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President Trump's Limited Time Horizon?


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Trump's lies and reversals reveal rudderless leader without principles
Trump's lies and reversals are not due to mental illness but because he reacts to people and situations in the moment, with no thought of future or past.

Come up with your own list of peculiar and often contradictory Trump statements — about women, the Access Hollywood tape, immigrants, Charlottesville, gun rights, you name it. The bottom line, more and more, seems to be that exasperating question, “What the hell is going on?”

When Trump is in the presence of someone he dislikes or distrusts, he attacks and will continue to lash out for a while, but not necessarily forever. When someone he perceives as a threat becomes deferential (Rocket Man, for example), Trump not only stops attacking, he also becomes highly vulnerable to influence.

In general, when Trump is around someone whom he perceives as supportive, ... his thinking is rapidly influenced by what that person is saying. ...

When Trump is in front of a large group of cheering people, his thinking is fully controlled by the crowd. ...

We need to add just one more element here to make sense of Trump’s roller coaster mind: Like my 92-year-old mom, Trump lives in a very small window of time, and no, I don’t mean he lives “in the moment” in that healthy, New-Age-y sort of way. I mean he has trouble looking backwards or forwards in time.
Much like a small child. Yet more evidence that DT is in his second childhood.
He is becoming senile or mentally ill. But that doesn't explain all the conservatives, 90% supporting him.
I thought this was going to be about how Trump's support is tenuous and he will be generally despised after leaving office and many that voted for him will distance themselves from that vote.

He is a despicable narcissist.

Benefiting from a nation driven crazy by the hatred of a black man as president for eight years.
I thought this was going to be about how Trump's support is tenuous and he will be generally despised after leaving office and many that voted for him will distance themselves from that vote.

He is a despicable narcissist.

Benefiting from a nation driven crazy by the hatred of a black man as president for eight years.
Why do you say, "many," when "only" is staring at us? No, not many. If a Trump supporter has something to gain by distancing himself, sure, but absent that, "many" is simply untrue.

Consider Trump supporters that have something political to gain by blatantly lying about how they feel because the truth would alienate them from potential supporters. Potential supporters can have a degree of influence to their political success. Some of them have to move on in the political sphere and must distance themselves to retain a viable path to be successful in the political arena.

When the Trump era begins to fade, more and more will distance themselves but only because they must shield themselves from public attack.
He is a senile narcissist. Easily manipulated by any actor who can barely fake liking him.
I thought this was going to be about how Trump's support is tenuous and he will be generally despised after leaving office and many that voted for him will distance themselves from that vote.

He is a despicable narcissist.

Benefiting from a nation driven crazy by the hatred of a black man as president for eight years.
Why do you say, "many," when "only" is staring at us? No, not many. If a Trump supporter has something to gain by distancing himself, sure, but absent that, "many" is simply untrue.

Consider Trump supporters that have something political to gain by blatantly lying about how they feel because the truth would alienate them from potential supporters. Potential supporters can have a degree of influence to their political success. Some of them have to move on in the political sphere and must distance themselves to retain a viable path to be successful in the political arena.

When the Trump era begins to fade, more and more will distance themselves but only because they must shield themselves from public attack.

I mean once his reputation matches his actions.

The present is not history.

History will not only be written by the people that love Trump.
I bet most of the people in power now suck up to Trump only because he is in a position of power. Once he is out none of them will even acknowledge him, let alone try to defend him unless it is for something they are complicit in. The party will collectively forget he existed. The true believers will likely be split. Some will continue to believe the Mango Mussolini is the greatest, and this is all a big conspiracy. Others may end up as Arnold Schwarzenegger said about the Nazis:

Growing up I was surrounded by broken men, men who came home from the war filled with shrapnel and guilt. Men who were mislead into a losing ideology. And I can tell you, these ghosts that you idolize spent the rest of their lives living in shame.
My diagnosis is that he's a strong narcissistic cult leader, who also suffers from hypomania, or maybe at times, full blown mania. I don't think he suffers from senility, although it's possible that he suffers from mild cognitive impairment, which often comes prior to full blown dementia. Regardless, it's his cult followers, the ones in Congress and those voters who still support him, that are the real problem. I think the ones in Congress know he's unstable but they support him for two reasons. First of all, they fear his base. Secondly, they are getting things passed that they like, such as tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations, as well as his conservative court nominees. Unless people who see the problem are willing to vote for the Democrats this fall, regardless if they have to hold their nose or not, we will be in for a lot more problems.
I thought this was going to be about how Trump's support is tenuous and he will be generally despised after leaving office and many that voted for him will distance themselves from that vote.

He is a despicable narcissist.

Benefiting from a nation driven crazy by the hatred of a black man as president for eight years.
Why do you say, "many," when "only" is staring at us? No, not many. If a Trump supporter has something to gain by distancing himself, sure, but absent that, "many" is simply untrue.
Yeah, how "many" Trump voters will admit voting for George W Bush? By 2010, it was as if not a single American voted for W... and he wasn't the atrocity in the White House Trump is.
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