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Michael Mann Wins Defamation Suit.

Cheerful Charlie

Nov 10, 2005
Houston, Texas
Basic Beliefs
Strong Atheist
You might recall Michael Mann, an environmental scientist who published
findings of rising temperatures attributed to human activity. He published
a graph of his finding, the so called Hockey Stick graph. Right winger Mark
Steyn then publically posted scurrilous charges against Mann in the crudest
terms. Mann sued. This suit has dragged on for years. And now it is over,
except for possible appeals. Justice is served.

Leading climate scientist Michael Mann was awarded $1 million in damages after winning his defamation lawsuit against two conservative writers over their response to his pivotal work on global warming.

I think widespread defamation like this should carry an implicit higher penalty than this (say, maybe 10 cents/viewer as a floor) but I agree that justice is served.
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