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Texas Governor Pardons Convicted Murder

And, let me add that the other guy who Derec mentioned was 76 years old when he was pardoned and had already served over 40 years in prison. Why didn't Derec mentioned all of that? Those pardons regardless if you agree with them or not, aren't the same as a murdered being pardoned after barely serving any time.

For his role in the heist, the 76-year-old has served four decades for felony murder and robbery. Boudin, who was elected San Francisco district attorney in 2019, grew up with both parents in jail. His mother was also involved in the heist and was imprisoned until 2003, despite having “identical culpability in the crime,” as the progressive prosecutor has described it.
You'd think that would be an important distinction. I certainly do.
And, let me add that the other guy who Derec mentioned was 76 years old when he was pardoned and had already served over 40 years in prison. Why didn't Derec mentioned all of that? Those pardons regardless if you agree with them or not, aren't the same as a murdered being pardoned after barely serving any time.

For his role in the heist, the 76-year-old has served four decades for felony murder and robbery. Boudin, who was elected San Francisco district attorney in 2019, grew up with both parents in jail. His mother was also involved in the heist and was imprisoned until 2003, despite having “identical culpability in the crime,” as the progressive prosecutor has described it.
You'd think that would be an important distinction. I certainly do.
Of course it is. That kind of shit is the right wing's version of "OMG, they sent a black man to jail in Mississippi for 50 years just because he had half a gram of weed on him!" Meanwhile, if you bother to do the slightest digging you find out the guy had 4 prior violent felonies and it was the 3rd violation of his parole.

Same thing here, along with the all too familiar stink of whataboutism.
And, let me add that the other guy who Derec mentioned was 76 years old when he was pardoned and had already served over 40 years in prison. Why didn't Derec mentioned all of that? Those pardons regardless if you agree with them or not, aren't the same as a murdered being pardoned after barely serving any time.

For his role in the heist, the 76-year-old has served four decades for felony murder and robbery. Boudin, who was elected San Francisco district attorney in 2019, grew up with both parents in jail. His mother was also involved in the heist and was imprisoned until 2003, despite having “identical culpability in the crime,” as the progressive prosecutor has described it.
You'd think that would be an important distinction. I certainly do.
Of course it is. That kind of shit is the right wing's version of "OMG, they sent a black man to jail in Mississippi for 50 years just because he had half a gram of weed on him!" Meanwhile, if you bother to do the slightest digging you find out the guy had 4 prior violent felonies and it was the 3rd violation of his parole.

Same thing here, along with the all too familiar stink of whataboutism.
I agree to some extent but about 15 or so years ago, I almost ended up on a jury that convicted two very young Black men of possession with intent to distribute cocaine. They were stopped by the police for some reason, and a small amount of the drug was found. One was charged with intent to sell and the other was charged as as well, simply for being in the car with him. I was the only one who raised her hand when they asked if anyone thought recreational drugs should be legal. About a month later, I ran into the wife of a man who was on the jury. One of the men got a 30 year sentence and the other once got a 20 year sentence. The man on the jury was horrified because he had no idea the sentences would be so harsh. His wife said he felt so guilty that he couldn't sleep for weeks. As far as I know, the two young men had no previous arrests. I don't think sentences for having drugs in one's possession are nearly that harsh these days. but it did seem like a very severe prison term for having a small amount of cocaine in one's possession. I was very happy not to be on that jury, as it would have been a moral dilemma for me, since I do think drugs at the very least should be decriminalized and/or legalized and highly regulated with more money spent on rehab and save ways to administer the more dangerous ones. There would be fewer deaths and less money spent on locking up people for simply using a harmful substance. But, I digress.

I actually know of a white man in his 50s, who's charges were dropped after he was stopped by the police and was found to have a different, even stronger drug in his possession. I can't remember right now what it was. His ex wife told me about it. I'm not saying this was all based on racism as it does seem that drug charges aren't as severe as they were in the past, but the white guy did know the sheriff, so there could have been an unfair issue related to why his charges were dropped. I know the man abused drugs and sometimes sold them, based on what his ex wife, who is a friend of mine, told me.

told me.
And, let me add that the other guy who Derec mentioned was 76 years old when he was pardoned and had already served over 40 years in prison. Why didn't Derec mentioned all of that? Those pardons regardless if you agree with them or not, aren't the same as a murdered being pardoned after barely serving any time.

For his role in the heist, the 76-year-old has served four decades for felony murder and robbery. Boudin, who was elected San Francisco district attorney in 2019, grew up with both parents in jail. His mother was also involved in the heist and was imprisoned until 2003, despite having “identical culpability in the crime,” as the progressive prosecutor has described it.
Dude was in a rage when Red made parole.
I didn't follow this case, or really even remember it happening, but for those who did, what evidence of self defense is Broden talking about, and what evidence is being suppressed?
Foster came up to Perry armed with an AK47. Previously, he said that those opposed to him were "pussies" who would not do anything. I guess that's why he thought he could just confront the guy like that.

By the way, is bringing rifles to protests good now? Because y'all said it was bad when Ritt did it. What gives?
Yeah, Rittenour popped into my mind as well, and the whole, "what kind of idiot brings an AR15 (or, AK47) to a protest" narrative that was so common with the Rittenour case. Not much (as in "zero") mention of that narrative here, and in fact, the article mentions it was his legal right to do so. There's also the implication that Perry, apparently a racist and white supremecist, came to the BLM protest armed with a gun and bad intentions, but ultimately ends up killing a white guy who also just happens to have a gun. My first thought is that it was just a couple of hot-headed, armed knuckleheads who ended up in a dick swinging contest, which one of them was bound to lose. The fact that Foster has a black wife has been mentioned as a reason for Perry to want to kill him, but its not clear that Perry would have known that.
Nope, of course, the dude that died didn't actually fire a shot. This is another case of where open carry proves itself to be stupid and reckless.
Are we taking an over/under on how many people will be murdered this June for Pride in Texas?

Last I knew, gay, and especially trans people, are pretty heavily armed.

Maybe we should set up a betting pool to see what day is the day someone first shoots someone at a gay event in Texas, and maybe bonus points for guessing how long before the gays start shooting back?

This is no less than a clarion call for violence this summer.
The gays shooting back can't be self defense. Only the Proud Boys etc.
:rolleyes: Not sure if serious. Even though the first linked article (Politico) in the OP says the two men were white (in the second paragraph), at least four people (two via a "thumbs up") in this short thread, so far, had assumed the victim was black. And I'm the one who supposedly doesn't "read things before commenting"? Nice try.

My thumbs up was for the overall accuracy of the sentiment. I also gave a thumbs up to subsequent post that clarified the individual's race. Nice try, but it seems you didn't interpret thumbs ups correctly (at least not mine).
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