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Quantum Field Theory


Diabetic retinopathy and poor eyesight. Typos ...
Nov 9, 2017
Basic Beliefs
Someone made a claim that QFT redefines energy as something other than work and heat equivalence as specified in SI. Energy being 'everywhere'. I can see how a deeper definition of particle definition and energy transfer in a field can be derived, but energy as work remains, or so it seems. Photons and electrons are energy carriers. Theoretical gravitons and magnetons?

Like QM there is theory. along with philosophical interpretations. It says QFT treats the particle wave in EM fields as a whole, I thought QM did that through the wave equation. The probability of a photon in a laser being in a dxdydz. Anybody up on QFT and can explain without complex math?

In the link it is more of a viewpoint on how to structure a solution than a specific theory like predictive relativity.


'Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is the mathematical and conceptual framework for contemporary elementary particle physics. In a rather informal sense QFT is the extension of quantum mechanics (QM), dealing with particles, over to fields, i.e. systems with an infinite number of degrees of freedom. (See the entry on quantum mechanics.) In the last few years QFT has become a more widely discussed topic in philosophy of science, with questions ranging from methodology and semantics to ontology. QFT taken seriously in its metaphysical implications seems to give a picture of the world which is at variance with central classical conceptions of particles and fields, and even with some features of QM.

The following sketches how QFT describes fundamental physics and what the status of QFT is among other theories of physics. Since there is a strong emphasis on those aspects of the theory that are particularly important for interpretive inquiries, it does not replace an introduction to QFT as such. One main group of target readers are philosophers who want to get a first impression of some issues that may be of interest for their own work, another target group are physicists who are interested in a philosophical view upon QFT.

1. What is QFT?
In contrast to many other physical theories there is no canonical definition of what QFT is. Instead one can formulate a number of totally different explications, all of which have their merits and limits. One reason for this diversity is the fact that QFT has grown successively in a very complex way. Another reason is that the interpretation of QFT is particularly obscure, so that even the spectrum of options is not clear. Possibly the best and most comprehensive understanding of QFT is gained by dwelling on its relation to other physical theories, foremost with respect to QM, but also with respect to classical electrodynamics, Special Relativity Theory (SRT) and Solid State Physics or more generally Statistical Physics. However, the connection between QFT and these theories is also complex and cannot be neatly described step by step.

If one thinks of QM as the modern theory of one particle (or, perhaps, a very few particles), one can then think of QFT as an extension of QM for analysis of systems with many particles—and therefore with a large number of degrees of freedom. In this respect going from QM to QFT is not inevitable but rather beneficial for pragmatic reasons. However, a general threshold is crossed when it comes to fields, like the electromagnetic field, which are not merely difficult but impossible to deal with in the frame of QM. Thus the transition from QM to QFT allows treatment of both particles and fields within a uniform theoretical framework. (As an aside, focusing on the number of particles, or degrees of freedom respectively, explains why the famous renormalization group methods can be applied in QFT as well as in Statistical Physics. The reason is simply that both disciplines study systems with a large or an infinite number of degrees of freedom, either because one deals with fields, as does QFT, or because one studies the thermodynamic limit, a very useful artifice in Statistical Physics.) Moreover, issues regarding the number of particles under consideration yield yet another reason why we need to extend QM. Neither QM nor its immediate relativistic extension with the Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations can describe systems with a variable number of particles. However, obviously this is essential for a theory that is supposed to describe scattering processes, where particles of one kind are destroyed while others are created.'
Someone made a claim that QFT redefines energy as something other than work and heat equivalence as specified in SI. Energy being 'everywhere'. I can see how a deeper definition of particle definition and energy transfer in a field can be derived, but energy as work remains, or so it seems. Photons and electrons are energy carriers. Theoretical gravitons and magnetons?

In the Standard Model, the four gauge bosons are the force-carriers for the fundamental forces. Photons for electromagnetism, W+ and W- bosons for the weak interaction, and Z bosons for the Z interaction. The graviton is a proposed force-carrying boson for gravity, but the magneton appears to be another name for magnetic monopole; it's not a proposed force-carrier.

In Quantum Mechanics the total energy of a particle is the sum of its kinetic and potential energy, i.e. in terms of ability to do work. At the quantum scale, heat is just kinetic energy. QFT represents particles as fields, but the energy of the field is still its kinetic and potential energy.
Someone made a claim that QFT redefines energy as something other than work and heat equivalence as specified in SI. Energy being 'everywhere'. I can see how a deeper definition of particle definition and energy transfer in a field can be derived, but energy as work remains, or so it seems. Photons and electrons are energy carriers. Theoretical gravitons and magnetons?

In the Standard Model, the four gauge bosons are the force-carriers for the fundamental forces. Photons for electromagnetism, W+ and W- bosons for the weak interaction, and Z bosons for the Z interaction. The graviton is a proposed force-carrying boson for gravity, but the magneton appears to be another name for magnetic monopole; it's not a proposed force-carrier.

In Quantum Mechanics the total energy of a particle is the sum of its kinetic and potential energy, i.e. in terms of ability to do work. At the quantum scale, heat is just kinetic energy. QFT represents particles as fields, but the energy of the field is still its kinetic and potential energy.

Thanks, that answers my questions. I understand heat as the transfer of kinetic energy from atom to atom, atoms vibrating in place. Thermal radiation being proportional to the amount of mechanical kinetic energy.

I had a brainfart: "Z interaction" should be "strong interaction".
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