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The Error Function


Diabetic retinopathy and poor eyesight. Typos ...
Nov 9, 2017
Basic Beliefs
The error function and inverse error function.

Both important.

The error function is done by numerical integration. The inverse function by a series.

At small x values the precision is about 12 decimal places. It goes down as the magnitude of x increases.

The c coefficients for the inverse function could be precalculated and included as a table to speed up execution.

There is a series solution for the error function but have not tried it yet.

I went around in circles trying to figure put why I was not getting the number of decimal places I expected. Turned out I had to explicitly make arrays a double. It looks e otherwise they ended up as floats.

import math as ma
import cmath as cm

import numpy as np
import array as ar
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def plotxy(xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi,x,y,title,xlabel,ylabel):
        # single y plot
        font1 = {'family': 'arial',
        'color':  'black',
        'weight': 'heavy',
        'size': 15,
        [fig, p1] = plt.subplots(1)
        p1.grid(color='k', linestyle='-', linewidth=1)
        p1.grid(which='major', color='k',linestyle='-', linewidth=0.8)
        p1.grid(which='minor', color='k', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.3)
        p1.set_title(title, fontdict = font1)
        p1.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontdict = font1)
        p1.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontdict = font1)
def coef():
    nc = 100
    c = nc*[0]
    c[0] = 1
    for k in range(nc):
        for m in range(k):
            c[k] += (c[m]*c[k-1-m])/((m+1)*(2*m + 1))
    for k in range(10):
def erf(x):
    # error function
    # trapezoidal integration
    if abs(x) == 0.0: return 0.0
    sign = 1
    if x < 0.0:sign = -1.
    x = abs(x)
    s = 0.
    t = 0.
    n = 500000
    dt = x/n
    for i in range(n):
        y1 = ma.exp(-t*t)
        t2 = t + dt
        y2 = ma.exp(-t2*t2)
        s +=  y1 + (y2-y1) *.5
        t += dt
    s *= dt*2./ma.sqrt(ma.pi)
    return s * sign
def ierf(x):
    # inverse error function
    # adapted from wiki page on the error function
    nc = 1000
    c = ar.array('d',nc*[0])
    c[0] = 1
    for k in range(nc):
        for m in range(k):
            c[k] += (c[m]*c[k-1-m])/((m+1)*(2*m + 1))
    einv = 0
    q = ma.sqrt(ma.pi)*x/2.
    for k in range(nc):
        einv += ((c[k])/(2*k+1))*pow(q,(2*k+1))
    return einv
def norm_dist(n,y,u,sigma):
    k = ma.sqrt(2)*sigma
    for i in range(n):
        # p>0, <1
        p = 0    
        while(p == 0):
            p = rn.random()
        p = 2.*p-1.
        y[i] = u + ierf(p)*k
n = 22
x = ar.array('d',n*[0])
y = ar.array('d',n*[0])
yi = ar.array('d',n*[0])

 # testing ierf()  
dx = .1
xsum = 0.123456789012345
for i in range(n):
        x[i] = xsum
        y[i] = erf(xsum)
        yi[i] = ierf(y[i])
        xsum += dx

for i in range(n):
    print("%+.15f    %.15f   %+.15f" %(x[i],y[i],yi[i]))
n = 100
t = np.linspace(-2,2,n)
y = ar.array('d',n*[0])
x = ar.array('d',n*[0])
for i in range(n):
    y[i] =  y[i] = erf(t[i])
    x[i] = ma.exp(-t[i]*t[i])
plotxy(min(t),max(t),min(y),max(y),t,y,"error function","","")
plotxy(min(t),max(t),min(x),max(x),t,x,"integrated function","","")
1st column x, 2nd erf(x), 3rd ierf(erf(x)), 1st and 2bd columns should be the same ideally without numerical issues.

