been amazed at the level of troll re-broadcasting of the bullshit from Natural News, Infowars, Mercola, etc... going back at least as far as 2012.
I meant it does not move in camera reference frame. Not only that, it does not change its orientation either, for most of the time duration.
Of course it appears as if it moves in Earth reference frame. But as I said it could be some bug stuck on camera. Because of the stupid tracking we can't really say what's happening
This explains it a little better: https://coi.tothestarsacademy.com/nimitz-report and provides a better sequence of events.
I was on board when this happened. I was surprised to see the original video was loaded to the SIPRNET that day.
This video looks much more real than what news TV shows. And it's completely different too.
I mean what kind of shit they show on TV?

The Gimbal video with pilot audio is interesting.

Most interesting to me was how the video abruptly stops just at the moment it seems one of the flight crew was about to say something like, "Oh, I know what that is now...". This is a fragment of video that only has the initial reactions of the crew.

Video of two people walking down the street... one of them exclaims "What the hell is THAT??" and points wildly ahead. Video ends.
Lets discuss what it might have been! hint: it was a puppy... but no one knows that... so.. aliens? He saw aliens, right?
However, if the pilots try to travel at the speed of that flying object, the picture below shows what will be the human reaction. The test was made considering how high they can go and at full speed.

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