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North Korea - Another Missile Away - What to do Mr. Trump?

T.G.G. Moogly

Traditional Atheist
Mar 18, 2001
Basic Beliefs
About the only think missing in the latest missile launch from North Korea was "Fuck You Trump" painted on the missile. Honestly, all the posturing by Trump has amounted to less than nothing. So what does Donnie do now?

I don't think he ever intended to do anything of consequence but I think he may have entertained the thought that all this would turn out like one of his TV shows where he prevails at the end, just another ego trip.

So how soon before North Korea is just another ho-hum topic, the navy departs, and the missiles continue to fly?
I thought that maybe Trump had one lucky shot, in that he might appear insanely stupid enough to scare someone else. Apparently that's not the case.
Trump is kissing the asses of the dictators of Saudi Arabia very well.

He knows how to kiss the ass of a dictator.

His policy on North Korea could shift, like all his "policies", tomorrow.
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