+0.123456789012345    0.138601545069331   +0.123456789012336
+0.223456789012345    0.248009349056034   +0.223456789012325
+0.323456789012345    0.352643009080857   +0.323456789012439
+0.423456789012345    0.450732641678103   +0.423456789012074
+0.523456789012345    0.540869698208496   +0.523456789011466
+0.623456789012345    0.622061505100424   +0.623456789012959
+0.723456789012345    0.693750024171002   +0.723456789012062
+0.823456789012345    0.755796279441680   +0.823456789011629
+0.923456789012345    0.808435578977759   +0.923456789008808
+1.023456789012345    0.852211287393477   +1.023456789003331
+1.123456789012345    0.887896214521806   +1.123456789020126
+1.223456789012345    0.916410663874049   +1.223456789021615
+1.323456789012345    0.938745033629231   +1.323456789018565
+1.423456789012345    0.955892933731264   +1.423456789024585
+1.523456789012345    0.968798489460522   +1.523456789031397
+1.623456789012345    0.978319235723991   +1.623456789053199
+1.723456789012346    0.985204074534570   +1.723456788995294
+1.823456789012346    0.990084358135653   +1.823456789039765
+1.923456789012346    0.993475335017614   +1.923456762497691
+2.023456789012346    0.995784915367513   +2.023452679772552
+2.123456789012346    0.997326863578126   +2.123320813460653
+2.223456789012346    0.998335965305193   +2.221923138965717
Hey Steve, does this function share any identity with the hyperbolic tangent function? Asking because it looks like it would.

It has a lot of shape similarities to tanh, and looks very much like a step function approximation. I'm asking mostly because I've been playing around with products to create pulse trains out of various step functions.
I do not know, but it is .related to the normal distribution.

An overview

One use for the inverse function is generating a normal distribution given a mean and standard deviation.

Pass a mean u and standard deviation sigma a, sort y, and create a histogram or bar chart and you will get a normal distribution. I think Numpy has a built in to do this function.

def norm_dist(n,y,u,sigma):
    k = ma.sqrt(2)*sigma
    for i in range(n): 
        # p>0, <1
        p = 0     
        while(p == 0):
            p = rna.random()
        p = 2.*p-1.
        y[i] = u + ierf(p)*k
I do not know, but it is .related to the normal distribution.

An overview

One use for the inverse function is generating a normal distribution given a mean and standard deviation.

Pass a mean u and standard deviation sigma a, sort y, and create a histogram or bar chart and you will get a normal distribution. I think Numpy has a built in to do this function.

def norm_dist(n,y,u,sigma):
    k = ma.sqrt(2)*sigma
    for i in range(n):
        # p>0, <1
        p = 0
        while(p == 0):
            p = rna.random()
        p = 2.*p-1.
        y[i] = u + ierf(p)*k
Well, I think I recall something about normal distributions and a relationship to the Tanh function, particularly in that the Heaviside step function's Fourier Transform is a normal distribution?

This is based on a VERY fast look through literature.

That thing I was playing with a couple years back that I went a little crazy with IS actually a pretty fascinating bit of math study for me. Apparently it has some relationship to Willans Formulae?

Anyway, the connection is interesting to be because the other day I actually succeeded in making a prime counting function out of it, and as it is, it turned out to be a sum of a double product of tanh, and putting it in those terms lets me smoothly control the error.

\(\sum_{d=2}^{x}\left(\left(\prod_{v=0}^{\operatorname{floor}\left(\sqrt{d}\right)}\left(\prod_{n=0}^{\operatorname{ceil}\left(\frac{d-\left(\left(v+2\right)\cdot2\right)}{\left(v+2\right)}\right)}\ \tanh\ -k\left(d-\left(v+2\right)\left(n+2\right)\right)\right)\right)^{2}\right)\)

I spent some time this afternoon working on an identity between the tanh^2 products I'm working with and cosines/sines that I thought was interesting insofar as trying to figure out whether there's a simpler way to express this.

if the f(x) is as such
\(f\left(x\right)\ =\ \left(\left(\prod_{n=-\infty}^{-\infty}\tanh^{2}\left(k\left(\frac{x}{2}\right)-k\pi\left(n\right)\right)\right)\cdot\sqrt{2}-\frac{1}{2}\right)\)
\(\left(f\left(x\right)-f\left(x+\pi\right)\right)\ =\ -\cos\left(x\right)\)
and I think this holds for all K, since there's symmetry there?

