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Rapture Ready's Long List of Heresies


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Rapture Ready is now a portal site, but Rapture Forums is still in action. The site has a long list of heresies that one is not allowed to advocate: Board Rules and Guidelines for Posting | Rapture Forums

[01] No Inappropriate language or pictures of cursing, cussing, foul, rude, crude words, or materials, including websites or videos. No slang such as OMG, Geez, Sheesh, etc.

[02] No graphic posts, pictures, news articles, or links to violence, nudity, nor semi-nude photos or videos. No posting sexual stories, gruesome crimes, horror stories, nor any other sin sick related stories, ...
There are certain parts of the Bible that are contrary to these rules, it must be noted.
[03] No blasphemy of the Holy Spirit in mocking God, His character, or using God's name in vain. God is referred to as God and/or Jehovah, Yahweh, etc.... When discussing Allah we refer to the Muslim god, not the Jewish/Christian God of the Old and New testament.
So Allah is a separate entity?
[04] Defend the Faith and God's infallible Word, not the ways of the world, homosexuality, liberalism, socialism, false translations, false theologies such as Mysticism, Liturgical sacraments, deceptive cults, or other heresies. We believe in only one true gospel of saving grace through faith in one Jesus Christ alone in His shed blood for our atonement, Old Testament looked forward to God's provision of the sacrifice, New Testament looks back to God's provision of the sacrifice. Do not promote, two gospels, hyper Dispensationalism, Arminianism, Calvinism, hyper-Calvinism, adding good works of Lordship Salvation, Ecumenical Interfaith, KJV Onlyism, nor other ideologies of religious legalism. We do not support "Gap theories" and/or other evolution type of arguments. Do not play 'devil's advocate' for the sake of argument.
Liturgical sacraments? Seems like a reference to Catholicism. They also seem like young-earth creationists. But I must say that I appreciate their rejection of KJV Onlyism.

05] Do not promote unscriptural ideologies. We believe in and support the Old and New Testament alone for our Christian faith. No extra writings added. Do not attack the Christian faith in the guise of "wanting to learn", for entertainment purposes of arguments and debates. For atheists: No need to post an "Ask me a Question" thread. If we want to ask an atheist we will go to an atheist site. Atheists or unbelievers are to restrict their posting to the apologetics forum only. Do not condone or promote violence. Do not promote insurrection propaganda or fear based threads on FEMA camps and other government conspiracies. Our primary focus is current news regarding biblical prophecy.
Seems like a pre-emptive strike against JAQing: "Just Asking Questions".

[06] Do not promote false teachings , false prophets, rapture date-setting, Bible prophecy sensationalism, heretical movements, paganism, ritualism, Hebrew Roots, Two-House, Ten Lost Tribes, Old Earth, Third Wave Latter Rain, Words of Faith (WOF), Words of Knowledge (WOK), extra-Biblical teachings from tele-preachers, John Wimber's Vineyard teachings, Dominion theology, Soul Sleep, Signs & Wonders, Gospel to the Stars, the Mazzaroth, Toronto Blessings, Mike Bickle's I.H.O.Prayer, 7th Day (Sabbath) keeping, liturgy of works and practices for obtaining and maintaining salvation, Eucharist, Lordship Salvation, Annihilationism, Universalism, Calvinism, Arminianism, predestination, catechisms (RCC and their offshoots), Ecumenism, baptismal regeneration, prayers for the dead, false scriptures such as the Pseudepigrapha , Apocrypha, Book of Mormon, Bible codes, Ufology, Inccubi, Succubi, OSnAS, Angelic procreation and cloning, demon seeds, or any other extra-Biblical preoccupations with demonic and extrasensory beliefs. Do not post from tele-teachers entangled in any of the above such as TBN, Perry Stone, Jesse Duplantis, Alex Jones, Todd Bentley, J. R. Church, Rick Warren, Don Piper - "90 Minutes in Heaven", FiveDoves, Coo Thomas, Sid Roth, Mark Biltz, Walid Shoebat, etc. Do not promote keeping old testament Mosaic law (but we are also not antinomianists for we believe in obedience to Jesus)
Paganism? Ritualism? Seems like a swipe against Catholicism. They make it obvious with "catechisms (RCC and their offshoots),"

Ten Lost Tribes? Those were the northern kingdom's tribes of Israelites, and they were destroyed when the Assyrians conquered it. Not being satisfied with them being assimilated out of existence, a lot of people came to believe that they are alive and well somewhere or other.

Old Earth? More evidence that they are YEC's.

Almost too many heresies to research, though this one looks interesting: soul sleep. It's the theory that when one does, one's knocked out until the end of the world.

