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REVEALED: Trump personally intervened to get government photographer to hide tiny inauguration crowds


Veteran Member
Jan 31, 2013
New York, Manhattan, Upper West Side
Basic Beliefs
Hardcore Atheist
The orange idiot is truly despicable....

[FONT=&quot]A new report from the Guardian claims that President Donald Trump personally intervened to get a government photographer to edit photos of his inauguration to hide evidence that his crowd size was smaller than the crowd at former President Barack Obama’s inauguration.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The publication has obtained documents showing that the photographer who snapped photos at the inauguration “cropped out empty space ‘where the crowd ended’ for a new set of pictures requested by Trump on the first morning of his presidency.”[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]According to the report, the National Park Service had to scramble to alter the original photographs on the day after the inauguration in order to appease a furious Trump. Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer made “multiple” calls to the NPS to badger them about when the new photographs would be ready, the records show.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]One official, whose name was redacted in the documents, says that Trump “wanted to see pictures that appeared to depict more spectators in the crowd” because many of the original ones showed “a lot of empty areas.”[/FONT]

Remember how much President Twitler McCrazyPants complained about fake news regarding those photos. Meanwhile, he was engaged in this phoney baloney bs. This pretty much proves he has no earnest belief in his claims. It's all deliberate propaganda, not an opposing view.
Remember how much President Twitler McCrazyPants complained about fake news regarding those photos. Meanwhile, he was engaged in this phoney baloney bs. This pretty much proves he has no earnest belief in his claims. It's all deliberate propaganda, not an opposing view.
Anyone surprised by this, raise your hand!

Remember how much President Twitler McCrazyPants complained about fake news regarding those photos. Meanwhile, he was engaged in this phoney baloney bs. This pretty much proves he has no earnest belief in his claims. It's all deliberate propaganda, not an opposing view.

To the sadomasochistic* Trump supporters that's a feature rather than a fault.

* Sadomasochism is the giving or receiving pleasure from acts involving the receipt or infliction of pain or humiliation.
It's pretty obvious that the Orange One has no sway with photogs. There was that awful shot of him boarding Air Force One in Feb. when the wind caught that nasty pile of hay on top of his head and for a ribald instant the Prez was a Mexican hairless. Highly disturbing image. Then there's any number of shots of his fat ass.
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