Strangely for the set of integers, the f(x)=-cos(x) already.

I wonder if there's a more useful identity buried in there...

I also wonder if there's a way to express the half function in terms of plain trig? It seems like there should be a way.

\(d\left(x\right)\ =\left(\prod_{n=-\infty}^{-\infty}\tanh^{2}\left(k\left(x\right)-k\pi\left(n\right)\right)\right)\)
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The Gaussian curve (normal distribution) has several interesting and unique properties.

Once upon a time I had fun writing various simple routines in C, including code to generate standard Gaussian variates (random variables). (Here, "standard" means having zero mean and variance of 1.) On the way I became aware of something which seems very interesting. It is interesting in TWO ways: (1) it leads to almost-counterintuitive properties of the Gaussian, and (2) it leads to a speedup in the code to generate Gaussian variates. (I mentioned this here some years ago, but it seems interesting enough to mention again.)

If a and b are two independent standard Gaussian variates, then (a, b) is the (x, y) value of a TWO-dimensional Gaussian variate. Clear so far?

If you plot the density of the 2-D Gaussian distribution, you get a 3-D rendition of an actual bell, rather than just the 2-D cross-section of a bell.

That (x, y) value can be expressed in polar coordinates as (r, θ) where r = √(x^2 + y^2) and θ = tan-1(x/y). This notion leads to a stream-lined code to develop Gaussian variates:
     // randy() returns a variate uniform over (0, 1)
     theta = randy() * 2 * PI;
     r = sqrt(-2 * ln(randy());
     x = r * cos(theta);
     y = r * sin(theta);
     // x and y are each standard Gaussian variates
     // x and y are INDEPENDENT
Two calls to randy() and only four calls to simple math functions produce TWO Gaussian variates. And -- despite that each is scaled by r, the two variates are independent! Nifty? Any cross-section of this 2-D distribution will be a normal curve, but r itself (sqrt(-2 * ln(randy())) is not Gaussian. For example it has kurtosis = 2 compared with the Gaussian's kurtosis = 3.

I apologize if my comments constitute a hijack, or are off-topic. Please request a threat split if there is a problem.

Well, I think I recall something about normal distributions and a relationship to the Tanh function, particularly in that the Heaviside step function's Fourier Transform is a normal distribution?

This is based on a VERY fast look through literature.
. . .

The integral of tanh() has a "bell-curve" shape, vaguely similar to -- but distinct from -- the Gaussian bell-curve. Similarly, tanh() and the derivative of the Gaussian curve both are shaped like bounded activation functions, though again the exact shapes are different.

Other than that I have nothing
Jaryn I know next to nothing on number theory but I know something about step functions and transforms.

Se the post on the FFT thread, you can see the transform for yourself.
So, I did a bunch more experimentation last night, probably getting close to crazy-me levels of interest which might imply it's time to shelve it again until next spring.

Between last night and this morning I discovered the ability to find an integer equivalence.

\(d\left(x\right)\ =\left(\left(\prod_{x_{2}=-\frac{s}{2}}^{\frac{s}{2}}\tanh\left(k\left(x\right)-k\pi\left(2x_{2}-\frac{1}{2}\right)\right)\cdot\tanh\left(k\left(x\right)-k\pi\left(2x+\frac{1}{2}\right)\right)\right)\right)\)
this version is at least stable, apparently? Not entirely sure. Anyway,
\(d\left(\pi x\right)2^{\frac{1}{2^{2}}}=-\cos\left(\pi x\right)\)
for all integer x, at the infinite product, for k = 0.

Still, at different K, the convergence is different.
\(d\left(\pi x\right)=-\cos\left(\pi x\right)\)
for all integer x, at the infinite product, for k -> infinity

anyway, being able to step from any sort of infinite product here to some sort of sum, or even a "flat" functions that would be useful. It seems like there should be a "clean" function that doesn't use products that expresses this.

Sorry for shitting up your thread with my junk.
So, I did a bunch more experimentation last night, probably getting close to crazy-me levels of interest which might imply it's time to shelve it again until next spring.

Between last night and this morning I discovered the ability to find an integer equivalence.