Ecumenism? They don't have much taste for trying to get along with heretics.

Apocrypha? Some Hellenistic-era religious literature that is accepted as canonical only in some churches.

The Book of Mormon? Not surprising.

They don't like Alex Jones? Odd.
07] No Dream threads or threads supporting 'Words of Knowledge', WOF, Angel or Ghost sightings, Rapture dreams or prophetic visions, Words of Faith, Bible Codes, personal spiritual encounters, astrology, star gazing, Rapture trumpet sounds, the Hebrew zodiac, Jesus comets, personal messages or words from God, personal letters from Jesus, self perceived signs of future events, unique events perceived as signs from God, personal prophecies, cloud formations, Holy Laughter, psychic abilities, trips to heaven or hell and back, or any other subjective experiences that suggest these observations are common Christian experiences. We encourage you to study and read from God's Word and keep a credible appearance before the watching world. (II Timothy 2:15) Dream threads spiral down into subjective vain reasonings and will be closed or removed.
What is their objection to astrology? Do they turn into rigorous rationalists about creeds other than theirs?

Holy Laughter? That's what people do in some Pentecostal churches.

[08] Do not promote immoral or ungodly materials or links. This board is a family-friendly Christian Fellowship board. We strive to provide a place for Christians to fellowship without offense

[09] Please do not use the following links as news sources for reporting breaking news or other material:
With a long list of publications, like Infowars (Alex Jones's site), the Huffington Post, and Al Jazeera. What makes them heretical?

"[10] Treat others with dignity & respect (as you like being treated)." -- I agree with that part.
[11] No End Times Date Setting, Date Speculating, Date Framing, Date Suggesting, Date Alerts, or designating specific Peace Treaties or feasts as the main event of the Rapture or Second Coming. No quoting from others on date setting future events such as the fall of Damascus, Gog/Magog, the Rapture, the Second Coming, the Millennium, Peace Covenants, feasts, etc.... or speculations on who will be the Antichrist, False Prophet, or Gog, and no Islamic AC promotions allowed either. This includes linking to sites and books that also speculate and throw out dates based upon Blood Moon, Rosh Hashanah, and other events. Do not promote Ezekiel 38-39 as Armageddon. Do not set Date Alerts and speculations that even hint of date setting, nor posting from date setting preachers. We have already heard the "know the season argument". Matthew 24:36 Mark 13:32. Please do not inadvertently call Jesus a liar.
They set themselves up for that with their belief in a soon-to-come Rapture.

"[12] Do not complain about other message boards, this board, or members."

13] No liberal left wing political agendas, pacifism, socialism, libertarianism, fascism, communism, scientism, Tax Dodging, Anti-American Conspiracies, Anti-War Propaganda, or that the United States is Israel or Mystery Babylon. No "Financial Fear and panic, store ammo and cans" threads stressing America is going down the tubes and Jesus is leaving us stranded. No plotting to overthrow the American government. No Conspiracy theories such as FEMA camps, 9/11 was an inside job, etc. etc. etc....Practice your faith through prayer trusting God always providing our needs and never forsaking us. Hebrews 13:5 Psalms 37:25

This is a conservative website and we lean Republican, pro-life, pro-family, etc. No promotion of liberal, leftist, or Democratic positions on the forums. Do not support ungoldly political positions such as abortion, sexual deviant behaviors, and other lefty positions that are contrary to the word of God. If you want to promote liberal, leftist, and progressive policies, please go do it somewhere else on the Internet. This is not the place for it. With social media suppressing, shadowbanning, and excluding conservative forums, Rapture Forums is a conservative oasis where conservatives can express themselves and support each other without Big Tech bullying and harassment.
They show which side they are on. No religious lefties welcome.
"[14] No posts, links, or videos from other message boards, forums, websites, or political and religious blogs on this site. We are about promoting RF not your favorite other prophecy teachers."

They seem very strict in their beliefs, not allowing even very small deviations.
15] No promotion of Mid, Post Tribulation, Prewrath, Partial Rapture, Preterism, or Replacement theology. This board is traditional Pre-Tribulation Rapture, Pre 6 Seals, Pre 70th week, and Pre-Millennial Dispensational of End Times Prophecy. No posting alternative theories from other websites. We believe in a literal 7 year Tribulation period, after the instantaneous Rapture of all regenerated believers in unison, during which God finishes His discipline of Israel, protects Israel, and finalizes His judgments on the unbelieving world. Except for those who have taken the Mark of the Beast, salvation will remain open to people who trust Jesus for salvation up to the Second Coming. No suggestions of living righteously enough for the rapture, or salvation unattainable after the Rapture is allowed. All discussions on these topics must follow suit. Jesus said we won't know the day nor hour of His return and always be ready keeping watch.
Which goes to show how strict they are, not even allowing advocacy of alternate timings of the Rapture. They believe that it will be before the period of great disasters known as the tribulation period. Some other rapture believers believe that the Rapture will happen in the middle of the tribulation period or after it, or even just before an episode where God gets very wrathful.