\(d\left(x\right)\ =\left(\left(\prod_{x_{2}=-\frac{s}{2}}^{\frac{s}{2}}\tanh\left(k\left(x\right)-k\pi\left(2x_{2}-\frac{1}{2}\right)\right)\cdot\tanh\left(k\left(x\right)-k\pi\left(2x+\frac{1}{2}\right)\right)\right)\right)\)
this version is at least stable, apparently? Not entirely sure. Anyway,
\(d\left(\pi x\right)2^{\frac{1}{2^{2}}}=-\cos\left(\pi x\right)\)
for all integer x, at the infinite product, for k = 0.

Still, at different K, the convergence is different.
\(d\left(\pi x\right)=-\cos\left(\pi x\right)\)
for all integer x, at the infinite product, for k -> infinity

anyway, being able to step from any sort of infinite product here to some sort of sum, or even a "flat" functions that would be useful. It seems like there should be a "clean" function that doesn't use products that expresses this.

Sorry for shitting up your thread with my junk.
I would never discourage anyone's interest in math,

The math and science forums once lively have been dead for a while.

Post away.
So, I did a bunch more experimentation last night, probably getting close to crazy-me levels of interest which might imply it's time to shelve it again until next spring.

Between last night and this morning I discovered the ability to find an integer equivalence.

\(d\left(x\right)\ =\left(\left(\prod_{x_{2}=-\frac{s}{2}}^{\frac{s}{2}}\tanh\left(k\left(x\right)-k\pi\left(2x_{2}-\frac{1}{2}\right)\right)\cdot\tanh\left(k\left(x\right)-k\pi\left(2x+\frac{1}{2}\right)\right)\right)\right)\)
this version is at least stable, apparently? Not entirely sure. Anyway,
\(d\left(\pi x\right)2^{\frac{1}{2^{2}}}=-\cos\left(\pi x\right)\)
for all integer x, at the infinite product, for k = 0.

Still, at different K, the convergence is different.
\(d\left(\pi x\right)=-\cos\left(\pi x\right)\)
for all integer x, at the infinite product, for k -> infinity

anyway, being able to step from any sort of infinite product here to some sort of sum, or even a "flat" functions that would be useful. It seems like there should be a "clean" function that doesn't use products that expresses this.

Sorry for shitting up your thread with my junk.
I would never discourage anyone's interest in math,

The math and science forums once lively have been dead for a while.

Post away.
I don't suppose you have the time to try and find a more easily expressed identity here? I'm not even looking to prove any of the identities I find. Most are "intuitive" insofar as I just played around with sliders in Desmos.

I haven't even really nailed down what f(K) is in d(x)f(K) = -cos(pi*x) (x is integer).

If I can find the convergence for the more complicated stable tanh product, the tanh^2 product will follow since the squared stable product and the squared unstable product are identical.
So, I did a bunch more experimentation last night, probably getting close to crazy-me levels of interest which might imply it's time to shelve it again until next spring.

Between last night and this morning I discovered the ability to find an integer equivalence.

\(d\left(x\right)\ =\left(\left(\prod_{x_{2}=-\frac{s}{2}}^{\frac{s}{2}}\tanh\left(k\left(x\right)-k\pi\left(2x_{2}-\frac{1}{2}\right)\right)\cdot\tanh\left(k\left(x\right)-k\pi\left(2x+\frac{1}{2}\right)\right)\right)\right)\)
this version is at least stable, apparently? Not entirely sure. Anyway,
\(d\left(\pi x\right)2^{\frac{1}{2^{2}}}=-\cos\left(\pi x\right)\)
for all integer x, at the infinite product, for k = 0.

Still, at different K, the convergence is different.
\(d\left(\pi x\right)=-\cos\left(\pi x\right)\)
for all integer x, at the infinite product, for k -> infinity

anyway, being able to step from any sort of infinite product here to some sort of sum, or even a "flat" functions that would be useful. It seems like there should be a "clean" function that doesn't use products that expresses this.

Sorry for shitting up your thread with my junk.
I would never discourage anyone's interest in math,

The math and science forums once lively have been dead for a while.

Post away.
I don't suppose you have the time to try and find a more easily expressed identity here? I'm not even looking to prove any of the identities I find. Most are "intuitive" insofar as I just played around with sliders in Desmos.

I haven't even really nailed down what f(K) is in d(x)f(K) = -cos(pi*x) (x is integer).

If I can find the convergence for the more complicated stable tanh product, the tanh^2 product will follow since the squared stable product and the squared unstable product are identical.
For some reason though, I just haven't been able to really hang on to either linear algebra or calculus? Finding derivatives and integrals is just a blank in my head and I have never really grasped what I need to know to understand why derivatives and integrals.

I know the tangent line to a curve thing, it just likes to slip away often enough. Memorization comes so difficult for me! I fully intend to get tattoos with the logic next time I manage to learn it!

Any help here is appreciated, because I think I'm at the very edges of my understanding. If you would like me to discuss all of what I've been on with this, I can start a new thread and go through it from the very beginning of the idea. Ideally, I would like to have proofs for interesting stuff around the idea?

Anyway, it seems like a fun forum exercise, and something actually befitting free thinkers. Besides, maybe someone else CAN actually find this interesting.
Beyond straightforward textbook kinds of problems I always used numeral integration. and differentiation.

n = 1000
y = np.ndarray(shape=(n),dtype=np.double)
derv = np.ndarray(shape=(n),dtype=np.double)
integ = np.ndarray(shape=,dtype=np.double)
t = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,b)

dt = t[1]-t[0]
for i in range:y = np.sin(t)

for i in range(n-1):derv = (y[i+1]-y[)/dt # derivative of sin numerically

When plotting derv note the length of derv is n-1.

This might get you started.
Beyond straightforward textbook kinds of problems I always used numeral integration. and differentiation.

n = 1000
y = np.ndarray(shape=(n),dtype=np.double)
derv = np.ndarray(shape=(n),dtype=np.double)
integ = np.ndarray(shape=,dtype=np.double)
t = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,b)

dt = t[1]-t[0]
for i in range:y = np.sin(t)

for i in range(n-1):derv = (y[i+1]-y[)/dt # derivative of sin numerically

When plotting derv note the length of derv is n-1.

This might get you started.
I mean, the weirdest part is that I've tutored people through introductory calc, it's just that I never seem to have to find the slope function of an equation.

It's sad because I want to be able to express the slope function (a clock-like step function) of arcsin(sin(x)), because I want to eliminate a discontinuity that happens when correcting phase in polar coordinates, to guarantee I always get the right answer that won't correct into said discontinuities. It's not that I actually strictly need the step function, I just don't want to approximate it, you know? I want to find it from the terms of arcsin(sin(x))

I can't remember it entirely, and I don't know how to express a single iteration of it, but I did see a function pop out of that that did a trapezoidal wave! I'll have to see if I can find it again.
My math was limited to applied undergrad math like calculus, differential equations, complex variables, linear algebra, probabilities, and statistics. I needed enough depth to apply it.

Topics like prime numbers were background information.

I had a calculus teacher who said to get good at calculus you have to work problems, and he was right. I got into the habit of a yearly math and physics review. I got out texts and worked basic emblems to keep it fresh.

Derivatives apply to continuous functions. You can do piece wise differentiation over intervals.

For a step change as dx ->0 dy/dx-> infinity, a singularity. You can differentiate the function on either side of the discontinuity.

For example. A sine with a step, you differentiate the sine either side of the step. If you are puzzled on a problem code it, simulate it, and plot it. It is how I did it. Python is a good learning and problem solving tool.

Get a text and code problems.

#sine with step
n = 1000
ys = np.ndarray(shape=(n),dtype = np.double)
t = np.linspace(0,4*np.pi,n)  #radians

for i in range(n):
    ys[i] = 1*np.sin(t[i])
    if t[i] > np.pi/2: ys[i] = ys[i] + 1
Wikipedia has a big  List of probability distributions - the error function is essentially the cumulative normal distribution.

The error function is also related to the  Incomplete gamma function along with the chi-squared distribution. Some cumulative statistical distributions are related to the incomplete  Beta function like the F distribution of analysis of variance (ANOVA).
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