"[17] No hijacking and derailing threads with personal agendas."
"[18] Obey Copyright Laws."
"[19] Only one account per person allowed, and no sharing your account with others."
"[20] Do not PM others with your private agendas."
"[21] No dispensing of medical or financial advice on the board."

[22] Do Not Judge In An Unrighteous Manner - Determining that someone is less of, or not truly a Christian because of a perceived lack of spiritual gifts, worship style, observance or non-observance of holidays, divorced or remarried, political affiliation, not voting for a specific candidate, dressing a certain way, believing in free will, experiencing various trials, or because someone who confesses they are saved by grace through faith in Christ, is not judging righteously. All members are encouraged to examine and judge doctrine in light of Biblical truth, but their eternal salvation is judged only by Jesus Christ. (John 7:24; Matthew 7:1-2; John 5:25-29, I Corinthians 4:5)
A big contrast with their doctrinal strictness.
"[23] No posting in foreign languages."

[24] No Cultic material - Teachings that do not agree with Scripture are not to be promoted here. This includes, but is not limited to, Mormonism, Jehovah Witness, Scientology, Masons, Free Masons, Elks, Moose, Christian Identity, New Age, Shepherd's Chapel, Sacred Name Movements, works based faiths such as Roman Catholicism, and Seventh Day Adventist, Church of Christ teachings.... (Galatians 1:6-8)
Given all the heresies that they earlier listed, this is not very surprising.

"[25] No hot linking images"

26] No statements supporting renewed (Inter-spirituality) - the blending of contemplative prayer and uniting of all religions (Ecumenism) including any suggestions the church needs a mystical (Emerging/Emergent) myth Gospel, that Jesus Christ is not the only way to salvation, or the Interfaith beliefs that all religions and faiths lead to heaven (Universalism), or any other universalistic concepts of "salvation" (that all the sincere find heaven) are usually regarded as "finding the god within you," (Panentheism) and god is in everything (Pantheism). The Admin team reserves the right to determine what constitutes ecumenical emergent teachings and promotions.
Of course. They're all heretics.
[27] No Speculations on the Causes of Natural Disasters onto people or cities as being Judgments from God - We are still living in the Age of Grace. God deals with individuals on a personal salvation basis and speculations of natural disasters and the timings of isolated or random natural disasters upon others due to political, economic, or religious actions taken by governments, societies, or individuals does not warrant a direct judgment from God. Luke 13:2-5 II Peter 3:7-13
That's very generous of them.

"[28] No posting threads about your personal infractions, deleted threads, or "why was my thread moved?" threads."
"[29] Avatar, User Title, & Signature Rule" - not too big and no heresies or other rule violations allowed
"[30] No solicitations of donations, emergency funds, finances, gifts, panhandling, advertisements, sales, commercial or any other type of monetary transactions between members."
"[31] No reporting of secret, classified, or other sensitive information regarding military operations from family and friends."

[32] This board fully supports Israel occupying the Middle East, Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount area. Posts in support of Islam, the Muslim religion, or fictitious Palestinian rights are not tolerated. The world nations are against Israel because the world system is under Satan's control. Posts against Israel defending herself are not tolerated.
Not very surprising.

"[33] No posts supporting issues on pacifism: Continuous wars will exist on this planet until the Prince of Peace establishes His Kingdom on earth, and only after a great and bloody war that Jesus Himself will wage against His enemies."
"[34] We uphold the Second Amendment right for American's to lawfully and legally bear arms, and the Biblical right to self defense, however, this forum is not a platform for the NRA, or survivalist and militia groups."
"[35] Please do not promote books, DVD, movies, etc. that are for commercial purposes."
"[36] Do not post private personal information on the forums."
"[37] Please do not start threads on the forums or make posts with a simple link to another site."

Almost too many heresies to research, though this one looks interesting: soul sleep. It's the theory that when one does, one's knocked out until the end of the world.
Well, that's how i read it, anyway. No one gets to Heaven until Judgment Day. That's when the Faithful, alive and rising from their tombs, fly up to Paradise.

Apocrypha? Some Hellenistic-era religious literature that is accepted as canonical only in some churches.
This is another swipe at the Catholics.
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